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Posts posted by -CT1660-

  1. Well it's good that these buses are leaving, they had no business being in the MTA in the first place. After being in the MTA after 3-4 years the engines are sounding horrible showing off their true age.


    The ex-Triboro and Green Bus Lines RTS's weren't in the best shape neither, so they pretty much have served their purpose...


    ..ironically many of the 1996 Novas LGA has were breaking down recently (a lot of them wouldn't start up at all)

  2. Service Change Posted: 02/24/2013 10:05AM 

    Due to a police investigation at 23 St, southbound E.gif trains are running on the M.gif Line from 5 Av-53 St to W 4 St.

    Southbound A.gif trains are running on the D.gif line from 59 St-Columbus Circle to W 4 St.

    There is no C.gif train service in both directions at this time

    Expect delays on A.gifC.gif and E.gif train service at this time. 

  3. If anyone was wondering why there's CNG buses working LGA routes. Apparently, there's a shortage of approximately 20 buses, so yesterday, CP sent out some of their Orion V CNG's to LGA for use on their routes. You might see a few parked at the depot, but they are still assigned to CP and fueled at CP. I've got this info from my friends who work out of LGA.

  4. Even if they are providing shuttle buses they shouldn't say so, as that would result in people knowing they're there and using the limited capacity.


    Wait until you see this...




    So far i've seen LG, CP, JA, CS and QV helping out on the shuttle buses..good thing CS whipped out their artics for the shuttle buses..it's traffic hell over here at roosevelt av..

  5. Get yer steaming hot updates here!!! Get it while it's hot!! (i update these trains pretty rapidly!!!)



    R16 (Silver/Blue)

    R17 (Redbird)

    R21/R22 (Redbird)

    R17/R21 GEL Train (Rail Adhesion Train)

    R17 Ash Train (Garbage Train) 




  6. From pictures I see and buses I take, lga buses don't look any worse than other buses around the system. I really am not seeing what you guys are seeing...




    I D K what buses YOU riding from LG, but get on any garden variety LG RTS or Orion V (I ride them daily), do a good look around you inside and out, then go ride, say a Fresh Pond RTS....



    Speaking of LGA's buses I always seem to get a mixed bowl...I'm a daily rider of two of their routes. I've ridden some that look and run good, some that run like shit, some that look like shit, and then those that look AND run like shit! Gotta love fleet inconsistency...

  7. This is pretty strange why would CS finally get D60HF's especially the 1300's. It would of made more sense for them to get more LFSA's or maybe test the XD60's. Did they really retire 639 and 647 because I just saw one of those buses a few days ago.



    Apparently, Trevor later posted this two hours later after the roster was updated:


    1305-1306 is at CS, but there is mystery surrounding what they actually are, holding off on a final report. There is a mix up whether they are D60HFs or Orion Vs.....I know, I know Give me a few hours to get a solid confimation on the bus type.
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