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Ignorant Kid Allegedly Going To Call The Cops For Me "stalking" Her. (No, I Wasn't I Was Just Busfanning.)


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Finally was able to get a clear view of that NABI 41, through the NX front window, and she yelled at ME for her hopping into the aisle and getting on the video. I tried to explain to her that I wasn't even going to upload the video, but take a frame out of it and use it as a picture, because SHE hopped into the aisle. She ended up telling the bus driver (who is perfectly OK with this, as he has seen me do this many times) but just to amuse her he told me to turn the camera off. So I did. Then she said she was going to call the cops on me because I was stalking her. This is the only video in which you can actually see her, and there is one other video where you can here her voice in the background. I have proof on my laptop, and I doubt she's even going to call the cops. But just in case, as i'm not really to familiar with this process, how does it work? Assuming she does call the cops, would they come and arrest me, or would they just let me explain my side and show them the laptop? Also does she have a case against me in your opinion? Also would anyone here vouch for me on the off chance that I do get arrested? The only reason i'm even slightly worried about this, is I know there is no way in hell she is going to mention I was busfanning, even tough I have explained that to her many times. Even gave her the name's of a few people from YouTube that have busfanning videos. [edit-addition] I haven't even checked the video yet, so i'm not even sure if she got on it. It's just been floating around in the back of my head, and I figure if I got these questions answered, and opinions given it would go away. [edit-addition]

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Finally was able to get a clear view of that NABI 41, through the NX front window, and she yelled at ME for her hopping into the aisle and getting on the video. I tried to explain to her that I wasn't even going to upload the video, but take a frame out of it and use it as a picture, because SHE hopped into the aisle. She ended up telling the bus driver (who is perfectly OK with this, as he has seen me do this many times) but just to amuse her he told me to turn the camera off. So I did. Then she said she was going to call the cops on me because I was stalking her. This is the only video in which you can actually see her, and there is one other video where you can here her voice in the background. I have proof on my laptop, and I doubt she's even going to call the cops. But just in case, as i'm not really to familiar with this process, how does it work? Assuming she does call the cops, would they come and arrest me, or would they just let me explain my side and show them the laptop? Also does she have a case against me in your opinion? Also would anyone here vouch for me on the off chance that I do get arrested? The only reason i'm even slightly worried about this, is I know there is no way in hell she is going to mention I was busfanning, even tough I have explained that to her many times. Even gave her the name's of a few people from YouTube that have busfanning videos. [edit-addition] I haven't even checked the video yet, so i'm not even sure if she got on it. It's just been floating around in the back of my head, and I figure if I got these questions answered, and opinions given it would go away. [edit-addition]



First of all, she sounds like a dumb chick who is insecure about her looks, so just let the stalking part go. Anyway, she's not going to call the cops, their type never do. If she DOES, the cops may detain you for questioning, and the probably will look at the laptop. If they are smart, they'll let you go. Sorry this happened to you. I got one of their type once. Sometimes, you should really give them your two cents.

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Assuming there isn't much more to the story......


You didn't have to explain any of what you did to her, and you shouldn't have given this person the names/handles of other YT-ers......

The only people you really should do any type of explaining to is police....


Seems as if her only real reason to threaten you was to instill fear.... and I gotta say, mission accomplished.

These girls/women out here love throwing the word stalker out there - jokingly or not...


On the count of stalking, she has no case.... She would have to prove that there was a pattern of you following her around while you were recording, or honing in on her for some prolonged period w/o her consent..... Her having jumped into your recording session does not qualify - At all.


The only ppl. that could vouch for you would be anyone who was there at the scene of the NON crime.... lol..


So yeh fam, don't stress over this BS; you won't get arrested....

If you didn't give her your name and/or address (or even your YT account, if you have one), how in the world would cops be able to track you down....


So kick back & relax ya'self cool.png

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I usually just solve the conflict on scene or tell her [or him] to get off the bus if she [or he] thinks I am stalking her [or him], if the person doesn't want to get off the bus, I'd tell that person to stay in the front [if I am in the back] or stay in the back [if I am in the front], and to prove it I usually just walk as fast and away from them if they are getting off the same stop as I am or if possible, get off at a following stop if the walk is not too far.


Seems like you met a real b14tch, good luck next time!

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