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Everything posted by Comrade96

  1. Won a temporary bid on the L, im getting the hell out of C division and flagging
  2. Also my word of advice dont eat before going to medical as that may or may not skew your results depending on what you eat
  3. you need to fill out a whole other big packet for the medical. They test your hearing and vision as well as EKG tests and neck size and weight
  4. idk how it is for stations but id assume they have an annual as well
  5. because transit likes to cover all of their bases in terms of injuries on the job
  6. yeah the december conductor class already started there should be one more next month
  7. you either get to choose or you get drafted into either the A or the B
  8. lots of information in a small amount of time gotta memorize it all, theres road operations, tunnel/structure walks, a midterm and a final that both have 2 parts a written test and a practical, make sure you pass the road practical or you're toast
  9. hardest part is being bounced around the system for work in the beginning honestly
  10. been a conductor for a year and 3 months its a great job to have
  11. pre employment and medical will not be on the same day I can guarantee you that much
  12. if you dont have any medical issues and youre not overweight you SHOULD be fine
  13. they usually pick people at random for training first priority was the crews now slowly the rest, might be cause NTTs are already there but who knows
  14. thats not how it works. Everyones supposed to get trained on the 211s at some point
  15. speaking of flagging I actually got to pick as a C/R after a year... well technically I got picked BY flagging as those were the only 11 jobs left keep me in ya prayers
  16. they shoulda just kept the 160 trucks and avoided all this but it is what it is
  17. you WILL have good days here and you WILL have bad days here, sometimes youll have REALLY BAD days, but thats any job. You just have a reason here to tough it out when it gets bad When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Those with children and S/O's keep in mind, the job will be a lot harder for you in terms of work/life balance, please keep that in mind
  18. youll be taken off the list after 90 days if you dont clear your medical hold by then
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