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Everything posted by subwaycommuter1983

  1. A subway car shortage in the B division will cause severe service reduction on all lettered lines. As a result, a large amount of riders will avoid riding the lettered lines and ride the number lines instead (which are already overcrowded) causing more overcrowding, which will increase dwell times in stations creating more delays. In summary, A division lines will be affected by a subway car shortage in the B division. Let's cross our fingers with the r211's.
  2. In other words, if the r211's continued to be delayed, we could face a severe subway car shortage that will affect the whole system. Keep in mind that ridership is much higher than in 2020 and yes the r46's are in really bad shape.
  3. Exactly. I agree On one hand, some people are very eager to see more r211's in service, which is understandable. The r46's are in really bad shape, constantly breaking down, causing a lot of delays in service. On the other hand, some people still can't accept the fact that the r32's are retired and are looking for whatever excuse to trash the r211's the same way they are trashing the r179's, which is slowly becoming one of the most reliable fleets and I am very confident that the r211's will also become a very reliable fleet. Out with the old. In with the new.
  4. I doubt that something big could happen with the r211's. The pilot r211 train did 2 years of testing unlike the pilot train for the r179's, which only did 1 year of testing. Even the pilot r160 did 1 year of testing and it performed better than the pilot r179's.
  5. Let's be patient. Hopefully, by July the A will most likely be 50% NTTs.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if the MTA does that. The open gang way trains will work best on the lines that have the highest riderships.
  7. I found a video of the open gangway train being tested as a D train. I strongly agree that the E, F and maybe the A should get the open gangway trains. The D does not need open gangway trains. The D will do fine with r211As or possibly the r160's.
  8. I agree with you 100%. The G is the best candidate to get 8 car trains outside ENY. I have a feeling that the G will get 8 car r160's since the G is in Jamaica and Crosstown is getting CBTC. The r160's are CBTC equipped.
  9. The r211's cannot go to the L because it's not compatible with Canarsie CBTC. The technology used for Canarsie CBTC is different from the technology used for the rest of the CBTCs used in the B division. The L will most likely get the r143's from the JZ.
  10. There aren't enough 10 car trains to make both the C and G full length. The C will need 10 car trains more than the G. There is already a surplus of 8 car trains and the 2nd option order will include 4 eight car trains. It makes sense for the G to get 8 car trains because ENY doesn't need all 8 car trains that's in the B division.
  11. I think the C will keep the 8 car r179's until the first option order of r211's. It seems that the MTA wants the C to become 100% NTTs before the C becomes 100% full length due to 8th Avenue CBTC. I don't think it's a good idea for the C to be 100% r46's. It makes more sense for the C to be 100% full length with NTTs.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, there are more than 20 eight car r179 trains split between the C J and Z.
  13. The problem with the MTA is that they don't think about the future.
  14. Since there is a surplus of 8 car trains, the G will get 8 car trains. IMO, the G should get r160's because the G is in Jamaica, the M should be a mixed fleet of r211's and r160's, the L should definitely get the r143's from the JZ and the JZ should be 100% r179's. There's a possibility that the 8 car r211's would be open gangway, so it makes sense for the M to get them, since it runs on QBL.
  15. The C got screwed up big time with the r179's. The MTA didn't order enough 10 car r179's and the C was originally supposed to get the bulk of the r179's, but instead the JZ got the bulk of the r179's. The C will become 100% full length. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when.
  16. Not yet. It seems that the MTA wants to make the C fully NTTs before making the C 100% full length due to 8th Avenue CBTC. They basically want to displace the r46's off the A/C as quickly as possible. So, don't be surprised if the 8 car r179's stay on the C until the first option order.
  17. The C still has 8 car r179's. Therefore, it is not a good idea for the C to have 8 and 10 car r179's. According to the MTA, the A will get r211's first, then the C. IMO the C should keep the 8 car r179's until there are enough first option order of r211's to displace the 8 car trains off the C. The base order should be used to retire the worst performing r46's, while CI keeps the best performing r46's. The first option order of r211's should be used to make the C 100% full length and make the B and D mostly or fully NTTs.
  18. According to the MTA, they will enter service this fall.
  19. The r32's had a worst breakdown rate than the r46's, which already has a terrible breakdown rate. Subway car breakdowns cause delays. Period. And riders notice that.
  20. It's incredible that some rail fans can't accept the fact that the r32's are retired. They are retired because they needed to be retired. Out with the old, In with the new. I said it before and I say it again subway riders don't really care if a yard has a high spare factor or not. Subway riders want better service. Keeping the r32's any longer would cause more delays on the lines that would be using them. There has been a huge increase in delays on lines that currently use r46's due to mechanical issues. What the MTA needs to do is 1. Use the base order of r211's to retire the worst performing r46's (regardless of yard), while CI keeps the best performing r46's until those get indirectly displaced by the option orders of r211. 2. During the weekends have the NQ use the r68's from the B. Note: the media pretty much confirmed that the base order and first option order of r211's will go to the A, B, C, D. The A will get them first, then the C and then the B/D. If that information is true, then Jamaica will only get the second option order, which may be 100% open gangway.
  21. I was born in the 1980's. I remember riding the trains covered with graffiti. I remember the r44's and r46's with a blue stripe. I also remember riding the red birds on the C, 2, 6 and 7 trains. I also rode the r110's A and B a few times. The Franklin Avenue Shuttle is the only subway line that I have never rode.
  22. I saw r211A at 125th Street this afternoon, while I was riding the D train. I thought that new trains are tested during the overnight hours.
  23. Yes, I know. That is why the r211's are going to lines that are getting CBTC. If I'm not mistaken, they are already equipped with CBTC.
  24. The second option order of r211's will allow the NQW to get some r160's, so they won't be entirely r68's.
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