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Everything posted by jake3178

  1. for anyone still waiting to take the test: dont make my mistake, finish first 50 questions with 100% certainty of being correct and run out of time for last 10 questions. arrRRhh!
  2. They said protest session will be on 8/11/17, I assume preliminary a month before
  3. I did mark last 10 as As. Just wish i was quicker with the diagram questions. Will do better on all future exams. Now all hope lies with Conductor eh
  4. Just took the test at midwood, so disappointed at myself, only did 50 out 60 questions before the final bell. It didn't help that I'm sick like a dog, high on cold meds. Awrrrr. What a waste. Questions were pretty easy, yet I felt like crap and second guessed myself. Oh well, at least I did well on the Conductor exam.
  5. With last conductor exam, I found that 1/2 of a fivehourenergy drink helped me focus for those 3 hours, because correct answers are part of the text - you just have to move fast and manage your time.
  6. applied, paid 68 bucks, that makes it exam number 6 that im waiting on.. enjoy my money mta lol
  7. Too bad I don't have a degree, looks like my only qualification in life is to open doors or hold a wheel, great.
  8. Thank you, hope you're right. Looks like we're both positioned pretty well for conductor. Train op would be even better (though i imagine training might be more demanding, therefore easier to flunk out). I'm currently driving access-a-ride to make ends meet and it's getting old.
  9. In case someone else runs into a payment issue I waited about 2 days, logged in to see a payment button which let me pay again, then it took another 2-3 days for the payment status to say "success"
  10. Also got my letter for June 11th .. think I did well with conductor exam last year, curious if I can pull off the same trick twice Was 2nd to last person to leave the class, don't know why people wouldn't use all allotted time, so many left with over an hour left to go
  11. Thank you, will try again in a day. Unrelated question: those huge buses that go via battery, are they part of "MTA Bus" agency or one of the other two?
  12. Hope someone can help me out. Tried to apply to this exam, filled out the form, once I got to the payment step, a new tab appeared with a "..ssl java cert.." error message. Tried to refresh etc but no luck. Btw I used a regular windows desktop with IE as was suggested by mta site. System doesn't allow me to apply again. Should I go to Livingston st or can payment be handled by phone? Would appreciate any tips.
  13. a bit surprised after checking posted answers, but appears to be a 100% now if only half the city didn't take this exam - i might have had a shot
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