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Everything posted by Turbo19

  1. Damn it. So much for seasonal jobs taking you somewhere.
  2. He's just waiting for the Atlantic to freeze over so he can pull out his skates and axel out to Howard Beach.
  3. What the hell are you smoking? Pass it on over.
  4. The subsequent is a personal excerpt conveying raging vexation derivative from discourse amidst myself and a few other coequals within this online community. I fail to comprehend and decipher the rationale for establishing a disposition of intolerance when in relation to a dialogue that is otherwise rid of dissension. Especially when the individuals contributing to the discourse are quite paradoxical in their demeanor, thus contradicting the majority of if not all statements made. The basis in itself is inexplicable to state the least. Such is the provincialism of the ignorant generating incongruous notions.
  5. Damn, I'd expect the preservation to be considered a higher priority, but I suppose other various factors came into play.
  6. In addition it may alleviate the constant bitching Queens is looked upon as last.
  7. They'll leave it how it is, and has been for the last decade or so.
  8. I sincerely hope you are trolling on the last part.
  9. That I can not confirm, but it's safe to assume that it's in regard to fleet in some form. Perhaps someones else will have immediate details at your disposal.
  10. I get what you're saying, it'd be killer if they brought back the old scheme with the black as well. That is true.
  11. Los Angeles has been using them as of late and while they're alright I do prefer the standard Alcoas.
  12. Eat out and then eat it out, know what I'm saying?
  13. How could we forget Darius? Well at the very least these psychos are in the minority, or so it seems.
  14. Clearly the less demanding & , however I doubt that many would choose to remain at Flatbush.
  15. For whatever reason the map looks quite theft prone.
  16. Correction, never are charges pressed against reckless drivers who cause harm and/or injury to pedestrians. That is the main issue in my opinion.
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