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East New York

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Everything posted by East New York

  1. 6126-6178 (53). When updated, fleet assignments are always posted in the first page of this thread. MTA is currently reviewing proposals from Nova and New Flyer. However, it will be going to New Flyer for various reasons. Update on 6115: The bus went out on driver training today so we will see how things go.....
  2. My pending cancel post has now been 100% Accurate. Grand Av is officially pending cancel, however 6115(waiting on its destination now) is out on the road now for the first time since it was sent to Grand. Gun Hill will get the buses now in an 11th hour decision. This also means the LFSA assignment and possibly the 4700 assignments will now change as well. We also should have had at least 6-10 LFSA's in service by now, but this order is now at least a month if not more behind schedule. It is unclear how MTA will move forward with the fleet until we get some details on the LFSA order. Everything about that procurement has gone silent, which is very strange to me. Summary: Some buses were mentioned already 5992, 5993, 5995, 5996, 5997, 6003 all in. 6103 to OH 6117, 6121, 6123, 6125 to GH
  3. Don't forget that MTA always issues competitive RFP's. However, there will be no competitive bidding on this order, and New Flyer will end up getting it for several reasons. At this point in time, Novas prices are starting to be way too high, and they don't have the capacity to build an additional 53 Artics for Bus Co. in the time frame that MTA will need them. I am being told Nova is booked for us through August 2019. The numbers Nova is quoting MTA for the Electric and Hybrid buses are not feasible, or economical either. It's 90/10, but definitely not 50/50. You also have to remember that MTA is in the process of streamlining it's fleet by depot and region. LFS, and LFSA do not fit into this new scenario. So it's more like 100/0 after you factor that in. lol. Speaking of pricing points, MTA successfully negotiated an addition $1.73 Million dollar discount on the XE40's a few days ago. As far as Nova protesting the Electric awards, MTA has stated that the decision was based off the fact that Proterra and New Flyer are "technologically superior" at this time. This does not mean other companies cannot get involved, however MTA wants more buses in service for a reference point, similar to how they evaluated the most recent CNG order, and the pending artic CNG orders. Delivery Summary August LFSA production pendjng (behind schedule and actually due now) September XN60 pilots December BE40 and XE40 pilots January XD40 pilots February XDE40 pilot(s) March LFS BYD 60 delivery pending contract negotiations, finalization, approval, and award.
  4. I want everyone to remember the even though the R211 award is delayed until September it is still on track. My last major update post confirmed the program was moving forward, and last week in light of the review, MTA wants to take another month out to evaluate everything. This further makes be think this could be a split award like the R160's. We will wait and see what happens, and I will have another update next month (August) as MTA finalizes all the details and makes a decision. Note unlike many posts my last post did not have the month of award, and I just said "sooner than later in 2017." This was because I was told the decision was pending for August/September, yet it had not been confirmed. So that was one of those bits of information I wanted to wait until MTA conformed 100% before a posted a new date. I was asked not to talk about any other details, or discuss the reasons they are actually taking more time to review the proposals. We will be able to get into all the details September and October. So stay tuned guys, and be patient.
  5. Evening all! We have a major update on the XE40 order. In accordance with yet another revised MTA timeline, more details gave changed. Originally, plans called for the XD40, then XE40 then XDE40. The timeline now calls for the XE40's to be delivered in full by years end. In a revised schedule, MTA will move to seek board approval for the lease of 5 XE40's for a three year evaluation, qualification and test phase. All 5 of the buses will now be delivered in December. The 10 XDE40 pilots will all be delivered in February and March according to the schedule. However, not one production bus has been delivered on time since the 7000 and 7090 fleets. The board is expected to sign off this week, then the State of NY has to sign off on it as well because of the high procurement costs, and the fact that this was not a competitive bid. Through negotiations, New Flyer reduced the total cost of the least by more than $1.7 million dollars, aligning them more in the price range of the Proterra buses as they will compete with each other for any future contracts. As more details become available, I will be sure to share.
  6. I think I missed 260 in that second post I made. It's still at CP for the record.
  7. 6115 at GA...... Still no action.......Does that make my post 100% accurate now or naw? As I said when 6115 was assigned to Grand, just because it's assigned doesn't mean anything.... I basically got attacked when it showed up with GA decals... As I said, it won't go into service until all the details are sorted out and complete.... I really hope I don't come off as condescending in some of these rebuttal posts, however after 9 years I'm still confused as to why I have to explain myself repeatedly.....
  8. Yep it was a last minute change and there were a few operators that could cover the runs, so they were sent out. Full force next weekend as 7-11 said.
  9. Since MTA Bus was given the work you could see any of their buses on it.
  10. At this time I don't, as my specialty is Dept. of Buses. I don't keep up with the minor RTO details. However I can contact RTO or DCE and see what I can find out.
  11. Obviously you have no idea who I am and that's ok. Many people still don't. I however own my own consulting firm and have worked with every major TA and supplier in North America. I am the Manager of this here forum, and we pride ourselves on accurate information. For the last 9 and a half years, over more than 8,000 posts, my information has been 99% correct, and 100% correct at the time of posting. (Save any typos or honest mistakes) If a train or bus manufacturer can't hold to a schedule that has nothing to do with me. If MTA decides to change something, or as of late, if the Governor starts making executive divisions, things will change. This is common sense that anyone should know and be well aware of. I have posted information on contract awards before the winner was even notified. I have access to information that 90% of the rest of the MTA workforce does not. I have consulted numerous times with the office of the President, and the engineering executives of MTA. I was given the name ENY, by staff because they would say I knew more than them and they were the ones in charge. I have immunity from posting my sources and every few years someone like you comes along to challenge that. Well it's not gonna happen, I'm not going to change how I post, and if you don't like the I formation or feel it is accurate then I'm not exactly sure what to tell you. My information comes from Brass and is almost never second hand. Some of my best friends and associates work all across the industry. I have presented at APTA. You ARE NOT allowed to post here without sources, so you have a valid point. However there are a few that have immunity from supplying sources here. Check my record. And the M9 was delivered. It was update being evaluated. It was not on here on MTA property as I thought. So the details were correct and the location was not. This forum was built off my inside information and that of key TTMG members, MTA, Daimler, Luminator, Detroit Diesel, Nova, New Flyer, Clever Devices, and MTS/TMC employees. Together we made this site what it is today, and the MTA uses the TTMG roster (The official Roster of NYCTF) to familiarize new hires on the depots and equipment..... So those are my sources..... You just won't ever know who gave me what info... I also have access to MTA facilities so many of my posts are first hand confirmed by myself and my own eyes. Allow me to introduce myself. I am East New York, Surface Transit Headquarters in the flesh. Anymore questions? By the way, because MTA is transparent, all of my information is eventually confirmed in black and white for public record. May be 2 days after my post, or may be 2 years later in some cases.
  12. Since November 1, 2015 FYI, the new J was designed by BMW exclusively for MCI.
  13. SAS Phase 2 is officially a go and allocated to the current and next Capital Programs.... Complete details coming tomorrow.
  14. No news, no link... Everything is subject to change. In case you don't know me, 95% of my posts have not made it to Black and White and will not until long after I post. I don't get my info from news articles, I get them from MTA or Industry Brass.
  15. Hot off the press.... R211 award has been accelerated and expected sooner than later this year.... 2017 award with a 2026 entry into service for all cars including options.....
  16. This is funny! I was told the MTA wasn't going to publicly say why the B was actually going local, and was asked not to talk about it. I swear they be testing me just to see if I will talk! Lol! NOPE! That's why I still get all the exclusives! I said they won't make it to service in time but Bombardier is determined to prove me wrong after my post! We shall see!
  17. Yeah.... The part I was asked not to speak on. I guess a part of that cat is out the bag now! LMAO! You guys never cease to amaze me at times. @Cait. I agree 100%, but lets just let this play out. I have no doubt the 179's will be reliable cars one day! lol @VG8, no they are not cancelling the order. This emergency Brighton testing is supposed to speed things up so EIS is till on the new schedule, but as I said I don't see it happening. I could be wrong though....
  18. Correct. The rotation is just to make sure service is covered. Any of these buses can end up on a BP line. Especially the ones that were already assigned to BP, such as 2809. The other transfers however will be 99% for the shuttle.
  19. Day 2 of testing on the Brighton did not go as well as expected. I have been asked not to speak on the specific issues, however, Bombardier will NOT get the R211 contract. That is unofficial and only my opinion, but you all can take my quote to the bank. It's a done deal for them. This is absolutely insane that this train is not in service yet. MTA may be the hardest TA to work with on the planet but there is a good reason for that. At this point MTA is extremely disappointed in the EIS of the R179, and they have right to be. I created an R179 thread in 2009, then a brand new thread in 2011. It is now 2017 and I really don't see this train entering revenue service testing in August on the . I have pics of day 2 as well. I have not uploaded yet, but they are viewable on Facebook in the Transit Photos & Videos. I will upload to either YouTube or Photobucket this evening for the people who don't have Facebook or don't have access as both of these comm uh cities are private if I recall correctly.
  20. Ironically this was the same problem MTS had with the RTS Extreme LF. These new multiplex systems are complex as hell and the Xcelsior has the most complex system of all right now.....
  21. 5517, 5713, and 5726 are loans to WF and still assigned to GH and all currently on the Bx15. Rockville Center fleet status: 2251, 2261, 2284, 2809, 3153, 3190, 3227, 3233, 3244, 3259, 3260, 3293, 3315, 3331, 3332, 3342, 3344, 3345, 3386, 3387, 3407, 3414, 3424, 4300, 4307, 4309, 4311, 4313, 4315, 4323, and 4329. Note these RC buses are all assigned to BP.
  22. 772, 773, 775, 776, 778, 779, 780, 782, 783, 784, 785 NFI to JG (in case any were missed) 4313 CH to BP
  23. On 756 and one of the interior lights is shorting out already. Lol and smh... Get it together New Flyer!!!
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