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Everything posted by EphraimB

  1. What do 60-footers and 75-footers have to do with walking in between cars?
  2. Why is the door switch between cars locked on an R46 but unlocked on an R160?
  3. Is there a possibility that the R179 problems are going to be all fixed and perform just as good as the R160s? What problems are keeping the R179s from entering service? I remember riding on a R179 on the on Thursday December 14th, 2017 at 10:29AM from Fulton St to Broad St (the last stop). I didn't see any problems at all. When should I expect the 5-car sets to enter service?
  4. People trying to fit in a very crowded train but can't also leads to more dwelling times.
  5. 75-footers have more room. More room equals more people can fit in. That could equal to less crowding.
  6. What differences do the cars being sent back to bombardier have that the ones on the don't?
  7. What step in the car fleet swap process does that happen?
  8. You never explained where the R32 trains are being displaced to. I think there's still 2 on the line.
  9. So am I finally going to hear at Fulton St station: "There is a Brooklyn-bound express train to Far Rockaway- Mott Av approaching the station. Please move away from the platform edge."?
  10. So the 5-car R179s will temporarily be on the until the R211s come and when the R211s come to the , then the will get the 5-car R179s?
  11. So when the R211s come into service, will the only have R179s and R211s? Will the majority of the fleet be R179s or R211s?
  12. How many 5-car R179s will there be? How many trains would that equal to?
  13. Is the going to get any R179s? If yes, when's the most likely time that they would put R179s on the ? Also, what's the best site to follow the rolling stock assignments?
  14. But I thought that the is getting the R32s from the ?
  15. What are they going to do with the R32s on the ?
  16. Where do they get the extra 2 cars from?
  17. Is the going to be all R32s eventually? Also, how do they get 10-car R32s on the if there were only 8-car R32s before the swap?
  18. How many R179 trains are in service on the ? Wikipedia says 2 trains (16 cars). Wikipedia also says that there's 3 trains (24 cars in service).
  19. Because of the tunnel being closed, the 2 & 3 has to be re-routed to the 4 & 5 tunnel. There is no way to re-route the 2 & 3 to the 2 & 3 Wall St station from Bowling Green.
  20. Yes. It was canceled because of the snow. I was looking forward to having a ride on the Hammals Wye track not used in regular service.
  21. I'm planning on taking the train to Fulton St from Far Rockaway to go to the Westfield Mall. Is the shuttle buses to Howard Beach going to be faster and less crowded if I take it from Rockaway Park? It will be a unique experience for me to get my first ride on the Hammels Wye track not used in regular service and my first ride on the Cross Bay Blvd Bridge.
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