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Everything posted by 2ride

  1. Dunno what implications you’re making, but I haven’t seen or thought of you posting on here for months and all of a sudden you’re coming on here just to claim that you feel annoyed by random posts that were never addressed towards you? Also, instead of being hostile about me and Lawrence’s situations, what you could’ve done was calm us down, answer our inquiries, and try to understand the issues. Did you do that? All I see is you coming to look for a man-child level argument on a job forum. For a conductor yourself, I think you should know better than that.
  2. You’re a liar. If you’re an MTA employee, that’s even worse because you’re treating people like shit now.
  3. That’s a lie man! I never PMed you. I PMed someone else about the process. Take a chill pill, you seem to have spent too much time on this forum confusing yourself with everything now. Also, you don’t need to caps lock your thoughts. Everyone here is supportive and searching for answers resiliently on how to board on the company. Your misinterpretation of things is only making it worse.
  4. Serious question, how old are you? You’re not stalking me or anything right? Based on your post history, you don’t seem to get a lot of responses from other people on the forum because of how rude and denigrating you are sometimes, I hope you realize that.
  5. Congrats to everyone who received an email for SD overview. I must have done terrible on this cognitive to not get one. Until then, I’ll see y’all whenever I apply after one year and retake the test.
  6. Which is why I’ve been saying that it’s fair to give everybody a chance to take the signals and definitions. Test scores don’t best measure potential to perform the job. Idk how the heck they even set this up at all…
  7. If that was the case then how come some of us never heard back? I know I did well on the interview. I had cash handling and customer service experience. The names should’ve been called out during the middle of the session when we all went on breaks.
  8. I don’t think they care about the interview score that happened at the end. I think the job is all test based. The higher you score at open house, the higher chances you’ll get moved forward to S and D.
  9. It’s absolutely insane. I passed my cleaners for this agency and I still haven’t been contacted for an interview yet, but they still have another posting up right now. Like how much longer do they go on with applicants without responses?
  10. Don’t forget there’s NJT and Amtrak also. And to be fair, MNRR’s cognitive when I took it wasn’t extremely difficult compared to LIRR. I found their cognitive portion to actually be fair, and at the end of the day, they’d hire people with train experience already over people coming from off the streets (still doesn’t hurt to apply you never know). The cognitives need to be fair for everyone who applies for these positions, idk why LIRR made it so hard for. And again, I think everyone who pass cognitives should get a chance to take S&D, idk why they would weed us out like that.
  11. Metro north had a locomotive engineer posting up a while ago. Did you apply? There’s always that same opportunity on the other end if this one doesn’t work out.
  12. Except for Signals and Definitions, you can get a few wrong and still get hired because they trust you’ll be able to turn those wrongs into rights once you’re on the job.
  13. The good thing about working for LIRR as of now is if you ever change your mind and want to move out to the upper areas of NY or Connecticut, you’ll be able to transfer into Metro North. I got a job offer yesterday as a contractor with Amtrak even though I won’t be directly an Amtrak employee. I hope to be able to move up quick and work on the train so I can transfer over to MTA within a year or two — that’s the goal, but it’s so hard to make it through these tough times!
  14. We don’t know anything about the statistics of those who didn’t make it to SD ended up making it to SD the second time.
  15. Honestly I don’t think they give a shit about the interview. It’s all based on cognitive score, which is a poor way to determine if somebody will pass the SnD.
  16. How does the cognitive test mental resiliency though? Mental resiliency is based on the job performance itself. That’s like saying someone who scored 2400 on SAT will get As at Harvard, not true. When you get the job, let us know if anything we got tested on cognitive is used in anyway on the job.
  17. I sold myself as much as I could. I even started off with the conversation before the interviewer did just to capture their attention (no harm intended). What else could I have done?
  18. Man… I must’ve done terrible on the cognitive to not get S&D…
  19. Again, invite the people who didn’t get called back for SnD. You’ll be surprised at how many of the low cognitive scorers is capable of studying and passing it. Now if fail it along with the ones who got called, then that’s fair if we don’t get hired. But it isn’t fair to say no one who scored low on cognitive can’t pass SD if they’re not given a chance.
  20. Yes, but the main issue with this is you have to score a specific target score they’re looking for, passing it isn’t enough. Hopefully Amtrak and Metro North don’t this either.
  21. I really think they should give all the engineers and conductors who passed cognitive regardless of the score a chance to take the S&D. Cognitive scores do not determine if people will fail SD or not.
  22. They should just give everyone who passed the cognitive a chance to try to pass the S&D. Idk why they can’t do it like that
  23. Can anyone tell me if it’s going to be an easy change for LIRR to stop hiring people using the current system, which is based on exams only? Can they make it so that everybody who passes the cognitive exams gets a chance to take SD also? Not everyone will pass the SDs. It confuses me why they would skip out so many people sometimes.
  24. Wouldn’t it be better if they gave everybody who pass the cognitive a chance to pass the SD also instead of skipping out some people? The cognitive scores aren’t the best measures for determining if someone can do the job or not.
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