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Everything posted by 2ride

  1. HR in LIRR isn’t really the easiest department to deal with. They’re a pain in the ass sometimes.
  2. Basic reading and mathematics. Add subtract multiply and divide. Brush up on them if you need to.
  3. Do you or anyone else here know of a book that’s useful to help prepare for this exam? I also heard they ask you questions about major places or architectures in NYC, which I’m not so familiar with because I don’t go out to the city that often.
  4. I’m actually concerned about the tricky or difficult questions that show up on the exam. How am I suppose to go in and take the test when there’s no practice for those?
  5. Hey everyone, I just registered for the new station agent exam. Can somebody tell me what will be on it and what’s the best way to study for the test? What score do you need to get in order to get hired? Thanks.
  6. I tell you what. Try to score as high as possible so you can get called for next steps. I was shocked to find out I didn’t make it to Signals and Definitions overview only because I didn’t score high enough on those tests. Life’s a box of chocolates sometimes, you don’t know what you’re going to get. The less dark it is, the better when it comes to jobs. I have an interview next week for a cleaner’s position with Metro North since I already passed that exam too. Although I have a feeling that I may get disappointed on that also, I’d rather die trying, trying to get the job than to put no effort at all. I really want to become a conductor or engineer one day with either LIRR or MNRR, that’s how I see it.
  7. I took an open house test for conductor. They present to you a vocabulary exam, cognitive exam, and a math exam on that day. Pass the first 2 and you’ll be able to take the math. Don’t pass the first 2, you will be removed from the program and not get to take the math. When you pass all 3, you’ll be doing a checklist interview with one of the employees. Pass the interview and the exams, you’ll get notified either you are moved forward to next steps or not. Again, this is just for conductor, engineers might or might not have the same format to follow for open house. Good luck!!
  8. Anyone knows if having commercial cleaning experience will almost guarantee somebody to get hired for the position or can they hire somebody with little to no cleaning experience? Most of my work experience consists of customer service, logistics, inventory, and computer support. I have done some cleaning duties in the past, but they were more like side tasks.
  9. Conductor thread for some reason isn’t that active on here, so I posted it in the engineer thread instead.
  10. I got a call today from HR informing I have not been selected to move forward with the process after open house. But they told me I could reapply again within a year. I wish I could’ve scored higher sometimes. On the bright side, I have an interview with Metro North coming up next week for custodian driver. Hopefully that’ll open doors for me to become a conductor or engineer inside that agency instead.
  11. The most messed up thing they could ever do is not inform us if we’re skipped. It makes the situation look so complex and upsetting.
  12. Dunno why they can’t just send out emails saying we didn’t get picked to move forward if we really didn’t get picked. It seems they want to keep us waiting and thinking whether we made it to next overview or not. On the other hand, only 1 person has told me they do send out emails.
  13. I had mine on Oct 14. I didn’t get an email yet. That’s just weird.
  14. Does anyone know what is going to be on the station agent exam and what’s the best way to study or prepare for it? I’m taking it this year. Thanks.
  15. Is he just announcing this with knowledge or it actually came into his email today?
  16. Did they send this email to conductors as well or only engineer applicants?
  17. It might be difficult to get people to overturn that decision. The city is already thinking about rehiring other its workers who didn’t follow the mandate back then, but I don’t see this decision passing up in the supreme court. Plus, better for us who want to work for MTA if they don’t end up getting rehired.
  18. There’s another station agent exam coming up this year. Can someone tell me what’s going to be on the test and how to study or prepare for it? Thanks.
  19. I’m also in process with LIRR for a position with them. I passed my pre-screening exams in person, now I’m waiting for the signals and definitions overview at this point. I hope to keep you guys updated on my status.
  20. What number are they up to right now? I heard they just hired 800+ people.
  21. Anyone took the exam last week or two weeks ago? Has anybody heard back from HR yet? I’m still waiting for the S&D overview.
  22. Did you take the exam last Friday? Also, we’re in october right now, not august .
  23. Do you think they’ll send us denial letters if we aren’t invited for S&D overview?
  24. I went in for conductor on open house day and got a brief interview after I took all of my exams. Be ready for them if you haven’t attended open house yet
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