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The horrors and tortures of "corrective camps"

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I don't think many of you heard about this. There is an organization that would actually pick you up (actually kidnap) in the middle of the night and ship you off to a camp thanks to your guardian. This organization is Worldwide Association of Specialist Programmes and Schools (WWASPS), and they specialize in "behavioral alteration centers" for "troubled" teens and children.


Looks promising, right?


Read this. In this link, one teen describes the horrors of being in a camp, where in here, it's very anti-gay and tries to "convert" gays into straight people.


And this is not the only horror story of these Auschwitz-style camps. You can read many more stories in that link alone.


A user in another forum I go to, the Sonic Stadium Message Board, posted a link and gave her comments on an American-sponsored camp run in Jamaica called Tranquility Bay. You can read about it via this comment by Sonikku Forever.


There is a website that discusses even more horror stories of Tranquility Bay here. The same user even posted a link about these horrific camps. Here's the video.



I even posted another one (under the name Attitude Adjustment). Here's the video:



Frankly, as an American, I'm serious appalled. I've never heard of these camps before, and I have to say that reading this made me really sick to my stomach. Why would ANYONE want their children to be kidnapped and sent to these camps where kids are tortured and assaulted day in and day out?! It really makes me very sick.


And you know what makes it sicker? These camps violate international law, and in America, these camps are LEGALLY OPERATED!


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This is why I suggest our nation create a parenting license. If you don't pass then you get a vasectomy, and you can no longer reproduce. Females would get a similar procedure, and I have good justification to do so if you read the newspaper recently some dad trained a dog to kill people. People like that shouldn't rear babies, and cause innocent lives to leave the Earth.

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This is why I suggest our nation create a parenting license. If you don't pass then you get a vasectomy, and you can no longer reproduce. Females would get a similar procedure, and I have good justification to do so if you read the newspaper recently some dad trained a dog to kill people. People like that shouldn't rear babies, and cause innocent lives to leave the Earth.


Sounds like communism to me, you simply cannot fix stupid, but there are better ways to suppress it

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This is why I suggest our nation create a parenting license. If you don't pass then you get a vasectomy, and you can no longer reproduce. Females would get a similar procedure, and I have good justification to do so if you read the newspaper recently some dad trained a dog to kill people. People like that shouldn't rear babies, and cause innocent lives to leave the Earth.


It takes talent to take a developing concept that could go in the perfect direction and steer it so far off course one could brag about it.


:D Social services should be cracked down on to ensure that they actually catch bad parenting instead of taking children away from parents who could actually do their children right. The foster care system (something I haven't looked into in a while) maybe also can be looked into. Last time I faced this sort of thing it was actually worse to end up in foster care than it was to be with your actual parents. In either case correctional camps disgust me. I've never known anything good to come from them.

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Most intensive boot camp style or wilderness style "fixer camps" for kids with serious behavioral issues have no solid evidence to prove that they even work at all, much less better than more inexpensive and community-based therapies.

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This is why I suggest our nation create a parenting license. If you don't pass then you get a vasectomy, and you can no longer reproduce. Females would get a similar procedure, and I have good justification to do so if you read the newspaper recently some dad trained a dog to kill people. People like that shouldn't rear babies, and cause innocent lives to leave the Earth.

So basically you are looking to wipe out the human race??


That sounds like something they'd do for some New World Order type shit...

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Correctional camps should be banned, I agree. There is no cure for incompetent parenting except changing the culture to one of responsibility. They are abusive which goes beyond the limits of effective discipline in parenting. What's more the message is not coming from the home and often is not reinforced at home so it serves no purpose.


I blame lawyers who tell people always "it's not your fault." It IS your fault.

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