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Question on the r30's.


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Both the R30s and R33/R36 WFs were overhauled at the same time at Coney Island, 1985. Neither had a full rebuild, but the R30s did get completely new GE SCM controllers and motors. Ironically, these would be installed on the GE R36s [9560-9769] during their 1991 overhaul when the R30s were being mothballed.


In a way, the R32 could though of as a stainless version of the R27/30. The stainless construction reduced the weight by 10,000 lb to 69,000 and therefore light enough for AC when rebuilt by MK.


Yup, true.

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Unless those cars are some how single units cars(which they arn't) the rail adhesion car and 8506 can't move under their own power.


The Rail Adhesion car is hooked up (I believe) to either a redbird or a R32. I assumed it can run under its own power since it actually sees service...unless its just a dead car that's pulled around by the other cars


To a point. Married pairs cannot be split up and mated with singles and expected to run properly. Married pairs with their mates in classes R26-42 can run with anything else in the R10-42 SMEE classes though.


That was one of the reasons I was talking about.

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Actually, R26-R30s(Not R29s) could and did run paired to single cars. If in a train of properly mated cars or singles, they would work well enough.


R27/30s would occasionally run with R16s(and theoretically R10/11s, but I never heard of such occurring) on occasion when their mates were OOS. R26/28s would occasionally run with R12-22s when their mates were OOS.

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