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Everything posted by Deucey

  1. If they were seated, they would’ve had time to brace themselves on the seat backs. And the seats are positioned so close together that one could be wedged in place by knees touching the seat backs. Dunno how school buses are out here, but in Cali all but the oldest buses had these high seat backs (I’m 6’1, and these seat backs were the same height as my armpits) instead of seatbelts since if there was a collision or fall, the seat back would stop forward motion. I think the same principle applies in how metro buses do seat layout.
  2. Assuming that after taking a header onto the freeway and a broken jaw, he could’ve actually been in shock and possibly concussed - even though he aided passengers in exiting the vehicle. And most likely when he was transported to hospital they did blood draws there - which are more accurate than field sobriety tests.
  3. IIRC, BusTime is contracted out, so it’s not a “foreign” concept. Granted building an app is small expenditure compared to others, but if got rid of the bus stop paper scheduled to save something like $500k/year, why not ax MyMTA to save when TPAs do everything MyMTA does and aims to do and arguably does them better?
  4. Term limits are democracy on autopilot. The better thing is what Stacey Abrams did in Georgia and activists did in Arizona, PA, WI, NC and NV - get people who can vote registered and get them to show up at the polls. Unfortunately for your theory, a successful Biden-Harris Administration means in 2028 Kamala Harris is the nominee. If Cuomo wants another job, he’ll likely get Schumer to retire and run for his seat.
  5. So if you read the transit trades, you may have noticed several large agencies in the US have made it their official app - LA’s Metro, MBTA, Baltimore/MTA, St Louis, KC. Transit uses ‘s API for Real-Time and scheduled services, but the aforementioned agencies are using it for fares as well - including LA using it with their TAP system (like we use phones with OMNY). Yet we have MyMTA. Any ideas why in the midst of this COVID and ongoing budget situation is still developing MyMTA instead of contracting with a third party like Transit?
  6. Let’s just say that I had interesting times in my non-ABS 93 Camry with the front discs and rear drums, and the “man if ABS didn’t suck” experience with the red light ticket in my 06 Sonata.
  7. I’ve been looking at the area on Street View and the only thing I can figure is a turn too fast and wide or brake failure. Do XD60s come with ABS?
  8. Either a crane to put it back on the bridge, or they’ll put a support on the front half, cut the articulation part, and tow the halves separately.
  9. If the Republicans didn’t make the Dems short my COVID money...
  10. Yet the link wasn’t so hard for you this morning - after your brother’s “let me speak” posts weren’t approved by us... @SevenEleven, might wanna figure out how to ban via mobile. @B35 via Church you were right.
  11. So the “forgot my password” link was too difficult for you?
  12. So let me ask you something... @lormier st is your “brother” and by your own words, a troll account. You registered here in Sept 2020, make a post only about the subway car models you own, then go silent until now when “your brother” went silent because we mods put him on post approval. And your first post - detailing the unplanned service change on the 4th Av Line - after months of silence, comes right after “your brother” posted “Deucey let me talk” - which we still haven’t approved so it remains hidden. Here’s the question: why should we assume that you’re not lying about “your brother” and that you (or, you and he) aren’t here tag team trolling?
  13. That’s why I cited it - it’s probably the best example of how to get up to speed on how it works here.
  14. Trying to give a new poster a chance to abandon Reddit and Twitter “Forever Alone” tendencies and become a contributing member before the banhammer gets swung.
  15. The custom here is everyone with a random thought or proposal/idea has a rationale behind it and either explains it in the post or when questioned on it. The problem is that you didn’t do that here. The solution I, @Cait Sith, and everyone else on the mod and admin team are telling you is to explain the rationale behind your ideas and random thoughts. Yours is a very simple problem to solve.
  16. Why would you propose an idea if you don’t have an answer for ‘why it’s an idea you had’? If you look at all the proposals and random thoughts posts of “ideas”, there’s always some motivation beyond “I was sitting on the toilet and it popped in my head” - that’s what’s being sought here. If you need an in-depth example of this, look for @LaGuardia Link N Tra’s RBB reactivation post in the Subway forum.
  17. @lormier st, here’s a general way to know if a service change is planned or unplanned: If it’s on the Planned Service Changes website, then it’s not an unplanned service change. If it’s in the Service Status widget on .info, or tweeted from Subway Twitter or Bus Twitter, it’s an unplanned service change.
  18. Or the bonuses end up being equal to one or two paychecks after taxes. But stock options out west tend to be much better than out east.
  19. It always depends, doesn’t it? How many of us white collar folks take the low because another white collar person is useless AF but won’t get escorted out the door - so we’re forced to innovate around? Then having been union in the past, how many white collar folks got in my way of moving up from the CBA to salary because I out-innovated them as I collected overtime doing the menial task? Free riders and cronyism, man. (As a character moment, I just left an unfunded startup today because I was gonna be one of those white collar folks instead of the innovator I normally am bc I just didn’t want the startup struggle anymore unless it was one I founded. Would that there were more like me and you in the business world, but nope - self-interest takes precedence over integrity.)
  20. If there are unplanned services changes because of signal malfunctions, or City infrastructure failure (like water main breaks), FDNY or NYPD activity, or medical emergency, post them here: If there’s something major like a derailment, then post a new thread (with a link to the relevant news article).
  21. To be fair, I once got my foot wedged between the platform and the last car at Wall Street when a throng knocked me over during rush hour. Statement doesn't apply really to my situation, but it's kinda necessary.
  22. I wish BusTime and the apps showed the coach number or the control ID number of the next bus scheduled - at least at terminals. False hope hurts feelings when it’s hot, cold, or you’re late.
  23. It's called an Idaho Stop or something like that. But very few bike riders actually do it correctly, or for situations where pedestrians are in the intersection or crossing a right-of-way. Of all the examples we can think of, the one that truly sticks out to me is this woman riding the wrong way on Met Av at Union Av in W'burg, got broadsided by a box truck that had the green light on Union, and she berated the driver before getting back on her bike and continuing. That made me "anti-cyclist" over every other incident where I almost got run over by one because the entitlement of this woman is emblematic of much of the city bike lobby - that they don't have to follow rules of the road and they're never at fault in incidents. That can never be codified into law or implemented into citation-writing.
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