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Everything posted by jake3178

  1. new class is going through orientation today.. we get to meet you noobies on wednesday.. we're told you'll push us out of our favorite room!
  2. Flagging was moved to next week, doing some other classes this week. so far we were paid once. getting our 2nd check this thursday, I can already see online that I'll get 1k clean, after all taxes, including 5% to 401k (we only worked 72 hours past 2 weeks cause of a holiday) ... direct deposit kicks in after several pay periods. The only notable thing is that someone was already called in for a random, so kids, don't do drugs (or even drink heavy a day before work).
  3. we're on lunch till 10. so first part was classroom, common sense stuff but of course very important. then we took a train ride to 4th ave and 53rd st, got on live tracks and practiced clearing with trains passing us on both sides (one train at a time), walked 5 blocks or so to 59th st station through the tunnel. wasnt as spooky as I thought it would be, was pretty fun actually. going back to class to pick up our track qualification card and back to school tomorrow morning to 14th st.
  4. PM session from 3pm so still here, about to go on track
  5. yes, looks like it, i'll tell you more on monday
  6. you have to become track qualified before you can go on the tracks, its a one day class, half in class and half on the track with real trains going to P.S. 248 for that
  7. not really sure, all I know is we started on Nov 8th. on Monday we're going for track qualification, then 9 days of flagging, also someone said we'll be done by Christmas.. so looks like it does run longer than 30 days.. they never outlined the steps.
  8. 75 to pass, they prepare you so nothing to worry about
  9. No, fire school didn't have a test. This was a 25 question signal test.
  10. Everyone passed the 25 question test second time around.
  11. It was fun, played with fire extinguishers (type that only uses water), evacuated from a smoke filled train in complete darkness with surround sound effects.
  12. for orientation? just ID and maybe a marriage certificate for a spouse in order to add them to your medical etc. cant remember if they asked for anything else but doesn't hurt to bring all your docs just in case ... also get a bulky notepad to start taking notes from orientation and school soon after
  13. kind of does. going to coney island yards tomorrow for fire safety, we'll be learning how to evacuate trains.. i wonder if there will be simulated smoke and all that
  14. orientation lasted till about 4pm you'll report to school at 8am till 4pm on the first day and then from 7am to 3pm from then on times are not guaranteed, on some days they might ask you to come in for a PM session to attend fire safety or similar at a different location etc.
  15. Same here, first letter says random is ~2400, now 2nd admission for boss says ~2600.
  16. also received a letter, my random number is ~2400, dont know if i should even bother with the BOSS process since i started as signals helper a week ago... probably should do it anyway (just in case), especially if testing falls on my regular day off
  17. They won't have time to go over everything so you should read as much as you can yourself. Flagging will be your main job ast first.
  18. flagging will be 9 days.. one tip, start reading the flagging section in your big blue book, i think its around page 114
  19. school is 7am to 3pm, signal school is at 8th av and west 14th in the city, location is the same for the past week and a half. upcoming flagging school will be 9 days long, 4 days of class work and 5 days in the field attached to some maintainers (under supervision). then back to signal school for final wrap up before you're sent to the field
  20. Ok, so i take it you were sworn in and did your fingerprints and got your picture taken.. congrats! ..you just bumped up my seniority a few notches, muhaha, j/k Does your green paper tell you to report to west 14th on Dec 6? (after 2 days of orientation at montague st). They told us we'll go to flag school around Nov 27th.
  21. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, just learn what they teach you in class, thats about all I can say. Everyone passed, few on a second try.
  22. role play of a flagger on a simulated track, we're learning bunch of scripts and one of these scripts will be on the test. you fail and you're out. maybe its easy for some, but its a big deal for me.
  23. Our class is preparing for the communication test (mad stressful) which is tomorrow, I'm sure you'll get the answers after that.
  24. Congrats, when do you come in for pre-employment? Our class is in its 3rd day, it's one month long, they said next class will follow us, I guess you'll make that class. So far we got boots, PPE gear, some material. Didn't really learn anything just yet.. due to all the paperwork / union speeches / general info. But it's a good atmosphere, glad I'm here.
  25. At 8am I went to 195 montague st for 1st day orientation, maybe 200 people, different titles, about 30 electrical helpers, bunch of speakers from various departments, nothing too memorable.. signed up for 401k, waiting to hear about TWU dental plan tomorrow, was also issued a pass / metrocard. Left by 4pm.
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