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Minor Riots in LA Thursday Night after Lakers win NBA Title

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LOS ANGELES June 17, 2010 (KABC-TV) -- BY Eyewitness News Reporters John North, Leslie Miller, Robert Holguin, Sid Garcia, and Subha Ravindhran. Also AP contributed to this report.


"Police made 12 arrests Thursday night as the Lakers' Game 7 victory sparked rowdy celebration across L.A. Authorities say one of the arrests was for assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. Other arrests range from public intoxication, inciting fights and vandalism.


Although police presence around the NBA Finals at Staples Center was boosted for Thursday's Game 7, rowdy fans still created problems for law enforcement. Some attempted to block cars trying to leave the arena and random fights and bonfires broke out nearby.


"As the crowds left the area, we had some groups that decided to celebrate irresponsibly," said LAPD spokesperson Mary Grady. "We have certain groups who are starting to cause problems. We are immediately deploying officers where they are needed most."


Grady also reported that one LAPD officer was injured with a possible broken nose after getting hit by rocks and bottles.


Officials said the hottest trouble spots were Grand Avenue and Olympic Boulevard. They also said Flower Street and Sixth Street were breeding grounds for chaotic activity, as fans lit a car a blaze, sending up pillars of thick, black smoke into the air. Crews successfully put out the fire, preventing its spread to any nearby objects.


L.A. Fire Department reported that within three hours of the game, 50 firefighters responded to 37 incidents within a half-mile radius around Staples Center. The incidents included 15 rubbish fires, 1 vegetation fire, three vehicle fires and 18 medical aid requests for injured individuals. Eight people were taken by LAFD ambulances to local hospitals. The nature of their injuries or their identities were not know at this hour.


Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck spoke about post-game troubles at a news conference at 11 p.m.


"I give the game a 10; I give the celebration about a 5," said Beck. "We made multiple arrests, we used overwhelming force, we had a maximum number of police officers deployed here to clear out the crowds around Staples Center and disperse them."


"We don't have any major reports of incidents from other places in the city. We have some reports of relatively minor vandalism in and around the downtown area. At least one police car was damaged not severely by thrown objects," Beck described.


The arena isn't the only place police targeted. Thursday night, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deployed hundreds of deputies to East Los Angeles near Whittier Boulevard, which was closed to vehicle traffic between Easter and Garfield avenues for the duration of Game 7 and for hours thereafter.


The L.A. County Sheriff's Department declared an unlawful assembly at Whittier near Atlantic Boulevard at approximately 9:40 p.m. after which crowds began dispersing. However, three revelers were arrested for charges yet unknown.


Shortly after the Lakers declared NBA Finals victory, LAPD issued an unlawful assembly at Figueroa and Olympic. They began arresting individuals shortly after. It was reported that rowdy celebrants were throwing rocks and bottles at police officers. There was even a report of a rat trap being hurled at one officer.


Police also had many undercover officers patrolling the area surrouding Staples Center, as they were committed to not allowing the type of disturbance that's happened after other championships."


(Copyright ©2010 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)




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I wonder how people were in Boston?




LOL. On serious matter ppl. in Boston are not strangers to post title violence as we saw and remember what happened after the Red Sox won the world series in 2004. As much as NYC get a bad rap on many things, in last 25 years after winning championships in all 4 major sports(sorry soccer fans)I don't remember any 'riots' ever after the NY based teams winning titles.


And for that reason, i give my props aka credit to NY sports fans for being maybe the best & most classic anywhere for avoiding crap like what happened in LA again last night.:tup:

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Grow up, it's just sports. Yes, I was a bit unhappy myself when the Lakers narrowly beat the Celtics. Pau Gasol had good play, it was fair. He got the rebounds, he made the shots, he blocked some of the Celtics' shots, what's wrong with that?


Artest might have created some friction, but that should not warrant a riot later. Also, as for the Celts, they did a great job. Rondo's rebounds were instrumental to a possible Celtics victory last night. The first half, they had some great turnovers. They should have kept the momentum they had in the first quarter for the last. With their inaccuracies last night, they did repeat, to some extent, Game 6.


This guy needs to chill sometimes:


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^^ beat me to it.



MTR, you should see Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks owner)... while it's good that he attends their home games, all this guy does is bitch, if something doesn't go the mavs way.... off or on camera... sometimes even screaming at the refs during games! That's who I think need to chill...


Doc Rivers' emotions on the court, is that of the average NBA coach....




anyway, I never quite understood ppl. in cities of of teams that WON the playoff/championship/finals/whatever, of a given sport... you'd think the team that lost in the final game of a serie(s) would behave in that manner.... not that it makes it anymore right.....



from rioting to marching in a parade... quite the change of heart.

way to show support to a team.

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East Los Angeles did go nuts. There they had a double whammy, Mexico beat France that morning then the Lakers in the evening, it was crazy. The buses were detoured along Whittier boulevard from Eastern Avenue to Atlantic Avenue, Whittier Boulevard runs East/West but the Supervisors had to continually revise the detours as the festivities kept moving further north and south of those locations. Revelers began throwing random objects and a bus became the target, fortunately there were no injuries to the operators but it got really edgy for a while.

There were fireworks going off and I heard a report of gunshots but I don't know if there were any for sure.

It was just a wild night.

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^^ beat me to it.



MTR, you should see Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks owner)... while it's good that he attends their home games, all this guy does is bitch, if something doesn't go the mavs way.... off or on camera... sometimes even screaming at the refs during games! That's who I think need to chill...


Doc Rivers' emotions on the court, is that of the average NBA coach....




anyway, I never quite understood ppl. in cities of of teams that WON the playoff/championship/finals/whatever, of a given sport... you'd think the team that lost in the final game of a serie(s) would behave in that manner.... not that it makes it anymore right.....



from rioting to marching in a parade... quite the change of heart.

way to show support to a team.

I gotta see that guy then. The Lakers coach looked pretty calm though. Rivers, in the first few games, was impatient as hell.

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