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RTS CNG Command

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  1. The Unite the Right rally is a Neo-Nazi, KKK, white-supremacist rally to suppress everyone other than the racist, Christian-based cult-right. Heather Hayer and Harris are victims of terrorist attacks by this cult. These terrorists are at the same level as al-Qaida and ISIS. Anyone who claims this to be hyperbole is delusional.

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    2. NY1635


      The Neo Nazis and KKK aren't a threat to American society. They're still powerless and few in numbers. All this nonsense is nothing more than mass hysteria.

    3. Via Garibaldi 8

      Via Garibaldi 8

      @DaTransitMan: You're missing the point. There's nothing wrong with marching peacefully against Neo-Nazis, the KKK and the like. However, there were some people there that went solely to start a mess and it made the situation worse. That's my point. Just because I'm against something doesn't mean I get to show up to a march and start beating people up and destroying property. We have laws here. This happened here in NYC too, where people on the left went and started...

    4. Via Garibaldi 8

      Via Garibaldi 8

      ...attacking people that were simply exercising their right to protest. We ALL have rights to protest, even if we don't agree on everything. If you and I disagree on something, that doesn't give you the right to physically attack me and vice versa. That's a no-no and on that Trump is right. BOTH sides were wrong because they went there to stir the pot and you had a riot break out. PEACEFUL marching regardless of someone's point of view is totally fine. That's what mak...

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