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Everything posted by Deucey

  1. That bothers me on levels since and both have to cross drawbridges. Seems less an operational concern and more an excuse found to not create the connection. It'd make more sense if it incorporated the reality of NYC wanting to remove the bridge.
  2. Adding to this, I’ve mostly removed posts that quoted details of the R211 features in the unauthorized pictures. If you see any that I’ve missed, please report that post.
  3. As the pics (you took) constitute a “leak”, I’ve removed them. hasn’t issued any authorizations for release of R211 interiors to the public, so that made them inappropriate for posting here. Additionally, if you haven’t noticed from the January 6 Assault on the US Capitol, all arrested so far shared images, video, and confessions written or audio confirming they were inside. Telling us you took unauthorized photos and that you were “playing around” with the equipment wasn’t/isn’t a good idea. Don’t post unauthorized company work product - it can keep you from losing your job, having some charges made against you, and keeps NYCTF from enduring negative actions from and related entities.
  4. Keep it from needing Broadway Junction-style high bridges at WPR and at Pelham Bay Park, and minimizes eminent domain at the end if it’s going to Co-Op city or Bay Plaza.
  5. I wanna believe that it’s less she’s not imaginative and more that NYC kills imaginations.
  6. The only way for it to work really would be a viaduct in the center of the street - similar to how Miami’s subway runs on US-1 to Coral Gables, Honolulu’s train, or AirTrain on the Van Wyck. But to do it right, parking on Fordham would have to be eliminated to create a median for the pylons in order to keep daylight on the sidewalks. And to minimize eminent domain, it’d alienate part of Devoe Park to avoid curving towards Cedar Av. I’d tunnel it west of Third Av/Webster, elevate it at Fordham University, have it elevated in the median by Bathgate, run level between Cambreleng and Southern, and elevated median until the transition to Pelham Pkwy - then I’d run it in a ditch like MNRR in the Bronx on Park Av.
  7. You’d have to tunnel under Devoe Park, and then create an exit portal in Fordham Playground (all the trees on the SB side of Sedgwick) to make an El across the River and through the yard. Then there’d be a choice - El along 211th St to Isham/Broadway to connect to 207th St , or create another tunnel entry in the yard and then connect it to tracks to make a thru-service from 8th Av lines to Fordham Line, or a 14th St situation where the Fordham Line ends right under 207th St Station. That avoids the curve between Cedar and Sedgwick, but eliminates a transfer to MNRR at University Heights. ==== The curve between Morris Av and Grand Concourse is bad because of the GC underpass, but the one between Marion Av and Webster is worse IMO because of the traffic and hill grade there being ~3-5%. With both, you’re looking at a deep tunnel a la Hudson Yards with only elevator access to get to the Fordham line from the surface and . And the curve is severe enough that I’d wonder if a LRT longer than a PCC car could do it and maintain the center of gravity. Plus the traffic means that if it’s not segregated from traffic, many wrecks because of the consist having to both maintain downhill speed and stopping to avoid the gypsy cabs u-turning whenever they feel. (Although to avoid all the basements in buildings over there, a deep tube probably would be required anyway.) But if it was done, to give some distance between stations at Jerome and GC, Jerome station would have to be directly under Grand and Davidson, so the station would effectively be University Av-Jerome Av, and no station at Sedgwick. /my2centsfromlivingovertherefortwoyears
  8. One done in a medical clinic for testing or screening that isn't Occupational Health related doesn't need federal testing custody forms since those results are patient property and aren't released to anyone else without the patient or POA authorizing it - since it falls under medical privacy laws including HIPAA. The forms you linked to are required when someone else not entitled to your Private Health Information is mandating the testing - as those forms clearly indicate that the employer is involved and entitled to receive the results. That's governed by employment laws. Since this driver was likely transported by ambulance after emergency triage - which he could've declined since EMTs and Paramedics don't have to obey a job site supervisor and by default aren't occupational medicine practitioners, he never would've completed that form. He'd complete the hospital's proprietary release of information form. (Likewise he wouldn't be able to complete a DOT test prior to transport because it was an emergency medical situation.)
  9. Since this whole thing is expected to continue til Q3-Q4, by Q2 2022 I'm expecting that the hours-long traffic jams and lack of parking will force drivers back onto the trains. Question is how many jobs will still be WFH by then.
  10. Done. I also edited the first post to include what you wrote in this post. Lastly, since you wanted to discuss the Original Expansion plans and AirTrain LGA's construction and alternatives, did you want to change the subject to "Built and Unbuilt Subway plans"?
  11. @Lawrence St, you want this thread to be merged into your Unbuilt & Studied proposals thread?
  12. That works. Just be prepared for 1929 and RPAs stuff to show up regularly.
  13. So “Studied Subway Proposals that weren’t built”?
  14. I’d say “yeah”, but what would be the diff between the new thread and Subway Proposals thread?
  15. It’s been up too long for me to change the name.
  16. Airlines never are/were - at least until fuel prices dropped and the US Legacy Carriers became an oligarchy of three. And they’ve survived the Open Skies Agreement from 2008, and were recording record profits from more people flying and paying all the nickel and dime fees. Increasing that fee from $18 to $25 per round trip won’t break anybody. But I digress.
  17. That's why I didn't lock it - it was technically new information.
  18. Oh so he's got enemies talking to the C-Suite. Bruh's gonna get a FAT CHECK when he wins the slander and wrongful termination suit.
  19. Three scenarios come to mind: 1) Secondhand inhalation from bus patrons who did smoke something before getting on 2) That Seinfeld where Elaine ate a poppyseed muffin and was positive for opium 3) He had some Motrin or a caffeine pill like Vivarin in his system. Motrin could cause a med record search and find a diagnosis of an undisclosed condition causing pain that could fail or cause concerns on a DOT physical; if the caffeine pills was wearing off, could cause them to question his alertness and start checking to see if he had some DOT-concerned sleep disorder. If I'm him, I'm declining everything so they don't have a chance to do to me what was done with those MNRR motormen. I'd rather get the lesser penalty from excessive speed and possibly be reassigned and keep my CDL - based on my record - and be able to go drive elsewhere if I'm terminated than have a full health and fitness investigation and lose my CDL cuz they found "something" and drew conclusions.
  20. I'm just thinking about all the folks who cooperated with an investigation and did nothing wrong, made an honest mistake, or were victims of circumstance who lost jobs or got convicted. Especially those who've been exonerated after wrongful convictions after "cooperating". Any good lawyer or union rep/steward will tell you do only what's legally or contractually required at the end of the prescribed timeframe so the established facts are based on the investigation of the incident and assumptions about you and not based on the investigation of your facts and the incident. Because assumptions can be and are wrong. It's like an HR friend told me at my first post-college job: HR and investigators are there to protect the company and not to protect you.
  21. Citizen App is only good for video. Any details of the aftermath of an incident needs to come from a reputable and mainstream news source or trade periodical.
  22. Cuomo didn’t have the favorable sand national recognition to run in 2020. By the time he got them, the primaries were already going on and Clyburn in SC gave Biden his endorsement. Plus in the debate stage, DeBlasio was "running" so it wouldn't have helped Cuomo's attempt if he were there at the same time showing all the enmity between the two of them... Although now it does make me wonder if Billy Dee running for POTUS was him getting revenge on Cuomo for how many ways Cuomo made him look stupid after the falling out.
  23. That’s why I like Transit - where TAs made it their official app, it lets folks prepay fare and unlimited passes, and gives real-time arrival info.
  24. You’d be an excellent Union Rep/Shop Steward and/or defense attorney. Cuz some folks are stooooo-pid. Innocence =/= non-culpability
  25. Besides being the first name of the Jets and the defunct Lacrosse team?
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