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Something Different: Central Europe - Miscellaneous


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Big post...1 or 2 videos will be uploaded at a later date, but for now these are the photos from my travels. I took a lot of other pictures as well (a true rarity!), but since this is a bunch of transit hobbyists here, for everyone's common interest I will just post the shots of transit related things. Don't enlarge them, I never said I was a good photographer, so they'll look better automatically condensed to fit:


Salzburg, Austria - funicular to Salzburg Castle



Salzburg, Austria - funicular to Salzburg Castle (car)



Salzburg, Austria - public transit option #1 (Trolleybus)



Salzburg, Austria - public transit option #2 (Bus)



Ljubljana, Slovenia - Bus #1



Ljubljana, Slovenia - Bus #2



Ljubljana, Slovenia - Slovenske Zeleznice Train (Slovenian Railways)



Ljubljana, Slovenia - Slovenske Zeleznice Train (Slovenian Railways) Graffiti



Ljubljana station, Slovenia - some very varied equipment stops here



Zagreb, Croatia - this city is a trolley enthusiast's dream as modern trams run on almost every major thoroughfare



Zagreb, Croatia - there are different ones. This shows two. I wasn't able to get a photo of the older trams which were in a white and blue paint scheme



Zagreb, Croatia - trams often run very close to each other, but safely



Bratislava, Slovakia - this city contains trams, trolleybuses, and (below) buses



Bratislava, Slovakia - one of the aforementioned trolleybuses. I should have timed this shot better



Bratislava, Slovakia - one of the aforementioned trams. Older style.



Bratislava, Slovakia - one of the aforementioned trams. Newer style.



Bratislava, Slovakia - Novy Most bus terminal. Newer buses. Note the advertisement on the under construction church in the background



Bratislava, Slovakia - Novy Most bus terminal. Older style buses show up every once in a while.



Vienna, Austria - This was taken en route to Vienna on the OBB train. I didn't get a photo of the exterior of the OBB train as we had to run to catch it, but this is one of the compartment cars - it's a children's play compartment with a TV screen in it. And no, I didn't sit there.



Vienna, Austria - The Strassenbahn (literally "street railcar") is the Vienna modern equivalent of the trolley. Years ago Third Avenue Railway Cars from NY ran in the streets of Vienna before their retirement (and one is saved at Branford!). Though not a former TARS car (those are ALL retired), this is one of the older style cars still running. I got a photo of a newer one also but it was dark so it came out quite blurry, so this is the older style car.



Vienna, Austria - U-bahn (subway) arriving. This is a newer style car. I got a video but not a photo of the older style cars.



Vienna, Austria - U-bahn has arrived and prepares to open its doors



Vienna, Austria - U-bahn countdown clock



I want to get this post out the door so I will post one or two videos from my travels in the next week or so (so now Harry knows why my IP addresses were going berserk on here!) - one should be the older Vienna U-bahn cars which have a very "interesting" door opening process to say the least, so...stay tuned.

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When you were in Salzburg, did you visit/recognize any of the places from The Sound of Music?


Yup sure did...a lot of interesting things to see in Salzburg. One of the most easily recognizable areas is in the heart of town from the "I have confidence in me" song part of the movie.

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Sehr güt... Danke schön mein Freund! :cool:


For fun I'll answer you in Croatian: Molim.


disclaimer - any languages i picked up i learned the local dialects so if you go to google translate it will probably tell you something different than what i intend to say...but that's ok because i'm using it the way people use it there

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OK as promised...here is the video of the older style Vienna U-bahn cars showing the door opening procedure. The doors are unlocked while the train is still moving at approx. 2-3 MPH, you can hear the click. The newer cars have a different procedure, video for that coming sometime in the next couple days.



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