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Everything posted by petabread

  1. All guide-a-rides should be up with schedules by April 2014, when mta bus time is scheduled to roll out in queens. I remember at board meeting a few months ago that's what Joseph lhota said.
  2. No offense to the planned rumor of cp going mostly express, whether its true or not, the rumor has been going on since 2008, you can't base moves based on rumors.
  3. Anybody get any responses today? I tried calling today but I didn't get any help.
  4. I called them a few days back and they said they are still reviewing background information. But the person wasn't very helpful in saying when to expect an answer.
  5. I haven't heard anything yet either.
  6. Ok so I saw 2 Spring Creek CNGs today on the Q6 and Q8, and both bus operators were JFK operators. So, are JFK operators allowed to switch to Spring Creek? They were JFK operators last week.
  7. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Threxx" data-cid="634738" data-time="1358651863"><p> The Q50 isn't quite as long as the Q19 currently is, so that point is moot. And extending the Q17 will increase that difference, so there's no point in these changes.</p></blockquote> The q19 is shorter than the q50 both in distance and travel time.
  8. They were having tons of issues with clever devices in manhattan.
  9. From pictures I see and buses I take, lga buses don't look any worse than other buses around the system. I really am not seeing what you guys are seeing...
  10. I thought that too because I thought I saw it on the q46 a few days back but i hesitated because of the previous reports. Then I know I saw it for sure on the q88.
  11. I'm going to give my opinion and will probably be bashed for this but here it is. NICE is the problem. People keep saying that NICE is doing more with less and the MTA could never do that. Lets evaluate the situation here, buses aren't showing up more often, buses are breaking down more consistently, schedules have been cut across the board etc... That is sound less with less money. The MTA said that they would cut service dramatically if they didn't get a certain amount of money, this argument that Nassau saved the day is ludicrous. I know for a fact that the MTA at least would have met service safely and reliably, maybe not 100% everyday but more than NICE has this entire year. The smoke and mirror tactics that NICE and Nassau have put out is working, but I see right through the garbage. And no, nice isn't trying, they have already proven and keep proving they don't know anything about planning or scheduling or anything. It's not just a money issue here, it's nice really not knowing what to do. They can't handle the system they were given and its showing. The MTA wasn't perfect in Nassau but they were, in my opinion, better than this. My experiences going to Nassau haven't been pleasant with nice around. I would go weeks if not months sometimes without a huge problem with lib but with nice, I haven't had a restless ride yet.
  12. You assume queens blvd had no traffic but you don't know. The q60 is damned running on queens blvd.
  13. Just saw 105 on the q6 heading south on Sutphin blvd with JFK depot stickers
  14. The n6x buses that were flying by me had a max of 30 people. I saw standees but then I noticed that the back was extremely empty. Maybe because it was still early but none of the buses I saw had fully seated capacity.
  15. Yeah usually I only go to Hempstead transit center. This was an unusal case where I had to go in between. If I needed to go to elmont the n1 seemed more consistent than the n6.
  16. I use to take the n6 more often when it was under the mta, for the most part now I take the lirr. I never had this much of an issue with the n6, longest I ever waited for an n6 during rush hour in the evening was 20 mins. But last night was much longer. Get rid of the n6x, it will help so much.
  17. I've had problems with NICE before, especially on the n22 but this was my first time taking the n6 and my mother-in law and brother-in law have all told me the painful waits they have endured on the n6 and everytime I just dismissed it as some minor traffic issue but the way people around me were talking and the wait I endured through today was ridiculous.
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