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MTA Cop Caught On Video Shoving Man Decides To Sue MTA


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Cops have been known to get a little camera shy, to the point of camera aggression even in the most benign contexts. The surprising thing is when they actually get in trouble for it—and that's what happened to former MTA cop Michael Matrisciano. Although in his case, his offense looked more like a sad vaudeville routine (see video below) than a nasty beatdown.


Of course, Matrisciano, 33, wasn't fired for that offense alone—he was slapped with a 42-day suspension due to that video plus another YouTube clip which he allegedly uploaded showing a different uniformed MTA cop "rubbing his crotch area" (that video has since been removed). The News says Matrisciano struck a deal to remain employed, but was told that if there was one more "serious violation" he'd be fired.


And after he was found guilty last year of committing auto insurance fraud by falsely claiming he had taken a defensive-driving class, he claims he was given the boot (though the MTA says he is currently suspended without pay, Martrisciano's lawsuit alleges he's already been fired). For his part, Matrisciano says he wasn't given a chance to fight the allegations, and also, other cops are sooooooo much worse, it's so unfair you guys: "[The MTA defendants] were eager to force the plaintiff's termination while ignoring far more egregious acts by other officers including arrests for insurance fraud [and] domestic violence," his suit contends.


Matrisciano could learn a lot about what it takes to be a cop from some of his more stoic fellow officers.


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Addendum: The embedded video appears to be removed from this post, it can be located in the link.

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These are the reason why so many good rep cops get so much hate..because of these power hungry cops around NY.

Exactly what I was thinking earlier this morning. Many good veteran cops are selective in who they apprehend, not making a big deal of the minor stuff. I have some stories that confirm that. Sucks all around that some delinquent officers do make it look bad for the officers who actually care about the public who they protect and who are genuinely not prejudiced but instead reaching out to the neighborhood residents in acts of kindness, even in the so called ghettos contrary to popular belief. I've seen it.

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