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Everything posted by Bmpo7

  1. Be patient you guys. All of you will get hired. Just a matter of time. Stay busy and enjoy the holidays with your family.
  2. It is true. If you are in buses, and are comfortable, stay there.
  3. Yeah also consider quality of life. Quality of life sucks here at transit (just an opinion).
  4. The exam should open up again after 2020. Be on the lookout for it. Also stay up-to-date in these forums. Also be on the lookout for other exams.
  5. You do 25 years, and are at least 55 years old, you get 50% of your average top 5 salaries.
  6. Yes, after new contracts. I envision top pay being around $34.50 before any of us make it to top pay.
  7. It's after 5 years. I have to ask: why you leaving your job? Hotel seems pretty secured no?
  8. That's exactly all it is, a rumor. Just like they said before the last class was August. People will always make rumors up (for whatever reason). There was only 24 people because there was a limited amount of schoolcar TSS. There were still classes going on from August for both CR and TO going on when the September classes started (and they are hiring A LOT of T/O so schoolcar TSS are busy with that). There is no official hiring freeze, and classes are opened up and handled on a month-by-month basis.
  9. I'm not seasoned, just finished schoolcar. But here are some tips given to me: 1-) On time is late. Be at work at least 20 minutes before your report time. Avoid long drives (if you must drive at all). If you're in the city, stick to public transportation, this way if you're late because of delays, you are covered. If you are from out the city and commuting is hard, drive to the closest Metro North, LIRR, or subway terminal. Again, avoid being in a car too much. 2-) Communication. Constant communication between you, the dispatchers, RCC, and your partner. Always communicate (ALWAYS). You will always be covered as long as you communicate. 3-) Know your rules and bulletins. You have A LOT of free time on a lot of days, don't just sit around at the crew rooms doing nothing. Constantly read bulletins and review the rules. 4-) Operate AS PER SCHOOLCAR. You will have 100 people telling you 100 different ways to do things (even road TSS). Ignore them all. Operate as per schoolcar, and make sure to always carry around bulletins that pertain to your job duties to cover your ass if someone tries to give you any issues. 5-) Get your 7-8 hours of sleep daily. 6-) Know any General Orders and supplements that pertain to your line/tour (I personally do this at home). If I can think of anything else I will come back and post it. Any questions you might have, feel free to ask.
  10. For new/future C/Rs: if you have this issue, be sure to let schoolcar know once you get back to school after posting. Let them know the line, and they will make sure you post again with another trainer. Don't rat anybody out though, just say you don't feel like you learned the line well enough. They will be sure to reassign you again.
  11. I don't think that's correct. I think B/O makes a little more than C/R. About $2.xx more per hour at max pay. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. I'm on my phone and can't check.
  12. I thought this was only for promotion exams?
  13. I overhead one of the staff there saying there MIGHT be a September class.
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