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transit bx

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Everything posted by transit bx

  1. Well depends on how much ppl they need to fill in. I took my second drug test on 5/2, about four days later I got that call to take my medical which was 5/11. After my medical I report to zerega on 5/23. Hope that gives you some insight and good look bro, make sure your blood pressure is right and ect. :tup:
  2. Hey what's up I'm getting ready to start at zerega on 5/23, what's the chance of me getting though zerega with 3 and a half years with ct transit. I know my experiance don't mean anything to the mta, cause I know they want me to drive there way. So do you think I have a shot at it, because I heard its hard,I just want to make sure I can get though zerega because I'm not taking my time off from ct transit for no reason lol.

  3. Ok thanks for the advise bro, that's what ever one keeps telling me that I'm going to be fine just listen to the trainer, the only reason why I'm nervous b/c I'm not trying to mess it up. But like what you and everyone else said that I'm a head of the game, maybe I just have lil bad habits I have to adjust.

  4. Hey rts since I'm coming in with about 4yrs with ct transit which I know I have to drive the mta way, what's the odds of me getting though zerega, do I have a chance because I start on the 23. I know my experience don't mean shit to the mta nut what you think, do I have a good chance of making it to at least on day 7. I even know how to drive to articulates as we have to in ct transit but I know like I said before that don't mean any thing to mta. I'm just nervous.

  5. Hey jay what's man and first of I would like to say congrates on making it bro and good luck to you. Ok since I have 3yrs going on 4 yrs with ct transit, what are the chances of me getting though zerega, because I start on the 23. I know they went me to drive the mta way so what u think?

  6. Well I don't have to worry about the cell phone part, because in ct transit we have zero tolerance, if you get caught the first time its 10 days without pay, you get caught the second time its termination. And as far as spot check they also do the same thing to make sure both hands are on the wheel and ect. So I should fit right in since I got 3yrs experience. Don't mean to bother you by asking all these question lol but how bout the express routes how are they and are the buses always full and also are they long as far as distance into the city?

  7. thanks bro I know I will do good as long as I listen to the person that's training me. What's going to make it even a bit ease for me is that I'm coming from connecticut transit which I been there for about 4yrs now so I know when u mean take it slow cause we do get pay by the hour not the mile lol. But I will take that advise from you and also since they already told me after zerega I'm going to end up at college point is there any advise you can give me on the routes, dispatch, drivers, and the runs ect.

  8. Hey bro thanks for helping me out. I report to zerega on 5/23 and they also got my depot once I'm done at zerega which is college point and they told me the starting pay is 20.96. So what's the top pay and is CP under twu or atu. And also what routes do CP operators and ect.

  9. Hey tim how's it going bro and just to let you know ever thing went great today my work history checked out good so I start on 5/23 zerega and they already gave me my depot ill be in which is college point. So how's training going bro?

  10. Hey I have a question, I have to go in for my medical tomorrow at 730 for b/o. I forgot to list two jobs on my application which I only had those two jobs for about a week. Now would I get DQ for that what should I do. My friends that works for mta said I should not really worry about it because they had to do some type of background check before they called me in for my medical what u think?

  11. Hey question I have a cdl already so do I have to use the simulator as well.
  12. Thanks for the info I think I'm going to go with mta bus. Are there any openings in college point cause that's the first depot on my list, if not the I'm goin wit ech or yonkers, maybe lagaudia too. What you think

  13. Hi my name is gerald, I wanted to ask if I should wait till 2012 for mobstoa or should I go head and take the mta bus company position, I go for my second drug test on monday, I was told if I accept the mta bus position I will no longer be on the mobstoa list which that's from exam 2901 and my list number is 15. So what you think and also if I do go for mta bus which depot to pick into I live in the bronx. Do you get a chance to pick a depot or they pick it for you. Thanks

  14. Also if that was the case about the arrest part I would have not been working for connecticut transit for the last 3 and a half years now I'm just bugging cause I want in mta and I know how hard it is to get in that drug test gave me a taste of its blood so now I'm going crazy waiting lol

  15. Thanks for the info about the disqualify so let me ask you I was arrested back in 03 for a bag of weed that was my first offense the judge told me to stay out of trouble for a year so the other day I went back to the court to get a copy back from my back ground and it said the case was dismissed so that means I did not get convicted right should I had put that on mta app and also I have a accident back in 08 during that snow storm I put that on the app will that disqualify me or not maybe I'm just bugging out cause I took the test back on 3 8 2011 from exam number 2901 for mta bus company I called today all they told me they don't have classes rite now more might come in may for that division

  16. Hey what's up I'm gerald I have a question for you I took my drug test on 3 8 2011 from exam 2901 its to become mta bus company b\o its about to be 3 weeks since I ain't get no call back I have no points just a accident back in 08 from that snow storm it was minor I have no conviction but I do have a arrest but it was dismissed after a year from my record back in 03 would that affect me from getting the job cause on the app it say have you ever been convicted and I have not or would that simple accident affect me but if the arrest would had affect me I would not had gotting hired back in 07 for connecticut transit maybe I'm just getting worried for no reason plz give me some insight

  17. Hey what's going on I'm new to this I have a question are you a bus operator because I took my drug test on 3 8 2011 for exam 2901 which to become mta bus company b\o I'm worried cause I aint get a call back yet this up coming tuesday makes it 3 weeks I have no points the only thing I have is a accident back in 08 from that big snow storm it was a minor bumper accident on the application it ask if u ever got convicted of any misdemeanor felony or moving violation which I have none but did get arrested back in 03 for a bag of weed it was my first offense so I had to stay out trouble for a year and it will be dismissed so I don't think that would affect me cause if that was the case I would not had been working for connecticut transit for 4yrs now but plz give me some insight if going on three weeks is normal

  18. What exam number are you on maybe its because they have reinstate a lot of ppl that's what someone told

  19. How long did it take for them to call you back cause I took my drug test on 3 8 2011 and still did not get a call back and this is for mta bus company off exam 2901 I called today and the lady told me it can take up to 30 days is that normal

  20. Hey thanks I have a question I got arrested for weed back in 2003 but did not get convicted all I have to do was stay out of trouble for a whole year sO the other day I went to court to get my disposition and it said its dismissed but I have no points my urine is clean the only thing is I have a accident back in 08 from that bad storm we had so what you think

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