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MTR Admiralty

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Status Updates posted by MTR Admiralty

  1. Both maps are cluttered

  2. i laughed and wondered, what is this picture of osama doing on my profile. LOL

  3. lol, you saw the achmed video?

  4. ACHMED!!!!!!!!

    I love Achmed. No homo. lolol

  5. LMAO WUT.



  6. LOL portmanteau of douche and jerk. wow they're behind our vocabulary.




  8. I really don't want to pick sides in a conflict I don't know about. But I want is, no drama in the public. It's just air polluting. I'm glad the storm is gone.

  9. I tried handdrawing them, but I don't got the time. I'm going to open a new thread soon about suggestions, because I am planning to get one done using the computer. But I'm not going to update the map, seriously.

  10. hahaha... 我地點會影自己個樣呀? 除非我地係女人. 我多數會影我條女, d地鐵呀, d風景呀... 等等

    有一次俾我撞到n-trizzy (呢度d人). 我係世貿中心地鐵站果度巡. 咁我見到有一個楂住架相機既人, 我行埋去, 問佢. "你係咪個railfanner呀", 佢話"係呀!!!!!!!!!!!!", 咁我問, "你係咪響nyctf post呢?" 佢話"係呀"... 咁我問佢佢個handle係乜, 完來係n-trizzy. 幾random架. 後尾我地一齊遊車河, 咁岩俾我地撞到一部r160a型駛入個站.

  11. I'm not sure on this field of forum politics. Harry has his reasons

  12. I will note that when the case is definite

  13. Oh no, not tomorrow. I'll be translating the sheet into French and update the website

  14. I don't know who is "behind this" or whether or not "this is a conspiracy". But according to Harry, the main reason for her ban was because of her age and to reduce the risk of her meeting up with some of the members here. Some of the member assumed her threads got her banned, I don't know. That's just theory. Only Harry knows fully.

  15. It's alright. I'm fine with manual translations. The only problem is the actual uploading.

  16. As for the programmes... I uploaded them to two websites: Scribd.com and docstoc.com, the problem is, the characters happen to be "blown up". Like they got bigger, however, in the process, all the strokes were messed up. Some of the words were unintelligible. Do you know of another website that does uploads without these problems? Because I am sure, if people on the other side of the world could do it, why can't I?

  17. Traditional Chinese is actually more universal than Simplified Chinese, yes, more people use Simplified, but people in the Mainland could understand Traditional (but they can't write it). My target market is Hong Kong, because I do understand there is a growing railfan community in Hong Kong (based around the MTR, the systems in the Mainland etc...), by allowing them to understand the full logistics of the subway cars here in New York, they can make comparisons and gain knowledge. They may of course read the English version, however they would not be able to understand English technical terms such as "bogies" or "dynamic braking". I also do not understand Simplified Chinese much, therefore I am not willing to translate the document to that.

  18. Nah, I don't think that is the reason.

    I'm trying to get the Traditional Chinese version of the datasheet up online. But everytime I upload it, something happens to the characters.

  19. not much, just moping around I guess.

  20. ><超核凸. 好想嘔. 仲有d野零舍核凸呀... 好似有d男人, 擘開佢自己, 好似想俾其他人睇到佢既乜喇. 真係卑鄙無恥下流賤格. 人地都想坐喇, 係咪? :) 我真係好想叫呢d人.. "縮埋喇, 唔該!"

    我平時都搭d4號車返學... 但係d人搏晒命去霸個seat. 一有人起身, 十個人去爭位. 車廂又逼, 毋乜空位, 仲衰過荃灣線十幾廿倍. 所以我家陣搭d車返去, 起碼唔駛打交. 加上, 我條女又係每朝搭d車, 有時都會撞岩佢. 同埋, 訓覺都容易d喇!!!

  21. 今日又俾我殺一部r160. 我完先諗住搭架a車到14街, 後尾到西4街就俾我碰到9268. 今日真係發達啦!

    就職日快樂, 薯仔終於落台啦!

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