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Everything posted by Missabassie

  1. Urg... why does it seem like every time I take the M15+SBS+ uptown they always start short-turning buses @ 97 st....
  2. I Got Space You Got Space (c'mon Y'all) Eeeeverybodys Got Space Gotta Take It In Stride
  3. I feel express bus fares are already overpriced, and should be left alone for now...
  4. D60 5464's still kickin,. Saw it on the BX15. It didn't sound too good tho so maybe they're waiting for it to crap out then they'll pull it for good...
  5. I thought I was the only one who did that....
  6. Really bugs me when people write on money. Nothing worse than getting a freshly minted note only to find graffiti all over it.....
  7. Echo Minott - Healthy Body Ah Healthy Body Ah Healthy Body Ah Heeaalthy Body Healthy Body Ah Healthy Body Ah Heeaalthy Body I Got Di Vitamin A an Vitamin B An C An D Vitamin A an Vitamin B An C An D Healthy Body Mi Haav Ah Healthy Body Healthy Body Mi Haav Ah Healthy Body
  8. Wow thats out there.... Is Darius McCollum behind this?
  9. My bad... 5883 was NOT repainted, please disregard.
  10. Whats with all these new bus shelters they've installed along 5th Avenue and Bryant pk??
  11. The MTA has forgotten how to spec buses. Perhaps I can take over as procurement officer and show them how it's done. -_-

    1. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      If only it were that easy lol.

    2. Missabassie


      If only indeed, ha ha.

  12. Sorry it took so long to answer this... Lately some companies including Nikon have been mounting GPS chips in or on top of their cameras for geo-tagging (and other functions I guess). Personally, I didn't want the chip, but as companies do, they make their main model with the chip to get everyone to buy it, and we're supposed to rave over it as if its the best thing since sliced bread. I am not amused. I mean, that police tracking comment was a joke (I hope) but GPS in a camera is useless to my daily experience, and hence, I'm ready to shed it.
  13. Had the opportunity to get in to Nassau back on Saturday, so I got 1931 on the N24, and maaan, those buses are BEAST!!!! Not only do they SOUND better than, they also RIDE better than MTA's 7000 series buses, which in saying a lot. I started riding LIB irregularly back in 2003, and they always had the worst, cheapset built buses (130-245/270-287 I think is was) were abysmal, you'd be riding along and all of a sudden it'd just chip out. The tranny would just start doin' this effin'...... whiplash lurch-thing, that shit was BEYOND surreal. 288-352/353-395 got a lil' better... 396-462 (1633-1699) improved from there, and the NG/3G's (1700-1799/1800-1839/1840-1884) were a noticeable improvement. Please pardon my armchair analysis here, but it almost seems like the Xcelciors (1885-19xx) may have surpassed the MTA's own standards.... How the mighty have fallen....
  14. Eek-a-Mouse - Come Back In the Morning dondonondondondonondondondonondondondonondondondonondondondonondondondonondondondonondon nernininininernininininernininininernininini
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