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Everything posted by msmcmillan

  1. You could call or email them to find out what list# they are up to. Honestly, I wouldn't get too crazy over it because that was provisional positions that they were calling. They are starting from the actual certified list now. I'm not sure but I think they got up to the 600's. If you are low 1100, you will probably get called next year. Call them to see what number was last hired.
  2. Yep, if everything is smooth sailing it looks that way! But, I hope they pass me over for this. I'm kinda nervous about this position after what was said at orientation. The money is great, but I don't know if it's worth giving up my life for. I'm crossing my fingers that transit will call me for BO instead. I think buses will be less stressful. Plus, I already have my CDL!
  3. I was 86* when I was called in for June 7. I took one urine and received a letter that my new list# is 91* Nothing since.
  4. Nope, and I'm not in a hurry to be called yet. I know you guys are ready for Transit, but I would rather wait until after the holidays. I have lots of overtime locked, and I don't have two weeks of time off for training if I pass the medical. If I were called, I would probably have to ask for a leave of absence.
  5. Hey guys, I just received an email from NYCT about exam #7612. The list was established Oct. 17 and they will start calling from it soon! They will mail the test results in a few weeks. Everyone make sure you have all your paperwork and CDL permit. Good Luck!
  6. Hey guys, I just received an email from NYCT about exam #7612. The list was established Oct. 17 and they will start calling from it soon! They will mail the test results in a few weeks. Everyone make sure you have all your paperwork and CDL permit. Good Luck!
  7. That's cool! I wish we could make changes online and just print the receipt. The DMV is annoying!
  8. If you have the misspelled license, bring that with you. I think that counts as 6 points eventhough it's not correct. They just need your bc and ss as I proof it's really you. But, I could be wrong.
  9. This might be helpful. It was stated in this thread that it might be 5yrs...
  10. Just tried it. It's nasty af but gotta do it. Anybody got any "delicious" recipes?
  11. I think they were up to the 600's, but that was for the provisional hires. Since they are starting over, I have no clue. I did take a urine test in June 7 and just got a letter that the list is certified and my new list# is 9**. It was 8** when they called me.
  12. I know right? Damn! Well, I'm glad you guys can give some advice on lowering it. I'm taking the Indian herb ashwangandha to help it remain stable during stressful situations. My doctor could take a reading and say it's normal, then I could go to livingston st and the doc could say it's high because I'm nervous! I will start consuming the beet root juice to make sure...
  13. I've heard of that, but I didn't think it would really work. I'll try that. I have been drinking a lot of teas with hibiscus. I heard that 3 cups a day lowers it also.
  14. Hmmm, maybe they are randomly calling people up to a certain number? I'm not even mad at that. I would prefer a brooklyn or queen depot anyway. I also have to take care of my blood pressure. It has been a little high lately.
  15. Mine expired on the 7th as well. Did not hear back. I did receive the letter today that the exam is established and my new list #
  16. Nope, I didn't get called. I'm kinda hoping I don't get called until early next year. Beggars can't be choosers, but I would rather have MTA stress after the holidays. List #11**, so I don't know how long it will be.
  17. Yes, go down as soon as possible. I agree with sisslims29. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Just make sure you have all of your paperwork together so you don't have to go back unnecessarily.
  18. Wow, 1600's already? Are they randomly calling the first 2000 people? You should try your best to make this appointment, but if you can't you might have to reinstate your name. Or maybe call or email them.
  19. Yep, after your training and you successful qualify, they will schedule you for the DMV road test. However, you might have to ask either Young or SevenEleven on specifics on the actual road test which differs from the MTA qualification test. From what I understand it has become more difficult over the years.
  20. I'm sorry, I guess I didn't word my question properly. I never received one of those letters yet (knock on wood) I just wanted to know if OA (7105) disqualifies the same as NYCT exams (4600) I hope I'm making sense😉
  21. Hey, sisslims29, exam 4600 is a civil service exam. This is exam 7105, and it is not. I don't think I've heard anyone say they got one for OA or MTA Bus. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Young, can you get a 1-n-3 disqualification letter for this exam, or any other non civil service B/O position? (Exam 7105, 7300, 7304)
  23. Yeah, friggin lovely is right. I was 86# now I'm 91#. Wonderful😩
  24. Hmmm, they were telling people they need the actual CDL to get processed? Are you sure? I thought you just need the permit? I think you might have to get your name reinstated because January is a few months off. You might have to ask Young or SevenEleven to make sure.
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