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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. A mile and a half (takes about an half hour to walk).
  2. Today I walked from Gun Hill Road station to Gun Hill Road station... not ONE w/b Bx28 or 38 passed me while I walked that distance.
  3. The R32s ran on weekends when the was split between 32s and 160s What makes the 46s better than the 32s in their final years? Higher MDBF, T/Os still able to stop the R46 smoothly vs rough stops on the 32s, quieter, etc. The R32 was an expensive old fleet to run (MTA said this in an news article) keeping them would have created more headaches not reduce them. The N & Q lines use like what, 15 - 20 sets of R46s on the weekends? You really think they would swap that many trainsets overnight? ... and then swap them back two days later? Sounds like an logical nightmare. They would use the B line layups at CIY before swapping 160s from Jamaica. Considering they don't use the line layups in the masses on weekends perhaps the R46s condition isn't as bad as yall is making it out to be.
  4. They are not that bad to justify shuffling all those cars around just for the weekend, they didn't do that for when the R32s were on the A/C in their final years so why would they do that for the R46s which are a little better?
  5. EDIT: turns out it wasn't even the trains fault, LOL
  6. Cause railfans generally don't like change. IIRC the position light signals date back to the PRR days and is one of last remaining things from the "old school" LIRR along with the M3s and MP15 locomotives. Speaking of MP15s, when does the LIRR plan to replace them? They are from the 70s and I've heard they have to run at restricted speed because they are in such poor condition.
  7. Q train had to be evacuated tonight due to an power problem, I assume the power problem was train related rather than 3rd rail or substation related. Considering that trains were able to run local passed it and the rescue train was able to pick up the riders from the disabled set makes me think it was an train related problem. Reminds me of the two high profile breakdowns the 46s had on the and a few years ago.
  8. Might have been because the MTA tried to jump into new technology with the R44 & R46 fleets, but both fleets were problematic prior to GOH so the TA played it safe with the orders after and went back to the basics with R62/A & R68/A fleets.
  9. Nah, I rode it and it was late afternoon on a weekday due to an service disruption.
  10. There's a switch on the upper level on the local tracks between Bergen and Carroll. I would have sent those Express to Chruch Ave and return to Manhattan via the Express tracks.... so those E's wouldn't tie up the road. A few years ago the was sent to Euclid via the Fulton express.
  11. Rode an new 7900 tonight, been on them a few times but tonight I noticed that the op was stomping on the accelerator to the floor and the takeoff was average at best. I remember when the Orion hybrids were new the op had to be gentle with the accelerator cause they was so fast. Looks like XD40 fleet peaked with the 4800s in terms of acceleration. Also I could be wrong, but XDE40 feels lighter in weight compared to the XD40, is that the case? Just my observations as an passenger...
  12. The past two weeks the has been running a midday G.O during the week but running normally on weekends, odd. That 24 minute shuttle G.O to Canarsie sucks, this week it was flagging from E105th to Shutter Ave, urggghhh...
  13. Did they use an work diesel to tow the broken down R68 train in Harlem today? It was stuck at 125th with an mechanical problem for a while and when I rode past there the defective 68 set was parked at 135th street on the same track as the diesel locomotive.
  14. Seriously, why do two of three buses on the B42 always bunch up on Saturday evenings? Early afternoon the buses are evenly spaced out but at least two of the buses are bunched up early evenings.
  15. On the and yes, QBL not yet but it will use ATO in the future.
  16. Considering how much drama the NYC Transit buff community has....No. Also, no way it be would as professionally done as an official news conference would be. Some railfans even use the MTA board meetings to beef with other railfans SMH lol. If I was the MTA I'd say far, far away from having buffs officially reveal anything. The R211 unveiling got an offical news conference with legit news reporters, railfans just happened to be there as well. I highly doubt the MTA officially invited railfans, the fans there most likely had inside sources that let them know about the event.
  17. I wonder if they will put the open gangway set on display for the public at the IND Hoyt station like they did when the R160 was new to show off the FIND.
  18. The R46s have issues but they are not gonna go out of their way to sideline them, the R32/42 were running 24/7 on the right before the R179 pushed them out and had an even worse MDBF than the R46 do now. I don't recall this much concern when the R32s were running 24/7 on the and in their last days now everyone is so concerned about the R46s running 24/7 when it's a FACT that the 2022 R46s are more reliable than the R32 was towards the end of their service lifes. The R46 have problems but they are not say, R16 levels of bad. They will last long enough until the R211s take over. I've seen this on here and Reddit this fear that one day the R46 fleet will suddenly drop dead which is silly considering that has never happened in the subway's 118 year history? IMO putting 46s on the wouldn't help much as I've personally been on 68s on the with defects in recent times. One four car set had one car with broken A/C (on a day where it was very humid) and dead motors on back to back cars. A fellow rider yelled out "JESUS CHRIST!" When he stepped inside the car cause it was so warm in there.
  19. The M15 SBS is based out of an brand new bus depot, always thought they would have an fancy new bus wash that would be superior to the bus washes at the older depots Well for the exterior of the bus at least, the interior being dirty that's on the passengers. Grand Ave which is also an fairly new depot seems to keep their buses looking really nice. I don't ride Charleston buses often enough to have an opinion about their cleanliness.
  20. According to this source, the R211s revenue service is expected by spring 2023.. https://www.railjournal.com/passenger/metros/new-york-exercises-option-with-kawasaki-for-640-metro-cars/?fbclid=IwAR0H5kbTzQ_wPPwVgxGdWFcQM6w3GrtQpUVFew0kVRD6L1nG-jXhLn4kObU
  21. I don't l like to stand, bigger doors = less seating capacity. I backtrack to 8th Ave and Hudson Yards so I don't have to stand on and trains It always irks me whenever there's a news report about the R211 they always tout the bigger doors as some kind of improvement but never mention the reduced seating capacity due to those bigger doors.
  22. Funny you bring this up, LIRR sort of planned this with the M7 (it was originally planned look like the M3s do before they changed the design, rendering below) I love the M1/M3 cars but I'm glad the M7s ended up with its current design. The SMEE's are my favorite group of subway cars but I wouldn't want the NTT to look like them... I'm satisfied with the design of the current NTT, just wish the R211 doors were the same size as the R160s doors, my only complaint.
  23. Why does the 409 take two+ hours to travel between WRTC and Trenton? I always imagined the route to "flow" like say the M5 on Riverside Drive in NYC. I always wondered why this route has such a long runtime considering most of South Jersey seems to be rural so it can't be getting hammered by heavy ridership and traffic right? Any insight would be appreciated. Wanted to fan it but it that would mean multiple 2 hour long bus rides in one day (NEC to 409-551-319 is the planned trip) would feel more like a Greyhound ride than a commuter bus ride lol.
  24. Does anybody know why they removed the R179 train from service on the 125th street S/B platform this evening? TA said the emergency brake got pulled but there's got to be more to the story than that? All the local stops S/B on CPW have large crowds due to the delay in service.
  25. Metrocard RTS 0006 just drove past me at the park! Was in the park browsing and heard a very familiar sound that I knew I heard before (DD50 engine) turned around it was the RTS! It got on the West Side Highway. Always cool when I run into those Metrocard RTS post spring of 2019.
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