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Audio Recordings Needed!

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As many of you may know, I am a developer for New York City BVE content over at BVEStation.

Right now, I am working on the following projects:





-R160 Alstom & Siemens


I also may plan on working on these projects in the later future:

-R1 Sound Pack



I would like to ask if anyone has recordings that are suitable for use in BVE (no h-vac and no people talking), please send them over for me to use in my projects as they are very hard for me to get (the MTA has a nice habit of keeping the a/c's on full blast in the middle of december). I would prefer if they were recordings of trains in the list above, but I'll take anything as long as there is no h-vac (completely silent or at least mostly quiet background) and no one talking during the recording.


Examples of what would be perfect:




Any questions please feel free to ask, thank you for your help!

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(the MTA has a nice habit of keeping the a/c's on full blast in the middle of december).



Im going to get a new camera soon and am planning to do some sound recordings. btw I really need to ask someone said theres an update to the sounds on ur beta (R)(1)<4>(2)(A)?:P


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that recording is great for the R142A motor sound (what ive been trying to get for a while now lol) thanks for that!


as for the 142A its almost done; expect it to be the next project out from me. i'll actually try to have it out by january or february.

i've been asked to do an R143 as well I might do that since the sounds are the same as the 142A

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