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Everything posted by Burrstone

  1. I don't think it took a lot to figure out what I meant, thanks for the correction though.
  2. LOL I love the idiots like the lady you described, and always encounter them when I have nothing to throw. Honest to god, I know you'll probably get sued but next time put something through her back windshield! She'll regret she ever cursed at you for daring to cross legally, go to court when she sues you and make your defense that she attempted to assault you with he automobile, you probably won't win but maybe you'll scare her off with your answer to her complaint and counter claim. Or at the scene you could always ask for her insurance information, call her insurance company offer to pay for the glass in payments, ask them how much it is going to cost them when this kills someone in the same situation, lie and tell them you subpoena'd the camera at the intersection, remember this women name and when she is on the news for killing someone in an intersection you'll personally deliver the video to the lawyer who is suing the insurance company for millions (and that video would ensure a multimillion dollar pay out by the insurance company). LOL I guarantee after that conversation the insurance will not charge you for the windshield and will probably drop her coverage for being too much of a risk after that. You're right, Sunrise HWY is especially bad one of the worst! Either people aren't looking because they are too busy with their phones or they don't care and will risk your safety because they want to go. I think the light at intersections on Sunrise HWY should be resigned so that if a pedestrian hits the cross button all cars have a red while the pedestrian has a walk sign. True people forget things they learned but driving is a privilege and forgetting shouldn't be an excuse, this isn't NYC but this isn't Kansas either their are people walking all over the place. The truth is people driving don't give a shit about pedestrians, there time is more valuable than a a pedestrians drivers will make a pedestrian wait because a car will always win and you have to yeild the right of way if you don't feel like dying. I was going to use the example of would bus drivers be allowed be to start flying over RR tracks, but when I think about the cops wouldn't do anything, allow the bad behavior, wait for a tragedy, THEN some politician will pull a PR stunt getting his/her face on the news as he/she "vows" to crack down on this so no tragedy happens again. How about enforcing the laws in the first designed to keep us safe!?! Ironically most of these laws were put on the books because of tragedies, but everyone forgets about them until the next tragedy!
  3. Drastic measures need to be taken in Nassau & Suffolk Counties over people who don't treat driving as seriously as it should be! I am not even kidding when I say Cuomo needs to call a state of emergency on the dangerous driving in Nassau and Suffolk county... Either all driving convictions need to "non tolerance" suspending licences upon conviction for 30 days OR immediately make everyone living in Nassau and Suffolk a written test again. If you can't pass the written test you have no business driving, and you won't be driving until you can pass the test. I know I may get shit for this or told I'm over reacting/making too big a deal, but why do people have to die everyday, out your lives in danger, you family and friends lives in danger because Nassau, Suffolk, and the State will do nothing!?!
  4. Just because you're pissed off at the service doesn't mean you have to fly off the handle whenever someone says anything non negative about Veolia/NICE. Sorry you're pissed about the service but people should be able to to discuss Veolia/NICE in the Nassau Inter County Express section, even if they dare not to bash NICE and or Veolia.
  5. Brett, you screwed yourself! There is a reason throwbacks are reserved for Thursday's, you can't just post a random throwback on a random day, all hell breaks loose.
  6. What the hell are you talking about? Anyone mentions Veolia and you fly off the handle, over sensitive much? You still didn't tell me how you interpreted my first comment on this topic as me interpreting this as an attack on Veolia? You were the one who started the conversation insinuating the "Veolia Squad" was going to freak on you if you made a joke about a bus catching fire 5 years ago. I'm tired of you freaking out like a little girl whenever someone talks shit about Justin Beiber whenever someone mentions Veolia or points out how the " Is and Was Our Savior Squad" would've been all over Veolia if the same situation happened under Veolia.
  7. How in the blue hell did you interpret this as me interpreting this as an attack on Veolia? I would love to know the thought process in this one... Relax. I said over and over last year that the experience I've had with transit buses is that a censor turns the AC on and off, on borderline warm days the AC won't start itself, the only way is to turn it on is in the engine compartment. What I said is an observation and I don't know why you got bent out of shape about it? I was sitting on a bus the other day so hot, all windows closed (inducing drivers window), and there was even a dude wearing a sweater, as the bus easily reached over 85, thank go I was only going a short distance! If you know the answer, why are asking in the first place?
  8. I would've laughed, as I am now... HAHAHA "hot bus." Besides this was an bus at the time so why would the "Veolia squad" have a problem with that comment? Although, I think Brett is lying, he said this happened in 2008 under LIB, but how could that be? We've been told over and over in this forum that bad things like this don't happen under the because their maintenance was far superior. I've been on very warm NG's, but assumed it was because the driver and majority of passengers immigrated from Country's with very warm climates where they think a 80+ degree bus is actually comfortable. Holy shit, if that happened under NICE Pine would've been here with smoke like that coming out of his head bitching that this happened NICE maintenance sucks and that this would've never happened under LIB...
  9. I had a dream last night that I saw a Xcelsior in NICE's lot. I later found out that it was there on loan from the because NICE was considering Xcelsior's and let NICE test the bus to see if it fit their needs. Def a random NICE thought... lol But seriously on the topic of new buses, considering the number of new buses NICE has announced over the years I wouldn't be surprised to see demo's in Nassau County at some point from the manufacturers.
  10. Sometimes taking a bus to go meet a friend, go to a meeting, or doing your grocery shopping is not relying on the system. A person waiting to take the bus everyday to go to class rely's on the system, someone waiting for the bus who risks being fired and losing their income (if the bus is late/doesn't come)rely's on the system. Huge difference.
  11. You take the systems you mentioned above, you don't rely/depend on them. There's a huge difference.
  12. I really don't think it is a problem or the same line/same times to go through all this (all though the new GPS will track this soon). I think it's more of A) luck, the driver hit no traffic and no red lights. B) It's the same drivers who will leave early, speed like, not give a shit. I say this bc I see the n19 several times a day and certain drivers will always be early run after run but other drivers will be right on time or a few minutes late. Hmm.. No need to adjust schedules, if a driver is running more than 5 minutes early they need to pull over and wait. It's that simple. I find it amazing that even after this hit the media and gotten a direct order from setzer not to run early some drivers are still doing this. This is a total lack of respect for upper management, the riders, and an attitude that they can do what they want bc the system is there to give them a job, not what the system is designed to do: give rides to those in the community that need it. IMHO any driver that is caught blatantly or frequently running 5+ minutes early needs to warned, if caught doing it again they need and deserve to be terminated. Seriously, what service is a driver doing for the riders if they pass the bus stop early and leave them behind?
  13. Yea, I was also thinking of supermarkets for him, many entry level supermarket jobs don't require any experience at all. If he looked he'd probably find something part time to at least give him some extra money for his hobby.
  14. I agree with what you say BUT when driver is 10 minutes early he/she is not doing his/her job, they are just shitting on the rider and I won't take the union song and dance that they are just working hard to put food on the table. They are screwing over other hard working people, this was a problem with LIB and seems to still be a problem with certain senior drivers. Even after this was in the news and Setzer said it had to stop you'd think it would stop but I've noticed the same people doing the same things. The only thing I've seen is buses get to major transfer points early and wait until the allowed time and go. What about everyone they left behind before they got to the major transfer point? This really needs to stop and what I'm concerned about is the LIBRU is going to take this and turn it into a joke bitching about buses that are 1,2,3 minutes early. I'm worried that the LIBRU is going to allow the powers to dismiss this problem as the LIBRU bitching about ridiculous shit while the real problem is swept under the rug and allowed to continue.
  15. No one wants to wait at the bus stop, as I said before I agree with buses coming 10 minutes early as you said. But 1, 2, 3 minutes? Come on, school children have to be at their bus stop before and adults have a problem showing up 5 minutes before? Seriously!?! Yes, I understand people may get out of work at certain times, but if you get done 5 minutes before the bus comes there is no way you're making it.
  16. Are the buses brought out by an MTA driver or a driver for the shop? The shops probably have a transport or dealer tag they throw in the vehicle? Seriously... Or even simply just type: MTA BUS or NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT US DOT #XXXXXX (city of garage), NY on a piece of paper and tape it in the window of each side, check to make sure the driver has their DOT card on them, and problem solved. lol Wouldn't the bus still need a DOT inspection to operate interstate? I really don't know about DOT inspections...
  17. Show me where that matters? From everything I've heard and read it doesn't matter if passengers cross states lines it's that a ​commercial motor vehicle crosses state lines. I can drive a truck to CT and violate FMCSA with just myself in it because I crossed state lines in a CMV. This is why any company transporting any sort of bus has a placard with the company name, location, and DOT number taped in the window on each side, bc the driver and company would get nailed by the DOT or cops. Believe me they will nail someone without a placard taped in the window, they started cracking down on that last summer. If what you are saying is true no company transporting buses would have to invest in DOT number and operating authority, because it's just the bus being transported over state lines with no passengers on it. I'm not trying to argue about this, but if it's the law, I'd love to see it. What I posted was not the only exception, just a subsection where NJ was mentioned. There are exceptions based on how big the metro area is, how big the area s out of state... If I remember correctly it goes up to 20 miles (not air miles), so it could be part of the exception. But these shuttles don't seem to be part of the exception. ...and just because it has been done in the past for whatever reason doesn't make it legal... For all we know an order was signed making an exception for the service?
  18. Actually it has nothing to do with crossing state lines but the passengers are picked up in one state and dropped off in the same state. it doesn't matter where the passengers are picked or dropped off, state lines are still being crossed. What is going in this case is the FMCSA has made certain exemptions where metropolitan area's cover two or more states... sources: http://web1.ctaa.org/webmodules/webarticles/articlefiles/FMCSA_MythsAndRealities_20100713.pdf http://web1.ctaa.org/webmodules/webarticles/articlefiles/Texas_FMCSA_issues.pdf "Though somewhat confusing anotherlist of cities is provided elsewhere in the regulations, in Appendix F to subpart B of Part 390. Though there is much overlap with the cities mentioned in the lists set out above,there are additional cities listed. Each of these areas is defined in detail within Appendix F. Los Angeles, Calif., and contiguous and adjacentmunicipalities Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati,Ohio Boston, Mass. Commercial zones of municipalities in New Jersey within 5 miles of New York,N.Y. Commercial zones of municipalities in Westchester and Nassau Counties,N.Y., Tucson, Ariz. Albuquerque,N. Mex. Detroit, Mich. New Orleans, La. Portland,Ore. Vancouver, Wash. Memphis, Tenn. Houston, Tex. Pueblo, Colo. Louisville, Ky. Sioux City, Iowa MetropolitanGovernment ofNashville andDavidson County, Tenn. Consolidated City ofIndianapolis, Ind. Lexington‐FayetteUrban County, Ky." I still don't think this CT shuttle would be covered by the exemption, I didn't read the whole thing but it seems a whole different animal than what the exemption allows. If someone wants point out how the exemption covers the CT shuttle, please do. As far as this exception where these buses would be exempt because the passengers are in CT and not moved across a state line, please post it for me. I've never heard off this, the bus is still crossing state lines and does not seem to fall under the exemption.
  19. Are there DOT inspection stickers in the windshield? The reason I ask is because the entire LIB fleet had to have a DOT inspection before NICE took over because was exempt from a DOT inspection. The question that I have is would the be exempt from FMCSA rules and regulations if operating in interstate travel (such as this shuttle)? and if so, why? I can't forget about something I don't know. Like I said, I only ask because I'm curious without a certain exemption it appears the was violating FMCSA rules and regulations. Granted they were helping but if the DOT decided to be a dick, they really could have nailed the . If there was an accident while violating these laws the lawyers would have had a field day with the self insured !
  20. Did the drivers of the buses start their day working in CT or did they drive the bus out of NYC themselves do the shuttle in CT and drive back to NY? Did these buses have a DOT inspection and inspection sticker on the bus? Did all the doing this shuttle have a DOT physical, and if so carrying their DOT card on them? I ask this because I am curious, not because I am bitching, the one question we know the answer to is were these buses operated in interstate travel? Yes. If we answered no to any of my first three questions it would appear FMCSA rules and regulations were violated. It would've been a huge liability to the and the drivers if involved in an accident while violating FMCSA rules and regulations.
  21. I enjoyed the pics in the news where the signs displayed 'SUBWAY SHUTTLE' Was NICE asked to help out with buses? I know it has been said that NICE/Veolia has kept a "good relationship" with the since the transition. I couldn't help but wonder why NICE wasn't helping since there were other private companies helping and the news reported there "weren't enough buses" for people to get on.
  22. Who told you this and when did this go into effect? I was told by NICE customer service that "NICE recommends being at the bus stop 5 minutes early." When did this business start about a minute or two? BTW is it a minute or two? Is this only at major stops or all stops? It is absurd to have a rule saying a bus cannot come more than a minute or two early. That is the difference between getting red light or making the green at an intersection and having to sit at the bus stop after crossing the intersection for 1 to two minutes. IF this is a rule it is only going to make buses later, if they can't leave a bus stop more than a minute or two before they are scheduled the bus is killing valuable minutes sitting when they could be moving. People also miss their connection when buses are late? Lemme guess, the LIBRU is going to credit themselves for this new ridiculous rule? I agree buses shouldn't be flying by early, but I'm talking over 5 minutes, not a minute or two!
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