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Queen Elizabeth to visit New York City today for first time in nearly 35 years

BY Jose Martinez



Tuesday, July 6th 2010



The 84-year-old British monarch is returning to New York on Tuesday morning for the first time in nearly 35 years, with a whirlwind visit that will take her to Ground Zero and the United Nations.


And she will be back in Britain in time to sleep in her own bed.


Queen Elizabeth's hasty New York appearance is tacked on to the end of a trip that took her to Canada for nine days, as she and husband Prince Philip marked Canada Day.


A massive power failure yesterday in Toronto - that included the hotel they were staying in - marred their final full day in Canada.


Prince Philip was presenting the Duke of Edinburgh Awards for youths doing community service when the lights went out at the Royal York Hotel. He continued through the ceremony in the darkened room, even joking with the audience.


Energy officials blamed the blackout on a transformer fire in western Toronto. It darkened screens on some local trading floors, knocked out traffic lights and snarled bus and subway lines.


Queen Elizabeth is set to address the United Nations General Assembly this morning, much as she did in her first New York visit in 1957, when the UN was all of 12 years old, and when she was a mere four years into her long reign as queen.


"It will be a strong message coming from the British head of state," Dickie Arbiter, a former press secretary to the queen, told The Associated Press.


Queen Elizabeth last came to the city in 1976, for the bicentennial celebration of the U.S. declaring its independence from Great Britain.


That trip earned the queen a new title, courtesy of Mayor Abe Beame - honorary New Yorker.


This time around, she will be following the path of her son Prince Charles and grandson Prince Harry, who both previously visited Ground Zero.


In the company of New York Gov. Paterson and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, she will get a quick tour of the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks and lay a wreath in memory of the nearly 3,000 people who died there.


Her last stop is the British Garden at Hanover Square, which commemorates the 67 British subjects killed in the Sept. 11 attacks.


Dedicated in 2005 by Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, the duchess of Cornwall, the park will receive its "royal opening" with a ribbon-cutting from the queen.


She is also set to meet relatives of some of the British 9/11 victims in the park.


Then it's time for the queen and her husband to hop aboard a private plane for a flight home."






Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/07/06/2010-07-06_a_royal_welcome_queen_elizabeth_in_whirlwind_visit_to_city_today.html#ixzz0sx08f0G7

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She's a Brit....


Well said. To add on, the last thing we need to be bombarded with besides hot weather is people with hot breath and choose not to practice proper oral hygiene.

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