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Everything posted by CenSin

  1. Suppose additional tracks were added to this line, how feasible do you think this would be? The physical structures don't appear to lend much room for improvement. Bored tunnels are literally set in stone.
  2. Remember it's cool to be a non-conformist. You become more marketable than the average mass-produced people out there. But never fall for the trap of being anti-conformist. non-conformist ≠ anti-conformist An non-conformist does his own thing independent of everyone else. An anti-conformist takes what everyone else is doing and does the exact opposite which—logically—means that they are not free from the yoke of conformity; they're just marching with the crowd while facing the opposite way (which is quite stupid).
  3. No need for depression. No need for an explanation. Here's a solution: do what you've always been doing. If you must respond, don't feel bad about looking down on the other person for being the smaller man. You can even do it passively: I simply dress better than everyone else around me. And then no matter what I do, people will never raise a stink. They can't look down on the things you do if you're obviously of higher standards to the naked eye. Try it. Some people will think you're a professional photographer, film maker, or doing a college project. It works wonders even if people know you're none of those things. People will respect your hobby out of an inferiority complex. Have confidence in what you do no matter what, my man.
  4. Uptown trains are also running on the 6 Avenue line. I saw one 20 minutes ago. Photos to come soon...
  5. People are evacuating the at 42 Street on the 8 Avenue line. trains are bypassing it too.
  6. Wall Street folks instinctively strip you mentally to find out how much you're worth in dollars. Everything you do in front of them is analyzed in minute detail. What a difference a number makes, because when you tell them how much money you have to play with they forget any fashion gaffes (like wrong-colored socks and old-looking shoes) you might've made while meeting them.
  7. Whether it's good to have your photo taken or not, tt's all in the mind. There's an easy way to deal with this: tell yourself that people are taking your pictures because you're sexy.
  8. Old news. Saw the new episode last week already. lol
  9. I guess I'm pretty damn lucky. I've always handled those things with my bare hands.
  10. And a lot of people pretend to have good arguments. They post without substance and then claim that they've met the standards for a quality post. When someone with actual facts comes along, they praise that person for bringing the facts to light (which makes them a complete hypocrite because all of their own posts have been lacking in… facts) while ignoring the facts that don't suit their agenda. There was a thread months ago that I left alone that illustrates this. I don't remember who the posters were, but each person knows himself the best and I hope you know who you are.
  11. Now we'll all pass this exam. I would not go all out. Broadwell processors are coming out early next year. That's the real gold we should be aiming for. With Broadwell, you could probably have a desktop that's the size of a Mac Mini.
  12. We've known each other for 1 year, actually. I don't go for girls I don't know too well. The procrastination is a long story itself, but long story short: don't plan too much and just do it is the lesson here. The other guy has liked her for 6 months too, but rarely shows his face around. I let the problem fester for too long behind my back. But you have a point there about needing a crutch to support him on dates.
  13. I'm 85% confident she likes me. The only trouble is the awkward situation that I've placed her in: there's another guy in the game but he's too shy to ask, so he has a friend do the work for him (setting up the date, promoting him, and encouraging her to ask him out instead). I'm effectively up against 2 people and everyone except me seems to have voiced support for the pairing. Me asking her out was a shock/surprise and pretty much a last ditch attempt at getting her together with me after procrastinating for 6 months.
  14. Waiting for an answer from the girl I asked out... over 5 days of dead silence is killing me. Anyone ever waited that long for a girl/boy to "check their schedule"?
  15. I think they should render the bullets as it's shown on the maps. As for the color, it's fine if they use red (for the reasons you quoted), but a solid color (LED lights on) with the letter/number being black (LED lights off) eliminates all of the unnecessary detail. The eyes only need to discern the shape of the bullet (circle or diamond), and determine the shape of the interior. If you'd like me to demonstrate with an illustration, I'd be happy to provide one. At progressively smaller sizes, my version is always more readable.
  16. The "selective" racism I describe isn't dating within your own group, but dating outside your group while limiting your choices. It's a facade of "colorblindness" when the statistics clearly show an extremely biased distribution. In some cases, dating outside the group is more common than within, but only with a few (or just one) select other groups. If you're a Latino, that complicates things a bit. Let's ask this: what is a "Latino"?
  17. The engineers, unfortunately, didn't take into account the difficulty of reading the bullet from a distance. When an R160 pulls in and I'm at the end of the platform, I can't see what train it is until it's two-thirds down the length of the platform. Suppose I need to make a quick decision depending on the train that's coming, I cannot do that until the train is pretty much in my face. The trains need larger bullets, and/or The bullets need to stop using the "outline" style; in other words, a solid circle instead of a hollow circle will improve readability a lot.
  18. I just saw a Coney Island-bound at 9 Avenue going express...
  19. Sometimes it's "openmindedness" on the surface. Really, it's just selective racism, which is even worse than just dating within a group.
  20. Methinks the train operator would be spending more time flirting with Siri than actually doing his job.
  21. Sony seems to be innovating. Their Xperia tablets and phones are waterproof (a rare trait in the market), but they're currently much too expensive for many.
  22. I've had an HTC Thunderbolt. At the time of its release, it was quick. Now that all smart phones are more or less 4G-enabled, its crappy battery life becomes a nuisance. I got Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX HD and it has had all the good features of my previous phone plus a very long battery life. I can forget to charge it and still be fine the next day. The camera isn't as great as some other phones though.
  23. This is the first I've seen it used, and in this way.
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