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East New York

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Everything posted by East New York

  1. OMG! I forgot Cow & Chicken! That was me and my mom's absolute favorite too!
  2. I miss the good old Nickelodeon show's like The Ren & Stimpy Show , You Can't Say That On Television, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Doug, Clarissa Explains it All, Rocko's Modern Life, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, David and The Gnomes. And non-Nick cartoons/shows, Capitan Planet, James Bond Jr., Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Inspector Gadget, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Ducktails, Loony Toons/Tiny Toons, Garfield, Pinky & The Brain, Yogui & The Bear, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, The Smurfs, He-Man, and Alf I got carried away. But those were the days!!
  3. Ok, I know I have basicly taken a break from all things buses this week, but I know I'm not that far out of the loop. Orions as CP from LIB??? I beg to differ! And they are dropping like flies!
  4. I just can't get over an RTS on the M1!! As KR would say, "Foamalicious!"
  5. Ok wait a minute!!!! I might have to get the Blackberry 9850 4G for Sprint!! It's a touch screen like the Torch, and it will be on the RIM OS 6.3. Damn... Now I don't know what to do! I want to see the phone!! Not this stupid sneak peak!
  6. You can get mad if you want to....... She likes it my way!! Don't check me! It was yo girl who let me.....
  7. Ditto what Cait Sith said in the above post. To add on to that, it has nothing to do with union issues. It's a TA depot. I has to do with fleet planning. Ulmer might need a little more space, but they will have new buses way before an expansion is even going to be on the table.
  8. What do you mean the building isn't made for hybrids? I say send more RTS', not hybrids. We have a million of them mothballed at ECH. Besides, I like seeing Nova's at LGA. I would love to see more go over there. They hold up better on the heavy used lines IMO.
  9. You're killing me softly T.J. Please let's not rush the inevitable.
  10. With Sprint I have 30 days to return the phone. I'm definitely getting the EVO, but I want to play with the Android Nextel before I get it. I haven't had Nextel since I switched to the PCS side in 2007.
  11. Can you do me a favor and resize this so I can use it for my signature?
  12. I think I want to play with this Android for 30 days! Then I'll get my EVO.
  13. I wouldn't doubt that at all. 5072 is now at 126 as well. The thought of that is just so beautiful! I probably would have embarrassed myself just like I did the first time I saw an R160 on the . You would have thought I won the lottery!
  14. It all started for me around 1985. My mother said my first word was mommy, and my second word was bus! She said if I heard the sound of one I would run to the window of our appartment screaming "bus," while pointing out the window at the same time. It always amazed her that I would never mix-up the sound of a city bus with a truck, or school bus. New Looks, RTS', and Flxibles were all I knew. I used to catch the latter, along with old MCI MC-9's I think when they were at NJT. I wasn't allowed to ride the subway by myself until around 1997, but I would sneak off and catch an RTS inbetween the times I had to "check in at home." I was allowed to take my first solo bus trip in 1993, when I was just turning 10. I was like, "Mom, you gotta let me go out sometime by myself! I'm 10 years old now. I'm more than half way grown!" I bothered her everyday untill she finally let me go. That was probably one of the best days of my life, and one of the worst for her. LOL. I hung out with B/O's and in depots back before the days of worry about terrorism, and stuff like that. Buy the time I was 15, I knew the ins and outs of Brooklyn and Manhattan. I didn't really get interested in trains until around 2005 when I began to ride R143's daily on the . By the time I was 16, I had been on countless transit systems from here to Sydney, Australia and back! Then I found NYCTF and TTMG(transiTalk) in 2008, and the rest is history!
  15. Congrats!!! I'm engaged now to be married next year, but I'm starting to get cold feet already!
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