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Fictional Trainz route: Fairgrounds Railway

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Good work so far Kamen Rider! I created some track and yard maps for a fictional city called Kew Gardens for trainz sometime back. The original project idea came from a fictional city map I drew and then lost. Once I found it again, I decided to make a light rail/subway system. But, then I re-drew the map, and re-designed the system, so I haven't gotten around to the maps yet. I like hand-drawing my stuff (more flexibility), and then scanning them into the computer. Perhaps I will do that in a few days. I won't bump your thread and take it over, I'll start a new one. But, I like the complexity of the track layouts you provided, as well as some of the "historical" notes which are cool and add to realism.


Btw, are you have trouble getting snapshots in driver or surveyor?


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