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For Yankees fans: Who stays and goes for the 2011 Season?

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A question for Yankee fan or even MLB fans? With a huge disappointment in losing to Texas in the ALCS, the Yankees are now at maybe since as far back as 1993-94. With the core '4' of Jeter, Posada, Rivera and "Andy" at or soon getting to their end of their careers, should any of the those future Yankee legends come back for 2011?


So what i am asking guys is feel free LOL to pretend you being paid $1 Million to be the Yankees GM until spring training to decide who will be on the Yankees roaster on Opening Day 2011? Also what free agents do you sign in the off-season? The 3 big free agents stars are Cliff Lee, Carl Crawford and Jason Wertz.


I offer my takes later but wanted you guys 1st to offer your takes?:eek:

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I hope Jeter goes. He was never as good as the media made him out to be and he gets paid a ridiculous amount of money.


Is Jeter right now in 2010/11 'overrated', I agree 100%. However FG you way off base in your view of his career. To me Jeter is a MLB version of Magic Johnson. Magic never had the blow away stas of other HOF players of his era, i.e Bird, "Dr.J" and later Jordan. However he always produced 'triple doubles' and always would get the big shot and the glue on why the Lakers '5' NBA titles in Magic's career.


With Jeter what has made him a future HOF is that while he never was Griifery, Jr., A-Rod or Bonds, he was a great leader, defensive shortstop and among the tops in MLB in runs scored, getting on base, etc. And most important getting that big hit late in games.


While it is worth to debate whether Jeter should be back or not, realstic there is 98% he will finish his career in pinstripes. Like or not, popularity wise he the most popular Yankee since Mickey Mantle and there be a huge media backlash if he leaves. Plus the team wants to cash on the fact, Jeter barring a season-ending injury will get his 3,000 career hit, around late May/early June which will also be huge on the sports collectible market. Not to mention a spike in attendence which in the first few weeks of the slow is very low.


My guess is that Jeter moves to the OF or even 3rd base in next couple of years and ends his career. Not to mention as WFAN's Mike Francesa said on his show recently, that if and when Joe Giradi leaves the Yanks, Jeter could become the next Yanks skipper possibly beginning as a player-manager.


My takes on Derek Jeter.

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The Captain has a reachable goal in 2011 and I'd like to witness him reaching it as a Yankee. He needs just 74 hits to join the 3,000 hit club and in doing so he would become the very first-ever Yankee with 3,000 hits.


At 36, he may be beginning to slow down - he hit .270 last season (his lowest since he hit .250 in 1995), only the the fourth time he didn't hit .300 for a full season. I'd say a .314 career average is pretty good.


Andy was slowed by a groin injury after a great start, but in going 11-3 he became only the third Yankee to have 200 career wins. He spent three seasons in the National League making his Yankee numbers 203-112.


Catching or passing The Chairman of The Board (236 wins all with the Yankees) might be debatable (he is 38), but Andy, too, has a reachable goal. At 240-138, he needs only ten wins for 250 career wins. Next to 300 career wins, 250 is pretty good.


Super Mo has had a fantastic career (I can't believe he's forty). He's second only to Trevor Hoffman in career saves and with 559 he needs 41 more for 600 career saves.


Though he didn't enjoy the postseason success he did last season (1-0 with a 1.35 E.R.A. in the A.L.D.S. and 2-0 with a 1.13 E.R.A. in the A.L.C.S.), C.C. has done good. 40 wins and only 15 losses with a 3.27 E.R.A. in two seasons as a Yankee. The 2011 pitching rotation should start with him. Now that Texas has reached the World Series, the Rangers may make a serious move to keep Cliff Lee.


I wouldn't be sad to see A.J. Burnett go. 10-15 with a 5.26 E.R.A. and 0-1 with a 7.50 E.R.A. in the A.L.C.S. plus he had the Doyle Alexander-like fit earlier in the season.

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Derek Jeter:

What I want to happen: Finishes his career as a Yankee. They sign him to a 2-4 year deal at a decent price and he goes to the HOF as one of the greatest shortstops of all time. I think that this year was a down year. He won't be hitting .315 anymore, but higher than .270.

What most likely will happen: Yankees sign him to a large contract. He will be overpayed but will still go down as a great shortstop that all the fans love.


Mariano Rivera:

What I want to happen: Yankees sign him to a short deal just to see if we can win another WS in the next year or two.

What most likely will happen: He needs at least 1 more year in order to reach 600. He still is one of the best closers out there even though he's really old. The yanks will ask him what he wants and offer him quite a bit.


Andy P:

What I want to happen: I think he deserves another contract. He was like 11-2 before the groin injury. Sign him to 2 years max and see what you get out of him.

What most likely will happen: Either they offer 1 year and he walks/retires or they offer him a couple years for good money.


Jorge Posada:

What I want to happen: Last year of his contract. He needs to be the full time DH. However, I don't feel completely confident with Cervelli which leaves us with two choices. First, bring up Montero although he might be better suited as a 1B. Second, we could sign V-Mart. He is 6 years younger than Jorge and he declined a 2 year deal from the Red Sox. He is just as good offensively if not better (more clutch). Defensively they are equal. Also, John Buck is available at age 30.

What most likely will happen: Obviously keep him for his last year. They rarely have him catch. He plays DH most of the time.


Cliff Lee:

What I want to happen: Yankees sign him to a 5 or 6 year deal worth mad money. Pitches behind C.C. until he earns the #1 spot.

What most likely will happen: Depends what happens in Texas. If they win the WS, then he might sign there. However, the Yanks can offer more money and Texas is bankrupt.


Carl Crawford:

What I want to happen: Yanks sign him as well so a 3-5 year deal. Have him play in left with Grandy and Swish. Gardner serves as a really useful tool off the bench

What most likely will happen: I believe that he's going to the Angels. Yankee Stadium isn't really built for him (besides the fact that he's a lefty). His speed with granderson's in center seems redundant.


Heath Bell:

What I want to happen: Yanks sign him to help out Wood and Mo since Joba can't pitch.


Jason Werth isn't coming to NY. Vazquez is gone. :cool:

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Jorge Posada:

What I want to happen: Last year of his contract. He needs to be the full time DH. However, I don't feel completely confident with Cervelli which leaves us with two choices. First, bring up Montero although he might be better suited as a 1B. Second, we could sign V-Mart. He is 6 years younger than Jorge and he declined a 2 year deal from the Red Sox. He is just as good offensively if not better (more clutch). Defensively they are equal. Also, John Buck is available at age 30.

What most likely will happen: Obviously keep him for his last year. They rarely have him catch. He plays DH most of the time.


Cliff Lee:

What I want to happen: Yankees sign him to a 5 or 6 year deal worth mad money. Pitches behind C.C. until he earns the #1 spot.

What most likely will happen: Depends what happens in Texas. If they win the WS, then he might sign there. However, the Yanks can offer more money and Texas is bankrupt.


Carl Crawford:

What I want to happen: Yanks sign him as well so a 3-5 year deal. Have him play in left with Grandy and Swish. Gardner serves as a really useful tool off the bench

What most likely will happen: I believe that he's going to the Angels. Yankee Stadium isn't really built for him (besides the fact that he's a lefty). His speed with granderson's in center seems redundant.




You aware at the beginning of the regular season Texas now has new owners in which Nolan Ryan (yes the same guy who one of the best picthers in MLB history)is now Team President and Part-Owner? I am sure Bud Selig made sure this Ryan Ownership group has 'deep pockets.' This coming of course after the previous majority Texas Owner Tom Hicks mega mistake in signing the $200 Million A-ROD Contract that made him and the team bankrupt.


I say before the Rangers run to the world series it was almost a lock, Lee signed with the Yanks. Now I think Ryan and the Rangers have a good chance to keep him.


On the Jorge situation, I agree his done as a catcher and should be the Yanks full time DH. However he can a 'hothead' at times and it be hard to try to convience him to switch.

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Keep Jeter, at a slightly lower salary.

Keep Rivera, 2 year deal.

Keep Posada, 1-2 year deal.

Keep Pettitte if he wants to come back, 1 year deal, else he retires.

Keep Berkman on a 1 year deal as the DH. He's a professional hitter.

Keep Kerry Wood as setup man.

Let Vazquez go.

Sign Lee.

Don't sign Crawford or Werth.

If all this still leaves you short one starting pitcher, Joba to the rotation next year.

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I don't know everyone's contract situations, but simply going on gut/instinct:



* As much as I feel Jeter is only getting by, by his "name", I think they keep him for one more year.... that way, this will bide time for management trying to develop and/or, find/obtain the next best shortstop, whether that be by free agency, salary dump of a player at the last second (lol), or via trade... because right now, you don't trust no ramiro pena or no eduardo nunez handling SS....


* Throwing out random names, I'd have:

Kearns, Mitre, Marte, Vasquez, Joba - All Gone

Pettitte - Retire

Rivera, Posada - Resign for at most, 2 more years


* Wood, Robertson, and Moseley they can keep... although some time during the season next year, they're gonna have to find/steal some fireballer from another squad, b/c having Wood as a setup man, walking guys left & right in front of Mo', would only result in an increase of L's in their record... guaranteed....


* They can keep Logan... However, they NEED another lefty in the bullpen.... IDC who it is, to be honest...


* Get that outfield situation straightened out.... Enough with the musical chairs of the LF shuffle on a game in & game out basis... and in saying this, by no means am I suggesting signing Carla Crawford - that would make matters worse... Why, b/c neither Crawford, Gardner, or Granderson would you opt to throw in a DH position, and this would pretty much screw Swish out of an everyday spot....

^ If they do end up signing dude, don't be surprised if the yankees get rid of Gardner.... I just wish Gardner would get better at bunting, preferably for base hits (this is where Carla got him beat, as far as better use of their respective speeds is concerned)... Having Crawford, Gardner, and Jeter in the same lineup, where the #2-5 spots are set, solidified, and deadlocked, something's gotta give... someone's either gonna have to bat 9th, or end up riding pine...



As far as the current free agents are concerned....


- Don't sign Werth... he's one of those feast or famine type of players (same deal w/ Adam Dunn)... He has a tendency to strike out at an above average rate for the hitter he is.... I mean, only role he'd (Werth) have on this team is a DH, and quite honestly, I think Berkman & Thames are better pure hitters off the bench.....


- Stay away from Carlos Pena, Victor Martinez, and Paul Konerko... these are guys that can put up power numbers at any rate, but can they do it in New York? I like to call this, the Randy Johnson complex - great players that came to NY & stunk up the joint... the last thing we need here is dead wood...


- If Pettitte's gone, they won't have any other choice but to go after Cliff Lee


- try to get your hands on Huston Street & Derrek Lee (doing this will give Tex a rest for a couple more games during the season)... reason I'd choose Lee over Pena, is for the simple fact that I think Lee would be a little more "open", given his age, coming off the bench, more than Carlos Pena would....




thoughts, comments, replies... have at it.

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I'll comment on some of these...


My guess is that Jeter moves to the OF or even 3rd base in next couple of years and ends his career. Not to mention as WFAN's Mike Francesa said on his show recently, that if and when Joe Giradi leaves the Yanks, Jeter could become the next Yanks skipper possibly beginning as a player-manager.


I won't reiterate what I already told you about what I think of Jeter playing OF...


...and number 2 (pun unintended), the era of player-coaches are long gone... although I do see Jeter as possibly being a candidate for being the skipper for the yankees right after he retires - from playing.




Derek Jeter:

What I want to happen: Finishes his career as a Yankee. They sign him to a 2-4 year deal at a decent price and he goes to the HOF as one of the greatest shortstops of all time. I think that this year was a down year. He won't be hitting .315 anymore, but higher than .270.

What most likely will happen: Yankees sign him to a large contract. He will be overpayed but will still go down as a great shortstop that all the fans love.


agreed on both stances....

except I want him to finish his career in NY, no more than 2 yrs. from now... 4, I think is overkill...


Mariano Rivera:

What I want to happen: Yankees sign him to a short deal just to see if we can win another WS in the next year or two.

What most likely will happen: He needs at least 1 more year in order to reach 600. He still is one of the best closers out there even though he's really old. The yanks will ask him what he wants and offer him quite a bit.


again, agreed on both stances....


Andy P:

What I want to happen: I think he deserves another contract. He was like 11-2 before the groin injury. Sign him to 2 years max and see what you get out of him.

What most likely will happen: Either they offer 1 year and he walks/retires or they offer him a couple years for good money.

- What I want Pettitte to do is walk... Not because I think he underperformed this year (or is on the decline), but because I feel he would only be over-exhausting himself trying to help this "generation" of the yankees in trying to get #28... class guy, doesn't have anything more to prove really....


- What I think will happen, is him walking... unless they throw something crazy at him, like a 2 year, 40 million dollar contract at him... which, as good as he is, is not worth anymore in his storied career...



Jorge Posada:

What I want to happen: Last year of his contract. He needs to be the full time DH. However, I don't feel completely confident with Cervelli which leaves us with two choices. First, bring up Montero although he might be better suited as a 1B. Second, we could sign V-Mart. He is 6 years younger than Jorge and he declined a 2 year deal from the Red Sox. He is just as good offensively if not better (more clutch). Defensively they are equal. Also, John Buck is available at age 30.

What most likely will happen: Obviously keep him for his last year. They rarely have him catch. He plays DH most of the time.


- What I want to happen with Posada is that he gets traded... throughout the year, the amount of crankiness in his attitude is noticable ("grumpy old man", so to speak)... same ish that happened w/ Sheffield when he was here... only problem w/ that is, like you said... regarding Cervelli, he's not one who you'd consider/designate as an everyday MLB catcher....


- I agree w/ what you think will happen....


Cliff Lee:

What I want to happen: Yankees sign him to a 5 or 6 year deal worth mad money. Pitches behind C.C. until he earns the #1 spot.

What most likely will happen: Depends what happens in Texas. If they win the WS, then he might sign there. However, the Yanks can offer more money and Texas is bankrupt.


tbh, I wouldn't sign Lee for that long (he's like 32 or 33), but I would also have him 2nd in the rotation, behind CC....


Carl Crawford:

What I want to happen: Yanks sign him as well so a 3-5 year deal. Have him play in left with Grandy and Swish. Gardner serves as a really useful tool off the bench

What most likely will happen: I believe that he's going to the Angels. Yankee Stadium isn't really built for him (besides the fact that he's a lefty). His speed with granderson's in center seems redundant.


What I want to happen.. I don't give a shit, as long as this guy isn't in yankee pinstripes.... that's how much I can't stand this guy... him & his butt-buddy BJ upton.... If he does end up here, I will be absolutely livid - same way I'd feel if the yankees lose any type of testicular fortitude left & actually sign that nutcase we know as Manny Ramirez....


What I think will happen... meh, he'll probably be snatched up by some NL team like the Nationals - that's trying to climb up the ranks from being perennial bums, to formidable foes....


Heath Bell:

What I want to happen: Yanks sign him to help out Wood and Mo since Joba can't pitch.


I don't think he's going anywhere... but he's exactly the type of fireballer I was referring to in my post above, that would help the Yankees greatly in late relief situations....


Jason Werth isn't coming to NY. Vazquez is gone. :cool:


replies in red, bro....

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IMO if it were up to me playing Cashman' in a foamer GM post, i either make Posada the back-up Catcher/part time DH and a pseduo coach.


If he not does like it, i say enjoy the rest of your career and let him leave. All of the all time great offensive catchers from Bill Dickey to Yogi Berra, Roy Campanella, Johhny Bench, Carlton Fisk, Gary Carter and more recent Mike Piazza all ended their careers not catching.

I have to think hard on the other moves.

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Well everyone covered most of what I was going to say:

Keep Jeter only at a lower salary or he can leave, Give Andy one more year [and that's it], Keep Kerry Wood. Sign Cliff Lee, avoid Crawford.


Posada - tough call, but gonna need to take a salary reduction cuz he's not gonna catch everyday and has to get the message by now. If he still wants to be a 'full time' catcher after this year, he should go elsewhere.


I like the idea of Heath Bell, he did pretty well with the Padres, but dunno how well he'll do in the AL though.


About Lee, I'd say give him something similar to CC's contract where he can opt out after 3 if he doesn't want to stay long term to hopefully interest him even more to come here.

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To me this is a huge off season for the Yanks. If they make the wrong moves ie. free agent signings/trades, etc. 2010 could be looked at in Yankee/MLB history as the new '1964' when the Mickey Mantle championship era teams ended.

Because they could not find a replacement for Mantle, Maris, Howard and Ford, the Yanks did not return to playoffs until 1976.


Not to mention the gap in AL is closing fast. The Twins, and Rangers should be playoff contenders in '11. The Blue Jays IMO could be the suprise team that becomes the new Rays and challenge the Yanks for AL East title.



Not to mention the Red Sox, Tigers, White Sox and Angels should be improved and back in the mix for AL playoff race as well. So Cashman and his people better do a good retooling or else this team will be set back at least 3-5 years.

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The Yankees have fired Pitching Coach Dave Eiland, but are working on bringing back Manager Joe Girardi, The Captain, Super Mo, and, if he wants to return in 2011, Andy (Yay! :tup:).


Jorge has a year left on his contract and A-Rod is signed until his forties.


A plan is to sign Manager Joe Girardi, then figure out who our new pitching coach will be.


Story from ESPN.com: http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/news//story?id=5725982

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