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  1. Not best to get worked up over a child throwing a tempertantrum.
  2. And let me add that it may be impossible to get that anymore since I think they updated all of them to "Mets - Willets Point"
  3. 2006. Nope. The train operator told me to go get a shot of the other signs before the conductor changed them
  4. Why are they taping over the vents on top of the 32s on the J?
  5. Wouldn't they need that air comfort switch? Then again, the air conditioners on those things aren't the jet engines they are on the 142 so people can actually still hear......
  6. Seeing all these photos just made me want to do this. it's being towed away red R30 subliminal advertising Custom number boards I see a RAT
  7. can't forget about the 68s going to staten island
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M--oTXp_L0 Move outta my damn way, cars
  9. Two buses fresh from the paint shop This was based off of this: and this: is my version of: Photo 1: http://bus.nycsubway.org/perl/show?2237 Photo 2: http://bus.nycsubway.org/perl/show?1251
  10. Because they're pieces of schiesse.
  11. Yep. That's what happened on the shuttle. I was in the front, the bottom was packed and those idiots thought the stairs were a force field, so I don't know why the prick was talking to ME like that. What I said in reply was enough, but I would have cursed the person out if they continued. Though I nearly got into a fight one day because of my words
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