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Grand Concourse

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  1. Oh lord.. what is with people and all the 'where should the R62As go to" crap? I've never seen some people with a hard on over where the cars go like they have to get the last and only word in as if they think they speak the truth. The truth is, your life must be that boring if that is the only thing you must really care about....smh, that's all you can do at this point. end of rant

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    2. Grand Concourse

      Grand Concourse

      Yup. It doesn't surprise me anymore about people wanting to post info they think is right like some sort of pride that they were the first to get it. I could care less at this point. Call me jaded, but big whoop on the person if they get the scoop. To me if you get it right, you win the 'cookie'. If wrong then it's egg on your face. I would rather just wait and see as the saying goes here.

    3. TheSubwayStation


      I really can't tell what the deal is with that junjun guy...I mean, is he just trying to get attention?

    4. Grand Concourse

      Grand Concourse

      It doesn't surprise me at this point. All I see him post on are anything R188 or R62As. The same bad grammar and same bs 'info'.

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