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Supervisor Could Face Demotion In Track Worker Death


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Supervisor Could Face Demotion In Track Worker Death

August 22, 2007



[float=right]246224.jpg[/float]An MTA supervisor whose negligence was blamed for the death of a fellow worker could get demoted.


A report on the death of track worker Marvin Franklin pointed much of the blame at supervisor Lloyd London. Franklin was killed in April when he was hit by a train at the Hoyt Schemerhorn Station.


The report found London abandoned his post when he was supposed to be watching for trains.


Sources tell NY1 that London has been given the choice of being demoted to a track worker or being fired and has until Monday to decide.

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Even tho it was bad what happened but the guy probably has a family to feed so a demotion would be proper punishment.


I agree, he should be demoted, but not to a track worker. Why put him in the same position of the track worker that was killed. He should have been put to desk duty or something of that sort.

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