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Posts posted by RTOMan

  1. 6 hours ago, shiznit1987 said:

    I can't see them letting the (F) go local late nights. People already have ridiculous bus rides just to get to Jamaica to make everything local would set everyone off. CBTC work is one thing but I don't see the MTA being let off the hook for that one. 

    Already seen the Supplement for the week of the first..

    (E) and (F) service local during the Overnights...


    CBTC work isn't close to being done in Queens..

  2. 9 hours ago, R32 3838 said:

    The (M) could run to 21st queens bridge on nights and weekends meaning the (M) is 24/7 in Manhattan. But the only drawback is less TPH on the (E) / (F). The Drawback of the (M) going via 53rd is the merge at Queens Plaza. Both have pros and Cons.

    Not happening..


    When they get CBTC up and running in Queens then we could see things like that.

  3. Yes they will be done with 63rd street come April 1st  (im sure with a few GOs for punch work a shutdown weekend)..

    Service patterns will go back to how it was before (F) 63rd,(M) 53rd...

    For those who wish (and i mean wish) for the flip flop not happening because the (M) will be cut back as it is already and just adding more switch movement in the 36th street area just isn't worth the CBTC glitch factor.

    It Glitches out often in that area.

    Weekend late night late evening service however might be different (ill really find out once i see that supplement)..

    (E) (F) service local a bit more so no more Full time (F) express service in Queens.

  4. 8 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    Another important lesson for everyone: for the conductors, there are some train operators who are always in a hurry to get through their trip. If you delay even slightly, they’ll push the door warning button. They’ll keep giving you two, not caring why you might be held up. If you have a legitimate issue., if you feel safety is at risk, remember, safety FIRST. 

    I had one such operator recently. Someone was throwing things out of the train onto the platform. Ranging from empty food take out… TO A USED HYPODERMIC NEEDLE… yes, Oscar the grouch here was causing a bio-hazard.

    I basically put it like this to them at the terminal…

    You do YOUR job… and I’ll do mine. And my job is SAFETY.


    for the new TOs, recognize that each individual station stop is a unique event. No two are the same. If it is taking your partner longer to close down, don’t automatically assume it’s laziness or incompetence and start being a jerk towards them. 

    like today… I’m a little under the weather. I’m getting over a cold. I’m not going to be 110%. I might be having a sneezing fit back there. You’re where you need to be. You are getting paid. Rushing only results in mistakes.

    Well said i always told my partner " we a team" that's how it works..

    Some of our coworkers dont know how to work well with others and that's a fact.

  5. 14 hours ago, Lawrence St said:

    Open up the covers to the end door switch in each car and put an emergency box over it saying USE ONLY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.

    How many times can I say No that wont work to that answer?

    Here's the perfect reply..

     Signs all over saying "Do not pull cord unless its an emergency"..

    They pull they cord when there isn't one..

    ALL the time...

  6. 7 hours ago, MisterSG1 said:

    No, I’ve never been in this situation because frankly, these things just don’t happen where I’m from.

    Even Ronald Reagan when he was governor of California had this to say about guns in cities,

    “There is absolutely no reason why out on the street today a civilian should be carrying a loaded weapon."

    Really, what purpose does a loaded gun serve in a city, especially a city like New York City that is actually active and people take public transit.

    Let me ask this, should everyone on that subway train have had a gun? Could you imagine how many potential casualties there would be of people caught in the crossfire?

    Even that quote there and situation doesn’t undermine the concept of Castle Doctrine, what happened on that train is very much a stand your ground situation in the end.

    Your first response was all i needed to see yet ill say this.

    I'm not disputing that at all where did i say its ok to have a loaded gun on the subway?

    I'm just saying  how things are in these streets you aren't from them so you wont and will never understand so yes its foreign to you i can dig it.

    That city got issues and I'm not going politics here this is a train forum.

    I could cares less what Regan thinks or says hes irrelevant to this incident.


  7. 5 hours ago, Lawrence St said:

    Can we talk about the safety standpoint of this for a second?

    I watched both POV videos, and again the R46’s continue to be an issue that customers can not flee a car with a problem in situations like this. I think a later photo I saw one car with the blue light on indicating the end door was unlocked. Especially if your several cars away from the conductor, how are any of them suppose to know there’s an emergency to unlock the end doors?

    Not all the times the Blue light is on the end door is unlocked that i can tell you.

    You want more kids surfing on top of 75 foot trains?

    The turn radius around curves is the reason Why they keep them locked.

    That why someone walking between them wont get hurt and the first thing the lawsuit will say is "Oh why did they leave them unlocked?"

    If you got a better idea hey throw it out there to them.

  8. 7 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    Considering the aggressor also had a bladed object of some kind, he was not out of the woods completely.

    also, consider this…


    if he didn’t fire, what was the possibility of the aggressor taking the gun back and using it and not just on his target..?

    that is part of the legal considerations they make.

    plus, this case would need to go before a grand jury to actually indict and if they attempted to charge the shooter, I think a lot of people might let him off the hook.

    They aren't pressing charges against him.

  9. 9 hours ago, MisterSG1 said:

    His life was threatened, but that was OVER when he got a hold of the gun. Firing the gun, heck even pointing the gun at him at that point is usually a crime.

    That is the key in this, firing the gun in a crowded subway train is reckless.

    How would this have ended if a bystander was hit by the bullet, as I said the subway is a crowded place.

    Easy to "quarterback" on a subject like this since I'm guessing you never been in this situation..


    On and BTW the person was a convicted felon with a rap sheet..

    The streets play rough and you never ever ever pull out a gun and "walk" towards someone either you handle your business from a distance or you dont.

    He was prob used to acting that way and it cost him he effed around and found out.

    Oh and BTW they aren't pressing charges against him...

  10. 3 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

    So, at this point, they have still not added any extension to the GO to the planned service changes page… and infact have added another GO.

    Northbound platform at Northern Blvd will be closed for accessibility work starting April 8th… and the weekday posts specifically mention the M…

    Maybe they'll have 63rd street finished.. Finally...

    That 12-9 at Lex ave NB totally wrecked the (E) (F) and (R)  yesterday evening...

  11. Tonight saw 9943-38 coupled to another 5 car unit (didn't catch the last five numbers) in service on the (F) its been a long while..

    Those 5 cars been on the (G) for quite some time..

    I believe its a different Operating system as well.

  12. 11 hours ago, FLX9304 said:

    There are such groups that are watching what posts like these and then when it’s too sensitive, ppl be yelling that, but what they’re also doing is promoting criminal behavior. You remember J31? 

    Not sure refresh my memory ....

  13. 23 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    The problem is, no matter how strong the punishment, people will still do something. In many states, murder still carries the death penalty… and yet there are still murders.


    simply saying “oh, if the penalty is harsh, they won’t do it”… has never been realistic.

    what has been found to work is to remove the reason for the action. e.g.: social media sites removing surfing videos. Media not giving them the attention they crave. I mean, how many of these idiots who don’t get killed are bragging they made the news…?


    that’s not going to stop all of them, but it’s going to have an effect on surfing.


    basically, you fix the problem by being proactive, not reactive.

    Some groups on the Book have flat out deleted such posts too admins have kicked out the posters too..

    Yet people still are mad like "Freedom of speech"..

    I mean a post of somebody doing something stupid get thousand likes yet someone doing something positive gets a handful...

    Shows how braindead some folks are by glorifying dumb stunts like that...

  14. 19 hours ago, CenSin said:

    wonder how we might have prevented this… say… not releasing those people after the third strike?


    Bingo but these soft judges DAs that folks voted in but anyway..

    19 hours ago, CenSin said:

    I also propose adding signs to the interior of trains, platforms, passageways, and elevators declaring: “no committing crimes!” /s

    There signs saying DO NOT RIDE outside the train cars at the end of every door..

    Some "people" do it anyway just shows the mindset of folks out here if the ramifications as strong then folks would think about doing such things.

  15. 21 hours ago, Kamen Rider said:

    I am sure he’s probably a nice guy IRL.

    all I’m asking is he contain his ideas to the fantasy thread and not try to derail other conversations.


    THAT being said…


    it looks like the end of the month may be the end of this project, or someone has made a mistake in posting.


    the planned service changes page doesn’t show the main GO on ether the F or M after March 30th. The shuttle will be suspended over Easter weekend, probably to tear down all those work walls.


    additionally, the M will be rerouted to Chambers Street on Friday the 29th ONLY.

    Its a typo i believe one hand dont wash the other down here at times..

    Project is supposed to be done in May at the earliest.

    Not to mention B Div starts picking on April the1st..Yeah yeah lol...

  16. 21 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

    Distinct supplemental schedules. It’s a line by line, job by job thing as to who might gain or lose a trip.

    more the issue is “falling back”, since that can actually result in two trains with the same call sign out and about. Basically if control or the tower need to talk to one of the two, it’s up to them to make sure it’s the right one. 

    then again I’m PMs this pick and was home by the time it went down, so…

    Thanks for the Reply....

  17. 1 hour ago, goliver28 said:

    Effing with my RDOs is one thing but if they eff with my tour like they did last year I’ll be pissed. 

    They changed my tour when i was XX from PMs to AMs which kicked rocks i beefed about it but no dice..

    Then left it at that till i was able to pick..

    Which was what i wanted PMS...

  18. 3 minutes ago, Kamen Rider said:

    Again, this is a thread about a construction project not on the non-existent merits of messing around with M service. 

    “But it will help the hospitals”… would it? Maybe… but what about the people you’re taking service away from? You are HURTING more people than you are helping.

    ”the UES is the most…”

    we know… but the Queens Corridor has a higher total population in general and it needs the M back.


    you have long been showing a bias to service that affects your old neighborhood. Advocating more stations, even another unnecessary river crossing. Can you please TRY to keep that on the fantasy thread and not fill other threads?

    I have stopped replying to him regarding that subject the man is living in a fantasy land i have no time for things like that...

    He is going to believe whatever he is going to believe.

  19. 31 minutes ago, goliver28 said:

    I came here specifically to prove your point. My RDOs were Thursday & Friday for 5 straight months. This is my vacation week and I went on MTA insight to check picked jobs where I can see my RDOs for next week. You’re absolutely right. Never assume even if it’s been for weeks or months. My RDOs next week are Sunday & Saturday. 

    See that Chit right there and i have found out when there's holidays or lots of new folks out they eff with them RDOs....

  20. 4 minutes ago, beanz said:

    I'll never forget..I had TW for 4 months. I got a couple avas approved around my RDOs to make a mini break for myself and just relax for 4 days. Week of my mini-vacation suddenly RDOs became FS and f**ked my whole shit up. Ended up working Wed which should have been my day off and instead it was my 7th day in a row(I canceled the Monday AVA because it didn't make sense to use up a single day in th middle of it). That Wednesday, completely burnt out and looking forward to my TFS 3 day break, I overran a station 😂. Thanks screw office.

    They pulled that chit with me TWICE when i was XX....<_<

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