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Everything posted by EphraimB

  1. I wish I would have knew that the would have left first. I would have transferred over to the from the . At least I still made the LIRR within 5 minutes. Why didn't they announce which train was leaving first?
  2. I took the from 50 St to Atlantic Av-Barclays Center to take the LIRR home. When the got to 36 St, the was across the platform on the local track. The left first, then the came in and left followed by my train finally leaving 36 St. My train passed by the train express at 25 St but never passed by the . What was the doing on the local track? Does this usually happen?
  3. Why is the still being called the Broadway Local when it goes Express?
  4. The conductor usually collects tickets right when the train leaves Atlantic Terminal.
  5. I had to cancel my 4PM Psychologist appointment by Avenue M because of this. Too late. I already got on the LIRR to get home.
  6. Is the speed limit the same on the local and Express tracks?
  7. Why is the 7:49AM train from Far Rockaway going slowly when bypassing Valley Stream and Rosedale while the train on the Express track is going fast and already overtook my train?
  8. What channel do I put the radio scanner on? Can I use my phone as a radio scanner?
  9. Pretty upsetting that taking the LIRR from Inwood to Penn Station/ Atlantic Terminal is the same amount of time it takes taking the LIRR from Babylon to Penn Station/ Atlantic Terminal all because the LIRR goes out of the way to Valley Stream. The train from Far Rockaway takes more time to get to Penn Station (an hour and 15 minutes) all because it makes too many stops despite Fulton St/ 8 Av Express. Taking the train from Far Rockaway to Manhattan should take a half an hour.
  10. Why does the and move slowly when skipping Hoyt St?
  11. I'm very annoyed. My monthly metrocard ends December 18th and I want to refill it with another monthly but the machine at Wall St 4 & 5, which is the closest station to my work, is broken. I took the train to Atlantic Av-Barclays Center to catch the LIRR and was hoping that I can quickly refill my metrocard at the machine there but there was a line and waiting on the line would make me miss my train. I'm also getting an error making an easypay metrocard account. Maybe I should walk from Penn Station after all.
  12. If I get a yearly, then a citibike would be $149 a year which would make it cheaper than a subway.
  13. My father told me that biking is a bad idea and too dangerous because I need a helmet and there's crazy taxis in the city.
  14. Is it safe at night? Is it a good idea for when it's raining or snowing? Can I rely on citibike?
  15. Do you think it's doable to do the 1 hour and 5 minute walk to and from Penn Station to Lower Manhattan so I can just pay for the LIRR?
  16. I was on the A train to Far Rockaway and I coughed mid-way through the hour ride but forgot to cover my mouth. Someone sitting two seats away from me told me to cover my mouth so I did. Then two high school kids came on the train and one of them sat in between me and that man and that man told that high school kid that I coughed and didn't cover my mouth and the high school kid got up. I got uncomfortable with the man and switched seats. I coughed again in the different seat and two women moved a little away. Then that man told them something I forgot what and gave me a handful of tissues and told me to cough into them. I did for rest of the times. The train finally reached Far Rockaway and everyone including me, the man, and the two high school guys got off. I was walking past the man and the two high school kids and the man cursed at me. I walked right past two policemen out of the station expecting my mother who promised to pick me up to be at the station with her car but she wasn't so I called her and she told me that she'll be there in 5 minutes. I hung up right when the man came out of the station and started chasing me. I ran for two blocks and then fell. The man caught up to me and punched me. I got back up and ran some more but the man caught up to me and just stared at me. I kept on telling the man how sorry I was for coughing without covering my mouth on the train but he didn't seem to listen. I called my mother telling her that someone is chasing me and finally met my mother with her car. My lip was swollen and bleeding and there was a little pain with some teeth at the right and my arm was scraped. Looks like the Mott Avenue area isn't a safe neighborhood.
  17. How do I get a monthly lirr pass on one side and a monthly metrocard on the other side with a transitchek credit card with the number changing every month?
  18. There was a holiday train and an R179 train at the same time at 2nd Avenue a little before 10AM.
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