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LGA Link N Train

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Everything posted by LGA Link N Train

  1. A) Thanks. What I don't understand is that any LRT Related proposal to the Rockaway Beach Branch that is proposed is, where would the northern terminal be? C) I think this is the 400th post in this thread
  2. R32 #3925 has those rollsigns that you can mess with without needing a key
  3. http://app.enmodal.co/?id=92eb61021c1ee24e New map, didn't feel like doing anything Crazy (Fordham) is an LRT just so you know
  4. This chat hasn't been heard from in a while. Let me guess, MTA Still didn't award the contract?
  5. Well, I was evaluating this discussion and apparently we're ALL trying to make a point. By the way, any news yet on RBB cause I haven't heard anything in a while
  6. I'm trying to think of an SAS-Third Av proposal but I don't know where to put the northern Terminal. Gun Hill Rd, Burke Av? Does anyone know where I can put A logical terminal in my proposal
  7. Alright, do you or anyone else know the exact location of this train?
  8. What the fffffffffffff (breakso into laughter) A Chambers St looking station as the New NYTM, NO ONE is gonna visit that (except foamers and Railfans of course 😂😂😂😂) and If I were you, then I would've played around with those Rollsigns lol
  9. I just remembered a random dream where I was trying to go home on QBL (from Elmhurst Av for some odd reason?) and all of a sudden there was a Run away Redbird train (R30 to be exact) wi the it's rollsigns set on the and (not sure why I had this dream) and there were a bunch of foamer's inside the train yelling a bunch of stuff. Then I somehow caught up with it at 63 Drive (my stop). Then I woke up wondering. ..... What the **** did I just dream?
  10. I'll keep that in mind next time I ride the and also nice picture. By the way did they update the announcements?
  11. I'm going to try a what if that's different from others. What if the MTA decided to Cuomoize the R142's and R142A/188's???
  13. Everything aside for a moment HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE
  14. Ah I see here, but if you do that than not much would Change. You could extend the to Jamaica and see if it's gonna be useful. Just like what the did with the in 1992 or 3??? Even though that didn't work out with the who knows what could happen with the
  15. That's true but there's also the Bypass that you can connect it to
  16. Ah, this is a difficult one, but since I sent the to Laurelton then hopefully that would result in increased service in the LIRR Port Washington Branch
  17. yes. I just fixed the error, thanks. By the way whats more important. A northern Blvd Subway or the Queens Bypass?
  18. http://app.enmodal.co/?id=b0ea530ff5063095# Map with RBB in it and some other expansions that I don't advocate
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