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Do you think Japan is a Racist Country?


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Japan does indeed have the lowest birth rate and highest life span in the world, meaning that there are more elderly then younger people.


Kind of make you think that japan as one big senior center in a few years lol.but still the elderly can't be there forever the young people need take over for next generation of Japanese...if there is one.:P

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Sorry. I think you probably missed history class when they went over this subject. As hard as it may seem to fathom, the usage of the atomic bombs was needed to save lives. Japan was not already defeated when it was used, far from it. You should read up a bit on the subject.


before we dropped the first bomb Japan was done, even commanding airforce general Arnold said it.""The Japanese position was hopeless even before the first atomic bomb fell because the Japanese had lost control of their own air." Also, without a navy, the resource-poor Japanese had lost the ability to import the food, oil, and industrial supplies needed to carry on a World War. "


we already had control over the smaller islands and we raided their weapons caches. We were air bombing their citgies left and right. Alot of other Generals and admirals agree and they have statements on record. Nimitz was one who spoke of it as well. ""The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace.the atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan." other admirals said " "The use of a-bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender."


The whole "saving 1 millions American soldiers" was just Truman covering his ass to the public for dropping the bombs..



I was lucky to have a very good history teacher who tought us well. Also I used to watch alot of WW2 documentaries growing up. The world at war is a very good one that I have the DVD collection. They would show it all the time on public television.


The real reason we dropped the bombs was to show the world mainly the Russians that we are #1 now and we are THE world power. The japanese had nothign left to fight with no matter how stubborn or no matter how they would rather die than swallow their pride.. They would have been trying to fight with sticks n stones by that point...


as as for getting back at pearl harbour.. Pearl Harbour was nothing compared to the damage we did. It was overkill no pun intended...The US new Pearl Harbor was going down. They cracked the transmission from the Japanese weeks in advance..Thats why the ships were all lined up 2 by 2 in a long line. That was our excuse to join the war in a noble and patriotic way.


Further research uncovers alot. Institute of Historical Research http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n3p-4_Weber.html



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