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You Can Help Name Two Baby Zebras

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The Phoenix Zoo would like your help in naming two adorable female baby Grevy's Zebra born last month at the zoo.


This link will take you to their page where there is a photo of each baby zebra and the five sets of name choices provided by the zebra keepers from which you can vote for your favorite.




Fun Zebra Fact: Grevy's zebra are the most endangered of the three zebra species.

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how about yin & yang?

(pertaining to the colors of a zebra)



nah... jokes aside....


I thought when you said "grevy's" zebra, you were talking about the owner(s) of those zebras... didn't know that was an actual specie/type of zebra.... news to me... shows how much I know about animals, even though I watch animal planet & NatGeo almost on a daily basis...

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