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Everything posted by peacemak3r

  1. Keep telling yourself that buddy. Now to relevant off-topic stuff. Mercedes-Benz, here I come. VG8 should appreciate that! Ha!
  2. Something about running in two sections with a shuttle bus running or something...that's what I'm getting from Facebook feed a little awhile ago.
  3. Cool story bro, but what you just said here has nothing to do with spotting sarcasm in a post.
  4. All jokes aside, you obviously don't sense sarcasm in any of posts but since it's in text and not in person, I don't blame you. Secondly of course people don't appreciate undercover racist or any racist comments for that matter. Reason why I don't intervene in such topics anymore because they are entitled to their comments because of freedom of speech no matter how disgusting or retarded they may be. Someone's comment against another's comment won't change anything anymore in this technological world. I would have assumed you would of gotten that by now. *Edit - Furthermore, I rarely down-vote posts but of course I was impulsed by the first comment you left. Only reason I didn't down-vote this one is because there is some relevance to what I was responding to.
  5. One tequila, two tequila, theree.

    1. peacemak3r


      Gullible. huehuehuehue

    2. peacemak3r


      I can't believe people believed that I was drunk responding to a few posts...would someone drunk be able to type that clear? But of course, logic dictates that one misspelled word "theree" means I'm completely drunk. Go figure.

    3. Turbo19


      F**k it, drink anyway.



  6. Of course I understand, this is a "Off-Topic Random Thought" thread. I had a random though that was off-topic. Are you sure you understand what is going on here sometimes?
  7. I never knew a side topic was possible in an "off-topic random thought" thread. If it were, it defeats the purpose of an off-topic random though thread. Just a random thought.
  8. This happens in the summer as well so I doubt this is the only reason for it. Heck not even summer, year round. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  9. That happens on the as well...in Brooklyn at least.
  10. Off-topic of off-topic: I like turtles. Carry on.
  11. Damn it...I knew it couldn't of been golden fever. Time to put down that bottle.
  12. Thankful that I didn't get the plagued cd drive for the Xbox One. I am disappointed at the rushed Forza 5 though.

    1. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      Wow, Forza 5 is bad?

    2. peacemak3r


      They took out all the Japanese tracks, the Ring, and almost 300 cars from Forza 4...there's a couple of petitions starting up on their forums.

  13. Um...Asiaphile, christ that's a new one. I thought it use to be Golden Fever. Personal opinion: You and her brought that upon yourselves. Either you like her or she likes you, done deal. Good guy comment: Screw 'em.
  14. I'm late on this but..RIP 11/24/2013. Back to South Park.

    1. BreeddekalbL


      Brian will be back

    2. peacemak3r


      I hope so! I only read somewhere that he was being replaced with another dog or something.

  15. I don't understand how USPS sends my package to a different zip code...AGAIN.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peacemak3r


      Ah well I'm going to assume because of holiday shopping since this never really happened before.

    3. Via Garibaldi 8

      Via Garibaldi 8

      lol... UPS is just great... I had one driver deliver not one but TWO packages to the wrong address and luckily the second time I waited outside and caught him red handed. Too busy talking on the damn cell phones to their baby mamas to deliver your stuff to the right address...

    4. peacemak3r


      I never had a problem for paychecks, I have direct deposit. And the first check was given personally so yay me.

  16. Read between the lines, please and thank you.

  17. Got my PS4 and XBOX One yesterday..PS4 don't work and my XBOX One shipment is missing the game I ordered. What else can go wrong?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. peacemak3r


      They were out of stock at the time, they did have one console left but it was a pre-order recipient that didn't claim it yet.

    3. NYCtrainfan01


      Damn... That's tough...


      I plan on getting the PS4 next week and getting the Xbox One in the near future!


      @Cait I got both PS3 and Xbox 360 around launch and not once had a problem... I guess I got pretty lucky...

    4. peacemak3r


      Yeah, I'm with the 48% of other 360 owners that did not get the RROD.

  18. I don't believe in most holiday sales anymore. They are just marked for more right before the holidays then marked down at holidays slightly below the normal mark up. It's an illusion that most shoppers fall for. At least this goes for most clothing brands and a few electronic stores whom former employers have told me.
  19. Cyber Monday > Black Friday. Though usually the day before Black Friday, they would change the price of the items slightly higher than usual then trick the sales into people on Black Friday. Usually same with Cyber Monday. Though unless certain of the price margins of said items then go for it if you think the deal is good. I don't really condone into buying a fully built desktop anyway for that matter, I'd rather buy the parts separately and build it myself if the price warrants it.
  20. I would assume because the market is not open on the weekends thus a stop which I'm sure most Wall St folk would use.
  21. Would they have to re-open all the doors? Or could it just be one side...couldn't tell if all the doors were open during the time obviously.
  22. Did I say everything as a whole? No. But most incidents of outrageous proportions like these are likely to appear on the news. -- Anyways, while being held slightly at Broadway-Lafayette on the with the front doors already shut; can the T/O ask the conductor to open up the doors? Because certainly my T/O pressed a button then the doors opened and the few passengers that just made it to the platform got to get on the train. I figured once the front doors are closed, that's it, even if it's held for a bit. -- On top of that had a nice rail fan window on the I was on as well, noticed it after crossing the bridge. That little rail-fan in me couldn't resist the view.
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