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Everything posted by LTA1992

  1. It's a Mock Up, not the actual thing. And to add, the mock up isn't even finished as of these photos.
  2. Well, I guess so since the converted 188s have a new 188 C car in each set. If it were all Converted cars, then I doubt it would.
  3. Of course it will. It's required to.
  4. The outside of the car can look perfect, what matters is whats on the inside.
  5. It should. The line would have to be local, but it should.
  6. Yes, it's a swap. R160s are being swapped for 32s this summer. Zuoon.
  7. Because the provision for the original SAS station is part of the Mezzanine. Fully integrated. And no, they aren't using the Pell Street section.
  8. I have absolutely no clue why what you just said was so interesting to me, but I like the sound of that.
  9. Well, an extension to Bklyn has been mentioned quite a few times. If it ever did happen, I think it would just continue from the southern end of Hanover Square.
  10. Wow, I just wake up from a Grand Theft auto V induced coma and I see this. Soooooo shiiiny lol
  11. There it is again. Using words like "junk" and "crap" when there is a more mature way of showing criticism.
  12. Other plans were for locals in Manhattan to end at what is now WTC. Brooklyn Locals to end at Court with the Express making the cross borough trip.
  13. Guy, go sit in a corner and think about your life. All that was unneeded and everyone has pointed out the flaws already albeit in a more mature manner.
  14. Court Street was to be connected with the 2 Avenue Subway.
  15. I can tell you one thing, The R142A looks better than the R142. Shiner and cleaner.
  16. You can't blame Westchester for the buckling because the R143 does it too.
  17. It did make sense to have 8 tracks running under South 4th Street since it was to split into 3 different trunks going east and two west.
  18. Machines can be more human like than people give credit for. Scientists have said similar things to that. Lines like yours come from people who don't think outside the box.
  19. The only change to 8th Ave I'd advocate for is renaming the Lefferts to . Hard to believe that people still, after all there years, continue to take the wrong train.
  20. Really? Then if that was the case, the wouldn't have listed the as one of the lines to get the R179 for SAS expansion. Secondly, the R179 is not going to be much different from the R160. So again, maintenance should not be an issue.
  21. Thank you for repeating what was said at least 3 times, Sir.
  22. Why do all that instead of just giving CI those 40 R179s? Why make things more complicated than that?
  23. See, that's the thing. From a mechanical point of view, The R179 is just supposed to be a lighter weight R160. Therefore, there shouldn't be much of a problem. On top of that, what better place to have the 5-car R179 go than Coney Island? The shop that can maintain and has maintained almost every R-type car since unification? And to add to that, where would those extra cars for the extension come from? Where would those displaced R46s go? And a final note, why give Pitkin those 40 cars instead of just letting them keep what they have for uniformity? You know, since this is apparently coming from a maintenance point of view.
  24. Considering the will be getting brand new cars starting in 2015, that's not a legit reason.
  25. Considering that utility relocation and tunneling took up most of the time, everything else should be a breeze.
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