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Everything posted by Jericho

  1. I don't recall what it said on the form, but it wouldn't hurt to put it down that it was resolved. In the end, what Transit cares about is that you don't have outstanding summons you have to pay back. For y'all reading this, if you are coming in and have outstanding tickets, pay them off ASAP. Usually they'll double check and if there is something wrong, they'll get back to you about it.
  2. I've read someone coming in for the 7/26 conductor class also having problems requesting her pair of shoes so it may not have been updated yet. Just keep trying. In the end, Schoolcar can't fault you when it's on the HR side.
  3. The ongoing A and the upcoming B division pick is starting later this month with the presumption that the YX program is still in place. Plus, I'm not sure Transit is willing to cut the YX program as a probie can claim they wouldn't have had an incident if the program was still in place. Transit is short on people to work all jobs. It'll still help to have people switching and doing yard moves. On the other hand, when you finish road posting and the road practical, chances are you'll be on the road most of the time. So you may forget what you did YXing anyway. You really learn to operate a train after school car finishes when you do all the trips and stops without your trainer butting in.
  4. Plan your commute so you are not late. You will be doing this for the rest of your time in Transit.
  5. If you're going to do this, you'll want the results to come in as soon as possible, so you can go back as soon as possible to get cleared and sworn in. I'm not going to recommend the doctor I went to, but back when I was getting hired I was worried I would be sidelined by having sleep apnea as well. I did a sleep study and I had decided to write in the form the MTA give you that I had done one. However, the MAC doctor told me my neck was fine and he would've greenlit me if it wasn't for that test and that we had to now wait for the results to come in. Thankfully, I got the results a week later and ran back to 180 Livingston as soon as I could and got in the last class for the year (Aug 2019). Also, I am pretty sure there was someone here earlier in this thread who said he was found to have sleep apnea and had to use a CPAP machine for a month or so before they decided he was fine and sworn him in. By the way just in case, for some reason I thought the later I was sworn in the later I would be on the seniority list. They keep you in place base on your list number. So even if someone behind you gets sworn in first, you're still senior to them in the same class. If you get in the class after, you should be among the top.
  6. You're fine. If anything, the MTA will frown on you for not including why you were terminated.
  7. Yea, that's true and? I've said in the post you quoted that I can bring it to 35 if I wanted to into CTL, so clearly I understood that. But if I am getting more speed running between the two stations then I'm not really going to complain losing the ability to go 45+ into CTL. Especially if it means climbing that hill to 67th Ave and going down to 32-34 MPH.
  8. I am aware of the conga line that is the Lexington Express, but how it has to do with what has changed with the L, 7, and now the QBL is rather irrelevant. Plus, the way you talk about it, it doesn't sound like you're CBTC qualified. On the Lima, not operating in automatic is frowned upon because the trains behind you can catch up as you're operating slower manually than the computer. RCC will ask why you're not operating automatically. On the QBL, there are certainly train operators who don't trust the new system and operate slower than allowed. I've at least operated on the L before to understand the annoying things it does and its limitations. However for many QBL train operators it's their first time and it takes time to get used to it. I myself operate as if we still had the old signals in place, because I get to the terminals even more faster than before when I do wrap it up in CBTC. In the end when they put it together properly, the running time for the QBL lines will be cut whether we like it or not.
  9. Safe to ride? Yes, if any errors occur, the train's brakes will go into emergency. If you mean safe from delays, it seems to be getting better, but like any other line, you never know. I've been scratching my head trying to understand what you're saying here. But CBTC itself is a rebuild of the signal system. Specifically it removes a lot of signals including timers. Home and their approach signals remain in place with automatics sprinkled here and there. This can be seen between Roosevelt and Queens Plaza on the express and the 53rd St Tube, and of course the Lima and 7 line.
  10. You must operate during rush hour. There's parts where you can go up to 47-48 and I've entered CTL on 4 at 30-35. It's all about threading the red line. Edit: The best change I definitely like is going up the hill on 4 from Woodhaven to 67th Ave at 48 and only slowing down to 42 at the top as oppose to maybe 32 in bypass.
  11. It makes perfect sense as the grievance would be denied. Plenty of jobs already have had their time cut including the L. Queens CBTC lines will be no different.
  12. Yes, I meant the punch box. We are required to punch at Roosevelt for Queensboro to know who we are and so we can fly past 36 St. It stopped working last week and as of Sunday, the punch box at 36 St/Queens Plaza still remained dark and we were told to give call letters to Queensboro to identify ourselves. If they fixed it since Sunday, that's great. It was annoying slowing down. Keep in mind, when we punch at 75th and Roosevelt, that's for Continental and Queensboro to know who we are. So unless RCC has now taken control away from the towers, it's not automatic yet.
  13. So far it looks like they have been covered up and their stop arms removed. Towers still control the interlockings manually. Even then, something happened to the route request function between Roosevelt and 36 St/Queens Plaza as they cannot identify trains. Train operators have been told to give call letters to Queensboro.
  14. It should be Ms. Vargas at (347) 643-8218. I'm not sure if procedures changed due to Covid, but you should have been given your medical results from your doctor and bring it to 180 Livingston. If they're hiring people now for the August class, I would try to go back asap.
  15. I did an extra trip this morning. One of the dispatchers said there were 80+ open train operator jobs in the B division for the day.
  16. If I were you, I would defer. At the very least if being a train operator turns out to not be your cup of tea either, then at least you have something to fall back on. Also, if you were to have incidents that would normally terminate your title as T/O, you can have a better chance to fight to be returned to your track worker title. Edit: I had a classmate who was a bus operator that failed schoolcar, because he couldn't juggle family life and studying. He was not allowed to return to buses, because he was on probation at the time.
  17. Well, it's gotta be passive. No bluetooth/active noise cancellation features.
  18. Congratulations to all those coming in. I do want to recommend getting earmuffs to protect your hearing. A bulletin came out earlier this year about hearing conservation so see if schoolcar will issue you one otherwise don't hesitate to get one on your own. I do not recommend wearing ear plugs as they do not dampen sound well enough to matter. Particularly, the R46 and 68's brake release and emergency brakes are pretty damn loud and can definitely affect your hearing negatively.
  19. Decent amount in the A and B, but even then it also comes down to how many schoolcar instructors are available. Due to the pandemic, they cut several TSS' from schoolcar and they went on the road. Now that they're hiring again, there's not enough TSS' to cover classes (and with 5 students per class at that) as many who were forced out find that they prefer to be on the road.
  20. The book should really be used for the line-ups only and even then consult your route guide to double check. Definitions you will get from your schoolcar TSS or the books they give you. This book is "unofficial", but it's fantastic way to visualize the system and where the trains go.
  21. In practice, no. It's suppose to be composite toe, but the Saf-Gard website offers steel toe boots so... By the way, when you join up, you're allocated a free pair through Saf-Gard. At least if you order from there you don't have to worry about filling out an alternative footwear form. Any that can be carried without the straps dangling (and thus touching third rail). A lot of people are told about the KAKA bags though I got rid of mine because it started to fall apart. A duffel bag definitely works. I ended up buying this.
  22. Curious to know from those who are in the February class what your pay is? DCAS is showing $37.05/hour which is what I'm making right now on the road...
  23. Cheers, hope no one had a hard time reading the iron. Though probably more appropriate now to include in the School Car thread.
  24. Worry about schoolcar first. 😹While you're XX, you will be all over the place. Sooner or later, you'll figure out where each line goes and what line-ups you need. You'll be fine. Edit: If anything, you'll likely be better off than the senior guys who've stayed in the same job for the past decade or so. ________ Disclaimer: This is NOT NYCT approved and may have a few mistakes I've yet to find (I certainly can't say anything for the A division), but this track book by a buff helped me to visualize the switches and signals in the system.
  25. Keep in mind the last big class was mine with 60+ students back in August 2019 and my list number was 11**. I believe the first class called in was July of 2018. So that was just one year to sift through a thousand people and this was before the pandemic.
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