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Jet Blue Steward Quits His Job In Spectular Fashion; Is Arrested

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After a wild landing, and leaving his plane in a weird way, and boarding an Air Train at Kennedy, the former Steward was at his home with his Same Person when PA Police arrived to arrest him:


Story from Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/08/09/2010-08-09_talk_about_turbulance_jetblue_flight_attendant_drops_intercom_fbomb_bolts_down_e.html

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Grab Two Beers and Jump...


Slater, you rule. This should teach people not to f*** with flight attendants. Reminds me of that movie Waiting from a few years back. One of the best lines from that flick,


"You know, we should probably feel guilty, but she broke the cardinal rule. Don't f*** with people that handle your food!"


Flight attendants need their own cardinal rule. Until then, a**hole passengers have fair warning.

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