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Everything posted by Comrade96

  1. that can also be traced to the williamsburg bridge wreck in the 90s, motorman also fell asleep and rear ended another train on the bridge
  2. You can do business casual. i went for my last medical in black jeans and a white button down
  3. like sure theyre DESIGNED to be compatible with one another IN THEORY real life may play differently....
  4. CBTC being done in patchwork by differing vendors is gonna bite transit in the ass down the line I guarantee it
  5. Unfortunately thats the one thing I can never be sure on until the few days or weeks before it hypothetically gets extended again , hence why I tell people to take the chance while they have it. My comments were meant to be rooted in realism
  6. I wasnt trying to be negative so I apologize if it came off that way
  7. the list has already been extended twice and IIRC civil service exams can only run for a maximum of 6 years before they have to be retired
  8. there is no next class, the test expires next month, its now or never
  9. it has been explained why the G cannot be extended, plus its far too late now for that
  10. F is long enough of a route already it doesnt need to be local in queens nights, the old service pattern works fine
  11. at this point theres not much that can be done theyre gonna have to tough it out
  12. Won a temporary bid on the L, im getting the hell out of C division and flagging
  13. Also my word of advice dont eat before going to medical as that may or may not skew your results depending on what you eat
  14. you need to fill out a whole other big packet for the medical. They test your hearing and vision as well as EKG tests and neck size and weight
  15. idk how it is for stations but id assume they have an annual as well
  16. because transit likes to cover all of their bases in terms of injuries on the job
  17. yeah the december conductor class already started there should be one more next month
  18. you either get to choose or you get drafted into either the A or the B
  19. lots of information in a small amount of time gotta memorize it all, theres road operations, tunnel/structure walks, a midterm and a final that both have 2 parts a written test and a practical, make sure you pass the road practical or you're toast
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