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Posts posted by TheSubwayStation

  1. Still not sure how to open the 7z files though.


    To open them on a mac, you'll have to download a 7z decompressor application online. Then, when you download a 7z file, it'll automatically decompress and open into a folder. I got that to work just fine; my problem is still just where to put the resulting folders and/or their contents...
  2. If you unzip the archive, there will be subfolders called Object, Route, and Sound. The contents of the Object folder go into *\Openbve\Railway\Object. The contents of the Route folder go into *\Openbve\Railway\Route. The contents of the Sound folder go into *\Openbve\Railway\Sound.


    Thanks, but when I go to LegacyContent\Railway, I only see one folder called "Route", and none called "Object" and "Sound". In that case, where should I put the contents of the "Object" and "Sound" folders from the route that I downloaded? Do I have to create folders?
  3. That 3:30PM out of Flatbush is almost NEVER an express run in the Bronx. By the time it gets to 3 Av, there are still LITE trains coming down the middle track, which deadhead to the Bowling Green loop and get used as gap trains for the PM rush. They don't start running the express trains until the last southbound train has cleared the middle track, so it's really more like the 3:55PM out of Flatbush.


    Also note that those N/B trains that terminate at E180 at the end of the AM rush sometimes make an express run from 3 Av-E180 if there's a 2 right behind it. And those last Brooklyn S/Bs can terminate at either Utica or New Lots depending on where they want to lay it up and if they will make a connection to a 3 at Utica. Crews are instructed to sign up the trains as going to Utica unless/until we are told otherwise, even though the countdown clocks all announce New Lots, which often leads to disputes with the customers when we actually try to clean out the trains.


    You didn't touch on the whole Nereid-bound 5 train issue. Those trains will fill in whatever White Plains Rd service is needed at the time. If it makes a connection with a 2 at E180, the 5 will most likely get sent up the middle to Gun Hill Rd and either terminate, or cross over to the local after Gun Hill and make the rest of the stops to 238. And if there's no 2 in sight, it will make all local stops to 241 and get sent back south as a 2 (241 finally caught on to Flatbush's tricks!)

    I was just basing my information off of the schedule, so I didn't know about stuff like this.
  4. I made this to show how easy ti is on MTA's part to create a F to lefferts program.



    Wow! That sounds really good! Unfortunately, the way this community works, if someone (before the MTA announced this G.O) suggested sending the (F) to Lefferts, everybody would call that person such a big foamer...I hate how so many people try to make themselves feel better about themselves by putting down others.
  5. Here's a random thought: the (5) train has one of the most complicated and interesting schedules in my opinion. On the off chance that anyone's curious, I'll explain basically what happens in pretty simple terms:


    Weekday northbound (5) trains:


    12:00 Midnight - 5:40 AM: shuttle between E 180 St and Dyre Av (note that a few shuttles continue to run until 6:40 AM)


    5:50 AM - 3:22 PM: between Flatbush Av and Dyre Av, Bronx Local, with some trains originating at New Lots Av, Utica Av, and Bowling green; a few trains short-turn at E 180 St


    3:30 PM - 4:06 PM: between Flatbush Av and Dyre Av, Bronx Express


    4:10 PM - 5:52 PM: between Flatbush Av and Dyre Av or Nereid Av-238 St, Bronx Express. During this time, a total of seven trains originate at Utica Av and a few at Bowling Green.


    5:58 PM - 6:49 PM: between Flatbush Av and Dyre Av, Bronx Express


    6:57 PM - 8:28 PM: between Flatbush Av and Dyre Av, Bronx Local


    9:04 PM - 11:08 PM: between Bowling Green and Dyre Av, Bronx Local


    Weekday southbound (5) trains:


    10:13 PM - 4:59 AM: shuttle between Dyre Av and E 180 St


    5:10 AM: - 5:52 AM: between Dyre Av and Flatbush Av, Bronx Local, one train at 5:13 originates at E 180 St


    6:03 AM - 6:16 AM: between Dyre Av and Flatbush Av, Bronx Express


    6:21 AM - 8:16 AM: between Dyre Av or Nereid Av-238 St and Flatbush Av, Bronx Express, with some trains terminating at Utica Av or Bowling Green. Interestingly, there is one train that originates at 125 St.


    8:22 AM - 8:53 AM: between Dyre Av and Flatbush Av, Bronx Express, with one train terminating at Bowling Green


    8:58 AM - 2:50 PM: between Dyre Av and Flatbush Av, Bronx Local


    2:54 PM - 7:42 PM: between Dyre Av and Flatbush Av, Bronx Local, with some trains terminating at Utica Av and Bowing Green; some trains originate at E 180 St. Note that the last four of these trains terminate at New Lots Av.


    7:53 PM - 10:02 PM: between Dyre Av and Bowling Green, Bronx Local


    *Times are based on when the train leaves its terminal*

  6. Joel, are you sure that you weren't referring to a different member? I just went through the effort of searching through all of the posts that ttcsubwayfan has made (on his profile) and none of them contained the word "Bombardier".


    I meant to say the posts that he "liked" not the posts that he made. Whoops.
  7. Jesus what the hell is it with you people and reading carefully.


    Ok, I did say it was a bullet. But are you serious? How do they show the <5> and <6> on the R142? Question answered. God DAMN.


    Calm down, Mr. "This community is going to hell because everybody fights with each other." :lol:
  8. Don't get bent out of shape w/Joel... that's what he does....


    (and then he's going to say "my sides are in orbit")


    No, he's going to say, "Someone's feeling butthurt from being called a foamer"...Translation: I just insulted you.




    Joel, are you sure that you weren't referring to a different member? I just went through the effort of searching through all of the posts that ttcsubwayfan has made (on his profile) and none of them contained the word "Bombardier".

  9. Two Timers,

    what is the speed limit on the Manhattan Bridge. I noticed that the Broadway side seem going faster then 6 Ave side. I was walking along the Broadway side and it zoom thru the bridge while i was hearing the 6 Ave crawling. What up with these speed?

    I remember when TwoTimer already explained this:


    Manhattan bridge (span itself)


    s/b Bway - varies, there's a couple that clears wrapped (and since its 160's they're around 30 at that point), there's a slow one midspan that only lets u through at 18-20, the rest clear as posted.

    s/b 6Av - they all clear at 22-23.

    n/b Bway - varies, there's a slow one on the downgrade that clears only at 18, the rest clear as posted.

    n/b 6Av - clear as posted or a mile or two below.

    That was from the official speed thread.
  10. I wouldn't say he was upset (and especially not me--more like confused), but when I tackled it, I had to make sure you meant "East of Franklin" because otherwise to the untrained eye (or myself, tourist) "New Lots would also include Eastern Parkway." Which would muck everything up.

    I understand now. It's just that I felt like Gorgor had a history of getting upset over little things such as this, which made me feel like he was upset. BTW, it was ttcsubwayfan who posted the scenario, not me.


    I'll assume that you mean the (3)(4) after Franklin


    Gee, dude, as usual there's no need to get upset about something as little as this...The "IRT New Lots Line" is actually the real name for the line which you correctly guessed. There's even a Wikipedia article on it:



    I'm just saying...You get upset too easily over little issues like people not phrasing things in ways that you understand.

  12. NEXT: It's 3AM and no trains can leave Westchester yard. How do you provide Lex with frequent local service during rush causing minimal delays


    Select (4) and (5) trains run local, with some trains short-turning at 149 St-Grand Concourse and Bowling Green.


    I could see (maybe) running (2), (4) or (5) trains to Pelham Bay Park, possibly signed as (6) trains, but I don't want to get too foamy.

  13. I hope the R62As do not return to the (6). The weekday afternoon <6> has my favorite NTT announcement ("This is a Pelham Bay Park-bound 6 train making express stops in the Bronx") I doubt the <7> will have a similar announcement when it uses the R188s since it has such a short route. (6) riders will not be pleased to see old cars on their service as it will greatly downgrade it (just like how the (E) suffered the biggest downgrade in history when it switched from R32s to R42s or when the B and N switched from R68/68As to R40s). Why else was the (6) the first train to get the R142As? It is because Pelham riders wanted them and I remember how happy everyone was when the R142s debuted on that train 12 years ago. I am going to laugh if ridership on the (6) drops or Pelham residents write petitions demanding the NTTs go back on their train (I remember seeing a couple of petitions from C riders demanding that the MTA give it new cars, but they all been deleted because that cannot be done as riders on the services that the R160s run on all love them).


    The R62s should return to the (4) because it had always used those cars and was the last train to be 100% NTTs, so I am sure Jerome Avenue riders will not mind riding a car type that they rode on all the time years ago. In fact, the (7)'s R62As should go on the (3) (making it nine cars like it was before the R142/142As arrived), send its R62s and any spare R62As to the (4), and put the R142/142As from Jerome Avenue to the (6). Another good idea is to send all Corona R62As to the (5) instead so that it would be easier to distinguish it from the (2) and (4). It is funny how people run up or down the stairs thinking their train is in the statin when it really is not (i.e. they need to the (2) or (4) when a (5) shows up or vice-versa) and it is stupid for the (2) and (5) to share cars because of the strip maps. Riders get annoyed when they are need to look at a strip map and the one on the train is that of the route it is running on. Pelham riders would not care if the (6) is 100% R142s or 100% R142As as long as they have new cars.


    This post is full of bias and foam. It's typical of railfans who want a particular car to go on a particular line to pretend that they know everything about what riders want, only for the sake of justifying their foamy dreams (to hear NTT announcements on the (6) in this case). As millions of people have said millions of times, the (2) and (5) need NTTs so they can switch routes at Flatbush without manually changing the signs. What do you know about why the (6) got R142As first? How did you hear that there was pressure from riders? You're completely overestimating (and pretending that you know everything about) the power of politics in car assignments.
  14. things Never change with you guys, it doesn't get though those thick skills, all i hear is Pure Trash, all you guys going off topic junjun or whatever your name is , you need to get off the keyboard and think for a few hours because you are the only one who doesn't get it, NYCT division of Car Equipment decides what goes on not Me you or the rest of us, things change in a blink of an eye so sit back relax and just chill out we got another year to see whats gonna happen so just relax



    Okay R32 3838, Q23 Central Terminal, Grand Concourse, and ttsubwayfan, if my posts (including TheSubwayStation's and junjun798's) were off, I'm sorry....There.....


    You have no reason to apologize for the discussion about where the R62As are going. I don't consider it off-topic, as the R62As are directly linked to the R188s, and additionally there's no specific thread for it besides this (none is needed IMO because it would just encourage MORE speculation). If you want to apologize for the flame war yesterday, that's a different story, but it's not needed for this. R32 3838, a.k.a. "Mr. I Can Predict Everything" has no right to tell people when to stop speculating...Junjun's claim that he knows exactly what's going to happen with car assignments is R32 3838's usual mantra...
  15. 25 would be too slow, especially going uphill. I understand the curves, but trains usually go faster through the curves bypassing Astor Place N/B. Random question: does the Bleecker transfer/construction have anything to do with the slowdown (assuming no new timers)?


    Firstly, the maximum allowable speed for a curve isn't affected by uphill or downhill grades. I'm pretty sure that the tracks are tilted through the curves at Astor Place, which allows trains to go faster. Secondly, the area that I'm referring to is between Brooklyn Bridge and Canal St northbound, so it wouldn't have anything to do with Bleecker St.
  16. I noticed this on some rides myself; don't know about timers but methinks it wouldn't make much sense - the stretch in question is upgrade...


    There is a curve, though, and before the (supposed) timers were installed, I've been on a (4) train that almost slammed me onto the wall through it...There should be maybe a GT 25 there IMO, but it feels like trains have been going significantly slower than that.
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