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Everything posted by peacemak3r

  1. Another day, another dollar.

  2. Wasn't on the news, so I suppose that incident could of been a bit exaggerated but then again who knows.
  3. That would make sense then, but was the even running during this as well? Then again they could have dumped the trains at Parkside Av as well then, no? Agreed.
  4. You didn't really understand my question, I know already where there are switches there. My question was why terminate at Church and cause all that inconvenience with the buses and just terminate at Prospect if they are switching there anyway. I'm sure they could have done an express run or something at least.
  5. I've still never bumped into that special someone at Casey Stengal..hope he didn't get transferred.
  6. So today, the 's are running from Stillwell and Church only. How are they turning the trains around there? Prospect? I mean why don't they just terminate there then via Express or something.
  7. Sorry this was the funniest part of the story for me. Whole story could of been avoid for one mis-step.
  8. Hope this includes FASFA and scholarship applications as well. If not, have fun..LOL.
  9. Hello. Good day. *Pretty sure this is CGI but none the less, hilarious.
  10. At the study hall, I ran into these "fan-boys" and they tried four hours to convert my PC laptop and go towards Apple laptops. Sigh, I give them credit for trying though.
  11. Those joyful moments you're running late and don't check service advisories before heading out then your runs express after Kings Highway after worrying about the that just passed. That FEEL though.
  12. Everyone complaining about YouTube and Google+ and here I'm sitting pointing at the tissue box.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peacemak3r


      My post is subliminal messaging at most, your last sentence nailed it.

    3. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      I personally enjoy it, I do use Google+ from time to time and I use my YT link account nowadays as a way to get in touch with folks. It's not that bad really. The comment scenario is a lil retarded but otherwise, it's not really all that bad at all.

    4. peacemak3r


      That's what I'm saying, can't please them all I guess.

  13. People who received their licenses from happy meals at McDonald's...stay off the road. Sigh, neck brace for a couple of days.

    1. Turbo19


      Oh f*ck.


      Wish you a quick recovery dude.

  14. I remember there was a post on 9gag not too long ago with an Apple employee with the last name Samsung. You could already see where this one is going.
  15. Dun dun dunnnnnnn! I said this many times here before....the FEEELS when you catch a as you arrive to Kings Highway from the . THE FEEEELS.
  16. Reading is fundamental guys...downloaded the wrong ROM and almost crapped out my phone when doing so in a hurry. Stupid me.

    1. BM5 via Woodhaven

      BM5 via Woodhaven

      Happened to me too, one time...

    2. peacemak3r


      I still have some slight problems with it, my Gallery is not working anymore, but it's not going to bother me.

  17. Thanks for the justification, especially when I see that Blitz is only 2 years older than me. Though yes, I've caught them plenty of times on the B3 back in my teen years.
  18. Well okay, then yeah, that is an upgrade for your mom. Haha! Bold: Well damn, then in your case I guess it would justify to get the 5S, but still i hardly call them an upgrade anyway.
  19. A 5C is merely an upgrade. What phone are you using now? 4S? 5? Because if you're using a 5 and going to a 5S, don't even bother. I'm not an Apple user but I find people upgrading from a 5 to a 5S a total waste. Heck, even with the Samsung Galaxy line, people going from the 3 to the 4 was a waste to. Look at me, I'm still using a Galaxy S2 rofl. Anyways, if you are using a 5, I'd just wait it out and wait for the 6. There's a store in upper east side that might have 5S's if you really intend on it, I can ask my friend if they still have any 5S's in stock.
  20. Oompa loompa doompa dee doo, I got another puzzle for you.

  21. Heh, if 25 is really young then I don't know what under 21 is anymore. I honestly don't ever recall RTS's on express routes. >.<
  22. They ran the RTS's on express routes back in the day? Damn, well yeah anyway the last time I've ridden a RTS with coach seats was at least in 2005/2006.
  23. Just a random thought, I totally miss those RTS's that had coach style seats if anyone remembers? Was it like a test run or something? I used to catch it all the time when they were on the B3.
  24. Can't say if it was a fire but on the website it was noted that there was a police investigation at Spring Street. But this was around 8 - 9 pm so I can't say again if this was related to whatever happened around your time.
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