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The Tram man

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Everything posted by The Tram man

  1. I forgot about the yard and cars. Does it have to be an existing yard? I would use R160s as the standard cars and R46s and R68s as backups. As i've never been to NY i don't know what stops there are, but my line would(for those who don't remember) be a fictional that connects all commercial airports in NYC, including Newark.
  2. Didn't think of that. I guess i can understand that gives them a rush, but honestly. They're ruining their city in a way. Just guessing now but, does anyone want to live in a city that's "ruined" like that?* I doubt even the people doing this want to. *I mean no disrespect to NYC.
  3. True. But, why would they risk their lives like they do(atleast here) when they could simply ask the MTA if they could get a car and turn it into a piece of art? I know it's unlikely that they'll ask becouse they don't want to seem "weak" but still. Deutsche Bahn gave a graffiti artist his own commuter coach, and he didn't even ask.
  4. Speaking of this, i was once told on a swedish train forum that I "shouldn't get upset becouse someone does something that hurts in my train nerd eyes". What was that guy thinking?
  5. I've gotta say, i don't understand what's so fun about graffiti. If you want to put your name on something that everyone will see, fine, but don't do this. Also, it's hard to belive this car was painted white: It looks almost like a faded redbird.
  6. Oh, i just noticed that. Sorry. But why weren't they in service until '55? Testing?
  7. Nice shots. I like the banner in the first one. lol I guess that golden car didn't last long, did it?
  8. This picture got me thinking: In what movie is it that a hole subway car full of cops gets blown up in the tunnels?
  9. Thats exactly the reason to why i asked, 2 or 3 posts back, what school cars were.
  10. Oh, so they're only like classrooms! I thought they learnt how to drive those types of cars in them.
  11. About that, i never understood the point of the school cars. What are they used for, as i assume they are most(if not all), are car types that have been retired?
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