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Daniel The Cool

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Everything posted by Daniel The Cool

  1. If those R160s stay on the for the winter, All I will say is be prepared for when Plan 4 is in effect
  2. So my next week agenda is "Ballads Week" where I'll be listening to Ballads and even do a project on one.

  3. Yeah I do apologize. Anyways I'm hearing that the R160s will stay on the for awhile
  4. Yeah I'm actually glad CPW is getting Fastrack done. I heard though the last few and Trains running north of 59th Street will run local instead of Express
  5. I hate how I look, how skinny I am and how I talk. feeling uncomfortable. Im a huge joke. Why?

  6. I never said that part that it will head back to LGA. It was TJ Trainman and I just quoted him for that.
  7. There were 1 set of R68s and 2 sets of R68As on the due to Central Park concert
  8. The "Sweet Dreams" Photography Project will be the very first project to be expanded into a really huge photography project. It will include a whole lot of NY Traveling including different areas. So stay tune for it

  9. You know whats ironic? 7/10/2010 I caught the Uptown D Train local via CPW due to A And C Trains being delayed and today 7/10/2013 I caught it local again but due to late night construction. Wow been that long already/ironic...

  10. Bought my camera back

  11. WRONG. I saw more R160s on the then the R32s. I live right there so don't say the Roster said
  12. And plus a lot of the R160s on the were taken OOS today. And the has a little more R160s then R32s now. And yes its sad
  13. Got rid of my camera because you guys are right. Not going to get anywhere with photography. Happy?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MattTrain


      Don't quit, continue doing the stuff you love! Photography never dies! Don't fall down to those who want to bring you down.


    3. DaTransitMan4608


      Hey man don't quit what you're doing because of what someone said to you. I may be an NJT-head but I've seen your pics and their very nice!

    4. ttcsubwayfan


      Fck them. Dont let them stop you from what doing what you love.

  14. Considering shutting down my photography website and facebook fanpage. Sorry people

  15. Thought I share this here I've decided to share my thoughts and feelings about me so here it is When I was 12 years old, I had many signs of depression and been through a whole lot of shit (Especially during the days my stepdad abuses me). I used to not want to talk to anyone, used to have major breakdowns and couldn't control it at all. Even when I went to therapy, I felt nothing is going to get better. In 2008 I was sent to the hospital for 10 days after attempting suicide in the house. I felt like I don't belong, I'm worthless and I'm not good looking like the other kids and not athletic. In 2010 was the first good news I've had in awhile was my mom divorcing my stepdad and it made me think I can finally live my life without him going at me and my mom. But we ended up staying in Brooklyn for almost a year with my Grandma due to him threatening both me and my mom and my mom had to call the cops on him and investigate. Even staying at my Grandma's house in Brooklyn was hard (Especially commuting to/from school). Then in Summer 2010, I was depressed again because of being lonely and alone all of the time. I used to not call anyone when I was going out and be hanging out on days I wasn't supposed to. I used to cut school in the 2010-2011 school year a whole lot because of being depressed and not happy. In 2011 I finally stopped seeing my old therapist because she wasn't helping me and kept saying me doing photography and riding trains is an illness I got. So I Switched therapist who's in NJ (Still see's her). And its actually better for me. Then in December 2011, I attempted suicide attempt again and ended up in the Hospital for 4 days only though due to good behavior and actually being more calmed. It made me question myself a lot more on who's my friends and who should I trust. During the summer of 2012, I was depressed (Again) but for the last time due to the whole feeling lonely and sad thing again. I made a sad depressing video on YouTube (Which I removed), Other people kept making fun of me for being me and shit. They wanted me to change big time and I used to cry everyday about not being popular. I always dwell about being popular but realizing how I'm special in my own way. So it was in recently (April 2013) I've focused on my dreams not giving a shit about others. And Yes My dad STILLs judges me and curses me out everytime I do photography or spending alone time cursing me out for no reason. The thing I'm impressed with is that me and my dad used to get physical with each other a lot but this year's fight, while my dad wanted to fist fight me, I actually did the smart way and walked out the house because it wasn't worth it. And another great example is when a kid wanted push a kid out the way just to fight and attack me at school during gym. He pushed me on the floor but when he tried to punch me, I was able to grab and hit him in the face for self defense. Then I just walked out not even upset but shaking my head. I have had people who betrayed me and still wondering who's my friends and who I can trust. I lost respect for a lot of people but learned to be careful. I will keep fighting for my dreams to become a digital photographer and/or cinematographer. My mom accepts me for who I am but my dad doesn't (Still). I've been slowly drifting away from him and can't even call him dad. No one can tell the future. Not even me. I just got to be stronger and do my best. I got to be me, the wonderful person. I will be stronger
  16. The whole shit with me railfanning the (D) Will never end. This is how rumor starts (Going on the West End line early in the morning, and taking the (D) Train running off every to get photos), That shit f**king annoying and that shit is really pissing me off. Thats how bullshit starts. Wow

    1. ttcsubwayfan


      Sheeple are always looking for opportunities to get in cheap potshots, because society has taught them that they will be revered if such is the case. And given how many likes some of these posts get, their assumptions are correct. I would ignore them, though - I've been criticized for doing what I love before, but that hasn't stopped me.

  17. Damn sorry to hear. Thats f**ked up what she did
  18. Couldn't have been me because I've gotten home before that time (12:45 AM) and why would I go that crazy by getting off every stop like that? I don't even go that far. And I was really tired yesterday. SMH
  19. uh he actually was telling me that 4897-98 was going back to UP few nights ago. He actually did knew that time so he was right the whole time
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